
UUID: weather@mockturtl
Last edited:
1 week ago 2025-02-21, 03:45
Last commit: [4cbf9f5f] weather@mockturtl: Update German (de) translation (#6897)

View your local weather forecast




Adaptation of Gnome Shell's weather extension for the Cinnamon desktop.

cinnamon-weather uses Semantic Versioning. For the current version number, see metadata.json.


Versions are automatically selected based on you Cinnamon's version.

  • Cinnamon 3.0+ is End-of-Life, won't receive more updates
  • Cinnamon 3.8+ is the currently supported version.


Right-click to access cinnamon-settings -> Applets -> Configure.


The applet obtains the location automatically. If the automatic location not adequate for you, you can use the Manual Location mode where the applet either accepts:

  • Coordinates in Latitude, Longitude format (e.g. 37.77,122.41). You can use OpenWeatherMap's finder and paste the coordinates in from there.
  • or an Address (it can be just a city and country, it is pretty flexible). After 3 seconds, the applet will replace the text that you entered with the full address it finds so you can verify if it's correct. You can also get your exact address to enter from OpenStreetMap's Nominatim search, the service the applet uses.

You can also save locations what you entered manually and switch between them in the applet (arrows will appear on both sides of the location in the applet if you have more than two saved).

Weather providers to choose from

Weather Providers Needs API key Maximum Forecast Days Maximum Forecast Hours Immediate Forecast Alerts Other information
Open-Meteo No 16 24 No No Default provider
OpenWeatherMap No 7 0 No No --
MET Norway No 10 48 Depends Depends --
DMI Denmark No 10 48 No No --
Deutscher Wetterdienst No 10 240 No Yes --
Met Office UK No 5 36 No No --
US National Weather No 7 156 No Yes --
OpenWeatherMap OneCall Yes 8 48 Yes Alerts --
Pirate Weather Yes 7 168 Yes Depends --
Visual Crossing Yes 15 336 No Yes --
WeatherBit Yes 16 0** No Yes* -- Yes 15 108 No Depends Previously known as Climacell
AccuWeather Yes 5*** 12 No No* Limited free calls
Weather Underground Yes 5 0 No No --


Open-Meteo is an open-source weather API since 2022 that offers free access for non-commercial use. This applets default weather provider from 2024. No API key required. Read more about the service here.


Worldwide Online Weather service by OpenWeather Ltd founded in 2012 with headquarters in London UK. OpenWeatherMap Website. Read more about the service here.

  • This used to be the default provider until May 2024. Big Thanks to them supporting free open source projects, like this!

MET Norway

Free meteorological data and forecasts from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute founded in 1866. MET Norway Website. Read more about the institute here.

  • Nowcast (Immediate precipitation and granular observations) is not available outside Norway. In that case, observations are shown for the next hour.

  • Daily forecasts are generated from 6 hour forecasts (for every hour), so there is a possibility that they are inaccurate sometimes.

  • Alerts are only available in Norway

DMI Denmark

The Danish Meteorological Institute formed in 1872 and makes weather forecasts and observations for Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands. DMI Denmark Website Read more about the institute here.

  • The service is global with open weather data.

Deutscher Wetterdienst

German National Weather Provider. Deutsche Wetterdienst Website. Read more about the institute here.

  • Only covers Germany.

Met Office UK

The Meteorological Office, abbreviated as the Met Office, is the UK's national weather service founded in 1854. Met Office UK Website. Read more about the agency here.

  • Only covers the UK.

  • Sometimes it takes like 5-10 seconds to obtain weather, please be patient when it loads up the first time.

  • It uses the nearest forecast site and observation sites in an 50km area, it displays an error if it does not find any. Please open a new issue if this happens and you live in the UK! (There are much less observation sites than forecast sites.)

US National Weather

The National Weather Service in the USA is a federal government agency formed in 1861. US National Weather Website. Read more about the agency here.

  • Only covers the US

  • Sometimes it takes 10-15 seconds to obtain weather, please be patient when it loads up the first time.

  • Observations are quite spotty so it combines multiple observation stations if needed in a 50km area.

Swiss Météo

Weather Forecast service in Switzerland run by Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss since 2000 with history back to 1864. Read more about the agency here.

  • Only covers Switzerland

OpenWeatherMap OneCall

Version of OpenWeatherMap that supports more features (as before), but needs an API key. You can register for an API key here. After that change your Call limit from 2000 to 1000 to make sure you are not charged.

  • Provides 1000 Free calls a day

Pirate Weather

Direct replacement to DarkSky. Run by one guy, it's also open source. If you like the accuracy of the data or you want to keep the project going, subscribe to a paid plan. 10000 calls free. You can get an API key here.

You can read about the project here.

Alerts are an US only feature as of May 2024.

Visual Crossing

Weather service from Visual Crossing Corporation founded in 2003 with headquarters in USA and Germany. Visual Crossing Website. Read more about the service here.

  • Needs an API key, you can Sign Up here and grab one

  • Provides 1000 Free calls a day

Historical and Forecast Weather data service provided by Weatherbit LLC in the USA. Website. Read more about the service here.

  • To get an API key, go to and create an account. Then go your Dashboard where you should find your secret key already created.

  • At least 1 hour refresh rate is recommended, otherwise you might exceed you daily quota. The Free API subscription is limited to 50 calls per day.

  • **Hourly Weather forecast requires a non-free account

  • *Using alerts will increase call usage by 33%.

Meteorological data from American weather technology company with headquarters in Boston since 2016. Changed name from Climacell to in March 2021. Website. Read more about the company here.

  • Please note that old ClimacellV4 keys are not working anymore. You need to re-register and get a new key.

  • API key can be obtained here. Register and the API key will be shown in the Develpment section. Free plan comes with 1000 free calls per day.

  • Alerts are available in the US and Canada. Seems to have repeated alerts.


Online Service from company AccuWeather Inc, founded in 1962 with headquarters in the US, provides a global weather source. AccuWeather Website. Read more about the company here

  • With the free plan, there are only a very limited number of calls for a day, which will be displayed in the applet menu. Please lower your Update interval setting in Configuration or you may run out of calls and then the service will stop with an error message until the next day.

  • ***Number of available hours and days are specified for the free plan, paid plans allow more.

  • API keys can be obtained here. Register, then you must add a new App. When it's created Click on the App and the key will be displayed.

  • *Alerts are not provided in the Free or Standard plan as of May 2024 so it's not worth supporting in the applet.

Weather Underground

Weather Underground is a privately owned, web-based weather information company. It provides weather observations and forecasts in a large number of locations around the world. It was founded by Jeff Masters in 1995 with headquarters in Ann Arbor United States. Weather Underground website. Read more about the service here.

  • Only allows 1500 calls a day, so 15min refresh cycle is recommended.
  • Weather Underground is a global community of people connecting data from environmental sensors like weather stations (250.000) and air quality monitors so they can provide the rich, hyperlocal data you need.
  • You need an API key. If you don't have a weather station to share data with WU, you can't have an API key. However, you can add a Raspberry Pi as a device for the weather station choice when registering, even if you don't have one, and it will get you the API key.
  • Disclaimer: Observations don't provide weather conditions so the forecast one for the day is used.

Usage of "Override label on panel", "Override location label" and "Override tooltip on panel" setting

The setting allows you to make the applet display basically anything in the form of text in the panel (and other places). In addition, it exposes a number of values for you to use as you like, these will be replaced with actual data values. The full text-to-value mapping can be found below. Left-pad values with up to 3 zeros using {humidity,3.0}. Right-pad values with up to 4 spaces using {t.4} (or {t.4. }). Some values have an overridable default padding.

Text to enter Mapped value Padding Pad Right Pad Char
{t} Temperature value 3 true
{u} Temperature unit
{c} Short condition text
{c_long} Long condition text (same as short if not available)
{dew_point} Dew point value
{humidity} Humidity value (always as percent) 2 true
{pressure} Pressure value 6 true
{pressure_unit} Pressure unit
{extra_value} API specific value (usually "Feels Like" or "Cloudiness") 3 true
{extra_name} API specific value's name
{city} City name shown in the popup
{country} Country name shown in the popup
{search_entry} Search entry text in manual location (or location store)
{last_updated} Formatted last updated time
{br} Line Break
{wind_speed} Wind speed
{wind_unit} Wind speed unit
{wind_dir} Wind direction in text format (NW, etc)
{wind_arrow} Wind direction as text arrow (↘, etc)
{wind_deg} Wind direction as degree value
{sunrise} Sunrise time
{sunset} Sunset time
{day_length} Daylight length in hours and minutes
{day_remain} Daylight remaining in hours and minutes ("" after dark)
{day_rem_pct} Daylight remaining as percentage ("0" after dark)
{day_len_rem} Day length and daylight remaining (or day length)
{min} Minimum temperature
{max} Maximum temperature
{tmr_min} Tomorrow's min temperature
{tmr_max} Tomorrow's max temperature
{tmr_min_diff} Tomorrow's min temperature difference from today
{tmr_max_diff} Tomorrow's max temperature difference from today
{tmr_t} Tomorrow's min and max temperatures
{tmr_td} Tomorrow's min and max temperatures with differences
{tmr_c} Tomorrow's short condition text
{t_h} Temperature in next 1-2 hours
{t_h_diff} Temperature change in next 1-2 hours with arrow indicator
{br} Line Break

1-Line Examples:

Current Temp, Condition: {t}{u}, {c} Daylight & Extremes: {day_len_rem} ({day_rem_pct}%), Min: {min}{u}, Max: {max}{u} Full Current Weather: {t}{u}{t_h_diff}, {c_long}, {humidity}%, {wind_speed}{wind_unit} {wind_dir} ({wind_deg}°), {pressure}{pressure_unit} Location & Weather: {city} {country}: {t}{u}, {c}, Wind: {wind_speed}{wind_unit} Pressure, Humidity, & Wind: {pressure}{pressure_unit}, {humidity}%, {wind_speed}{wind_unit} {wind_dir} Tomorrow's Full Forecast: Tomorrow: {tmr_min}{u} - {tmr_max}{u}, {tmr_c}

2-Line Examples:

Comprehensive Weather & Daylight: {c} {t}{t_h_diff}{br}{wind_speed}{wind_arrow} {humidity}% {pressure} {day_remain} Feels Like with Full Wind Info: {t}{u}{t_h_diff} Feels: {extra_value}{u}{br}Wind: {wind_speed}{wind_unit}, {wind_dir} ({wind_deg}°) Full Daylight & Timing: {sunrise} - {sunset}{br}{day_len_rem} ({day_rem_pct}%) Location, Weather, & Wind Details: {city}, {country}: {t}{u}{t_h_diff}{br}{c}, {wind_speed}{wind_unit} {wind_dir}, {humidity}% Today and Tomorrow: {min} / {max} {u} {c} {t}{u}{br}{tmr_t} {tmr_c}

Run script when the weather data changes

"Run a script when the weather info changes" field will run the command you provide every time the weather data is updated. The command will be interpolated with the same values with the same format you can get in any of the overrides, in addition you get {full_data} which is the full current weather data. Interpolation with single brackets {xxx} will not be escaped, with double brackets {{xxxx}} they are wrapped in single quotes ' and all other single quotes are escaped inside. Padding and padding defaults can be included with triple brackets {{{xxx}}}. You can use this to integrate the weather data with other parts of your system.


  • notify-send "The weather is {c} and the temperature is {t}{u}\" will show a notification with the current weather condition and temperature.

  • echo {{full_data}} > /tmp/weather_data will save the full weather data to a file in /tmp.

Weather data structure you receive

Future Plans

Custom Overrides

  • Store more forecast variables such as Humidity and Pressure, and add more tags for changes in values

  • Add support for minutely forecasts.

  • Add ability to specify number of decimal places in values, e.g., {t_h_diff,4. .1} for 1 decimal place, left-padded with spaces to width of 4. (This might be achievable by extracting float values then applying a default or specified precision to all numerical values.)

  • Make tags that (or a way to) default to '' when no upcoming forecast changes in value to save panel space.

  • Add options to use different Unicode arrows for wind direction and change in temp indicators.

  • Add presets.

Language Translations

If you want to update or change the translation in your language other than English, here are some steps to get you started. Keep in mind that your local changes will be overwritten when an update of the applets language is installed. Feel free to share your translation, which is very much appreciated, by making a PR (pull request) on Github or contact the current maintainer of the applet.

  1. Install the translation editor poedit with your package manager and download your language PO file e. g. xx.po where xx is your ISO language code, and the template POT file weather@mockturtl.pot from the files/weather@mockturtl/po/ sub directory on the Github website

  2. Start poedit and open your downloaded PO file xx.po, then go to menu Catalogue or Translate depending on version, choose "Update from POT file…" and open the POT file weather@mockturtl.pot. Start your editing and try to use previously contributed translations as much as possible and get familiar with the correct technical weather terms for things in your language.

  3. When done translating, click on Validate and Save. This creates a new MO file that you can use locally in your system by overwriting the file ~/.local/share/locale/xx/LC_MESSAGES/ and restart your system to check how your translation works.

Known Issues

  • Hourly forecast toggle button is not centered to the middle of the popup menu

  • Sunset/Sunrise is not displayed correctly if there is a mismatch between the Location Timezone and System Timezone when using Manual Location with some of the weather providers

  • On subsequent refreshes/relogins the popup menu's element's may lose all padding.

  • If the popup menu is open while refreshing the current weather value row (Temp, Pressure, etc) might shrink so it can't display the values. Workaround: Manual refresh while the popup menu is closed.

  • New Breeze icons don't display properly. If you are using them or any icon theme that inherits from them they (mostly) will appear as white boxes. See Symbolic icon rendering issues in Arch linux Cinnamon (#20) · Issues · Frameworks / Breeze Icons · GitLab

Report a new issue

You need a Github login to make a issue report. Please first check if the issue already is reported here. You will find more information about reporting in the Configuration under the Help Tab, accessible by right clicking on the applet. Here you can save logs to file with debug level that is much appreciated. By using the Submit an Issue Button under this Tab, useful system information will be generated for your report form in your default web browser at


Enabling debug mode

You can enable debug mode for more logging by creating a file named DEBUG in the folder of the applet here: ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/, then restart Cinnamon.

See the logs producing by applets

You can see Logs by opening the Cinnamon 'Looking Glass' debugger. You can open it by Right Clicking on your Panel (taskbar), then Troubleshoot->Looking Glass

Logs can be found under the Log Tab.




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Ioann Kulikov
Ioann Kulikov-1 week ago
There are some minor problems with the Russian translation in this applet, please fix it! For example, some untranslated words immediately catch my eye. words: Instead of "Ощущаются как..." it looks like "Feels Like". And instead of "Снежные крупинки" it looks like "Snow grains". Please review the inaccuracies of the Russian translation and correct them.
keraform-5 months ago
It would be great if the temperature display could show decimal values as well. Rounding can result in a difference of up to 1 degree. It makes a big difference whether it is -0.5 or +0.4 degrees in reality when the app shows 0 degrees.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 months ago
If you are using MET Norway before 3.6.5/6 turn off Alerts, the call I used have reached end of life so it breaks. I will update it to the new version soon.
Sergedel-6 months ago
Just a little "bug" in french translation: - With "Open Meteo", the applet display in french (now "Ciel couvert") - With "OpenWeatherMap", the applet display "Clear" in the tray and "Ciel dégagé" (good display) in the popup...
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 months ago
I noticed blocks the exact user-agent string in combination with old Cinnamon versions making address->lat,long lookups not work. (You can verify this by take a peek at Looking Glass and see errors including and 403 code Forbidden). If you are using automatic locations you are not affected by this. For now in Applet Settings->Help you can override the User Agent string yourself until I implement better error handling for it and change the string again.
vlado-77-7 months ago
weather@mockturtl funktioniert seit Wochen nicht mehr, warum? Heutiges Datum: 03.08.2024 Seit mindestens 8 Wochen keine funktionierende weather@mockturtl Applikation; keine Syncronisation mit allen freien Wetterprovidern. Linux mint 20.3 keine Unterstützung mehr? Wer weiß das, bin ich der einzigste der diese App nutzt?
vlado-77-7 months ago
weather@mockturtl funktioniert seit Wochen nicht mehr, warum?
rabbit-stew-7 months ago
I just want to tell you how great this applet is and to thank you for all of your work on it. It's been a reliable part of my desktop for quite a while. So, thank you. :)
Philippe-7 months ago
Hi, I have been using your Cinnamon-weather app for several years. I live in Switzerland and unfortunately the weather data provided by your app is very often inaccurate. In summer Open-Meteo is the most reliable, but in winter Visual Crossing is the most accurate. The real-time weather is often wrong / extremely inaccurate when the weather is bad. Moreover, there can be up to several degrees of difference between the data from Swissmétéo and that of your app. Could you provide us with a more accurate service for my region using data from Swissmétéo or Weather Underground which are much more accurate?! Best regards.
k4100x-8 months ago
Looks great and is easy to configure. Thank you!
Landon-8 months ago
Service Error -- Linux Mint Cinnamon 5.2.7 wm: muffin dm: LightDM Distro: Linux Mint 20.3 Una Attempted to switch weather providers and used both manual location and automatic location.
Sean Johnston
Sean Johnston-8 months ago
Found the option to get logging out. Looks like there's a couple of issues with geolocation. With no location in the config it tries a service that is failing (the 500 code). Adding a text location changes this to a service it has been banned from for too many lookups. Setting the location manually to the lat, long coordinates skips all that and I now have weather!
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-7 months ago
The issues with no location is supposed to be fixed, but could you provide some logs if you can? Plus, could you provide the ban message/payload for the text location? For a single IP there should be a 1request/sec rate limit for
Sean Johnston
Sean Johnston-8 months ago
Getting the same recently here. From the logs it looks like whatever server it is connecting to is failing (500 error code, internal error). Sadly the log doesn't show what the URL is. Given it happens regardless of what provider I chose I suspect this is some sort of call home.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-7 months ago
There is no call home in the applet, but it looks up your location with every provider unless you directly supply the lat/lon coordinates. In Settings->Help you can switch to Debug or even Verbose logs if you want to see the urls or they payloads.
darkguset-8 months ago
For some reason 3.6.1 remained on my PC and Mint wouldn't update it. The update appeared on the Update Centre but It would take forever to 'download', take a few seconds to 'install', Cinnamon was restarted but the aplet was still 3.6.1 and the update was still in the centre. I tried removing it from the Mint Aplet management app and re-installing but that didn't work either. Finally I completely removed it, downloaded the ZIP file from here, copied it in the Aplets directory and it is working fine. Not sure if this was just my PC or if this is a wider issue, just putting it out there for people who have the same issue on how to resolve it.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-8 months ago
I noticed the providers that are not providing timezone information (DMI, MET Norway, MET UK, Deutcher Wetterdienst and are broken if Automatic locations is used. Please update to 3.6.2 when available or use manual locations with the correct timezone provided until then.
Hilyx-9 months ago
Best weather applet for linux. Gnome shell or plasma don't have suitable extensions for the weather data. Thank you.
kuehhe1-9 months ago
The update to version 3.6.0 (2024-05-30 12:01:18) fixes the reported bug of the mixed German / English translation Not.
Ayron Grenier
Ayron Grenier-9 months ago
I got a "Service Error" with this applet and it stuck in "Loading" forever. I think the problem is because I need to use a proxy to access internet, I got the proxy configured in Cinnamon Network Proxy settings and as global variables in my shell (HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, etc). Maybe the applet doesn't respect this config???
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-9 months ago
Can you tell me your Linux Mint/Cinnamon version? Can you tell me roughly what kind of proxy you are using? The applet should be picking up the proxy settings automatically.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-9 months ago
I had to reduce functionality of OpenWeatherMap provider in 3.5.0, please see this thread: Please see this thread: In short, you need to select a different one from the list of providers (and optionally set it up).
ttjimera-9 months ago
After today's update, the hourly forecast is no longer showing. Can't see anywhere I can turn it back on. Also the name of the city/country of my saved location is no longer showing. Instead it is showing the actual city/country from the feed. I prefer how it works previously. The city/country I used in my saved location are more descriptive and personal to me.
Axel Schneider
Axel Schneider-9 months ago
After today's update, the expand arrow has disappeared.
caterfully-9 months ago
3.4.3: Have been getting "Incorrect API key" error message for Weather Underground (for which I have an API key) for the past couple of days.
dannn-o-9 months ago
Same - Version 3.4.3 (2024-05-08 06:04:43) results in "Incorrect API Key" error for Weather Underground. I have logged into my account to confirm the correct API key is (still) configured properly.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-10 months ago
Apologies for the spotty support for the applet in the past 2 months especially with the applet having this big of an issues. All connectivity (refresh) issues should be solved with 3.4.2, if it didn't fix it for you report it here:
dfwdraco76-11 months ago
What is the correct protocol for feature requests? I would really like to see local radar. With the crazy storms we have in Texas it would be great to have quick and easy access to radar in order to see what's coming my way.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-10 months ago
Requests usually go here: If you tag me I will get notified. Unfortunately there is no notification support on this website so I only read the comments when I remember.
junglized-11 months ago
Decent applet. Unfortunately I have an issue with layout of applet's elements when I log out or system is hibernated and then I log in back again. It looks like padding/margin between elements is affected.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-10 months ago
I'll add this to the know issues (well, I known about it for a while) so I will add it to the readme. I'll have another go at this soon.
Landon-1 year ago
I finally got mine working again by adding a manual location.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-10 months ago
Found the issue, will be fixed in the next update. Explanation
D4rkKaizen-1 year ago
works fine
karle-007-1 year ago
It appears to be working now. There are some new updates for the Applet and the Cinnamon session manager+Control Center. It has been stable for the last two days. Thank you...
Vajda Örs
Vajda Örs-1 year ago
Things start to be very odd on my end. I also upgraded my Mint from 21.2 to 21.3 and this circling icon still appears, however I also upgraded three of my laptops to Mint 21.3, and this arrow thing doesn't even show up, it works as intended but only on laptops o.O And its not even with the wifi or plugged in network, I tried them both, both seems to work on laptops, but not on desk pc. It's something that happened with cinnamon or mint's network manager
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-10 months ago
Most of that issue should be fixed bow, but there is still a deadlock in the applet during (re)connecting to wifi It's fixed but needs to be tested by someone other than me:
Henry Thoreau
Henry Thoreau-1 year ago
This applet seems to not be able to detect a network connection on LM 21.3 Cinnamon. Freeze on reboot. Freeze on load. Only works after fresh install. Which means the network check is bypassed on install. Disabled until fixed.
rammjet-1 year ago
Version 3.4.0 (2024-02-04 13:33:18) - Still a problem.
karle-007-1 year ago
After a few updates, it was working by itself, but now the same problem happens. I need to restart manually.
rammjet-1 year ago
The problem started occurring with Mint 21.3. I find that if I go to Applets, then delete Weather, then add Weather, it works until the next reboot.
Wayne-1 year ago
Stopped working several days ago. Have updated every time I've been notified but still just shows "Error". Uninstalled for now.
angelotux-1 year ago
circling icon doesn't work
Vajda Örs
Vajda Örs-1 year ago
Don't worry I already reported that issue: he's working on it on a pull request, its on his todo:
retirement2021-1 year ago
Thank you for the update for this great applet, however i still have the same circling icon of doom on restart.
karle-007-1 year ago
Thank you for your assistance in repairing the applet. I like this applet, and I respect your work.
Man with No Name
Man with No Name-1 year ago
Applet not usable since the update of Mint to 21.3 as many others also reported this issue... When I first start my computer the applet shows a circling icon, then I either reload my cinnamon with the hotkey or the applet itself and its gonna work. But this workaround drives me crazy, it worked before, this applet wasn't ready at all for Cinnamon 6.0! Reported the issue and the creator answered some neutral monologue whatever he means by that: Gr3q "I see so it's a race condition on start (I don't cancel ongoing refreshes). Also I don't invalidate errors on network state changes." From my reading he doesnt want to bother fixing the applet, it would be easier to say it then..... I wish I knew how to fix it so I'd do it by my hands, but I'm gonna look into its code to see if I find something.
karle-007-1 year ago
After updated to 21.3 I have to restart in the settings to get my weather data back on the desktop.
fossili-1 year ago
My workaround: log out and in again and "voila"
fossili-1 year ago
My new workarount: reload cinnamon by clicking applet "reload cinnamon"
karle-007-1 year ago
When you read my post in the beginning, you will see that I solved this workaround. However, this approach may not be the optimal solution for a functional applet that has previously been effective.
angelotux-1 year ago
I updated to 21.3 and I always get loading applet when I restart cinnamon unlocks
Yueh72-1 year ago
I found a workaround, just add a new applet and it will load weather, then remove the new applet.
Man with No Name
Man with No Name-1 year ago
It's temporary dude, next restart crashes it again. I already reported this on the creator's github but I don't know what he means with this latest comment if he ever gonna fix it or no
iamgitcat-1 year ago
Hi, is it possible to force using locale for applet other than the system one?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-1 year ago
For language: That is not possible. For units: They are configurable. For times (hours/etc): As long as the timezone is available for the location they should be displayed for that timezone.
yesdrs13-1 year ago
Hi, firstly, I want to say that this is a wonderful app! Thank you for this awesome creation! Next, I have a question/suggestion: I love the sunrise/set times. Is it possible to add in the moon rise/set times along with moon phase? It's just a thought; if not, no big thing. But, again, thanks for the incredible app!
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-1 year ago
There is an applet for that now. The moon phase should be pretty easy, I'm not sure where would I put the rise/set times tho on the ui.
SciTecDC-1 year ago
There is an issue with the hourly weather toggle button, which only occurs under certain conditions. Access to said button is no longer possible if 1. the toolbar is set to hide either automatically or intelligently and 2. the window of any application has been maximized at the same time. Although the toggle switch is initially visible under these conditions, when pressed it only opens the hourly weather display, after which it appears to hide behind the toolbar and can no longer be used to close it. The phenomenon does not occur if the toolbar remains permanently visible and/or any application's window has been minimized or switched down on the toolbar, regardless of how the toolbar is configured. While this doesn't impede the information you want to see, it certainly isn't correct. Observed in LMDE 5, Cinnamon 5.6.8!
Hilyx-1 year ago
Great applet thank you !
erwn-1 year ago
Thank you very much for this helpful applet! One proposal for a small improvement: Better order of the different temperatures on the page: Temperature, "Feels like", dewpoint, ... (the rest).
Eugene-2 years ago
Hi. Thanks for the weather widget, I have been using it for a long time. I noticed that periodically the free space between interface elements is missing.
bignexus-2 years ago
Hello, first i want say ty for the great applet. But i hope you can change a little bit in the German translation.. The applet shows > Dev Point < - for German is not translate... but the german word is > Taupunkt < hope you can change it in near future ..
tigger6333-2 years ago
I just wanted to thank the team for the great Weather applet. I am a new Mint user and have found this a very useful applet. As an Australian user, I would like to request that UV readings also be included in the display. Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world and the UV being displayed would be useful for many Aussies. Thanks again for your great work. Cheers Tigger6333
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-1 year ago
Do you want UV index only for current observations?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-1 year ago
I'll try to add it in the next release
Owweeee-2 years ago
Have an error coming up with "observations not iterable". Running on cinnamon 5.6.7 on Mint 21.1. Using the Met Office in the UK.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-2 years ago
Fixed in , it will be available soon after it's merged in
Harry W. Haines III
Latest update on 2022.12.11 puts all the characters on the weather display panel too close together. Reverting back to the previous version and refreshing Cinnamon fixed it. I'm on LMDE 5, fully updated.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-2 years ago
It's a change in Cinnamon, I recommend overriding the label for the applet (you can add as much whitespace as you want that way)
kuehhe1-2 years ago
Hallo, dass Applet funktioniert auf LM20.3 und LM21 Cinnamon sehr gut. ;) Eingestellt ist Hier der Deutsche Wetterdienst Habe gerade was herausgefunden: bei Klick auf den im geöffneten Applet angezeigten Text des "Wochentages" öffnet sich, in Abhängigkeit der im Einrichten-Fenster als "Vorhersagezeitraum .. (in Stunden)" eingestellten Stunden, die Vorhersage-Zeitleiste oder wie man sie nennen mag zum ausgewählten Wochentag bei 06.00Uhr. Bei Klick auf "Heute" springt die Leiste zur aktuellen Zeit, siehe dazu die Markierungen im Anhang In der Hilfe steht zu dieser interaktiven Funktion nichts.
colecrew-2 years ago
Weather applet not working today regardless of what source I select. Worked fine yesterday (MINT 20.3).
briandoe1-2 years ago
Just did a fresh install of Mint 20 on a new (to me) laptop. I installed the Weather applet and wanted to give you a heads-up about using the Accuweather service. Apparently when using it, all weather icons show up as a cloud with an exclamation point. Could be none of the icons are being mapped correctly. Switching to a different service got normal icons back. Also, using the "US National Weather" service, tomorrow's verbose forecast is "Hot" (it's going to be 101F, go figure), but its associated icon also shows a cloud with an exclamation point. Been using your applet for years, and really enjoy it! Keep up the good work!
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-2 years ago
for the US National Weather, none of the linux iconsets I've looked through has an icon for hot weather, so it has to fall back to the one with exclamation point unfortunately. As for Accuweather, it is probably tied to the data around your location, without Verbose logs when it happens I cannot replicate the issue
briandoe1-2 years ago
Sorry, I meant Mint 21. Caffeine ran out on me.
Sergio Schneider
Sergio Schneider-2 years ago
I updated to cinnamon to 5.4.10 and it just gives an error (5.4.9 works fine). My system is archlinux+cinnamon. Anyone else with this problem?
jorgenqv-2 years ago
Yes same here, I just tried it Cinnamon 5.4.10 on Manjaro testing branch and got Unexpected Error. Posted issue here:
arehtykitna-2 years ago
Hi, installing or upgrading to Mint 21 breaks the JSON data parsing in your app. Currently LMDE5 is not affected but Clem will be pushing the latest Cinnamon 5.4 to that as well shortly
arehtykitna-2 years ago
Thanks for clarification on the main github page. Essentially PEBKAC (running from Live Media rather than attempting a proper install bare metal or VM to test some things out).
miiklbee-2 years ago
Hi, I like this app, but now that I've added several locations (cities) I can't tell which one is displayed when it minimises back to the panel. Can you please add a code - maybe {l} (for location) to display the city or {s} for search entry, so we users can customise the panel display even more. Thanks for the good work you've already done.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-2 years ago
There should be codes for location specific things in the latest version
SIPengineer-2 years ago
Good day. Thank you very much for the useful program. I will be very grateful for a small addition, namely the full translation into Ukrainian !. Thank you again for your work !!
paulb1156-2 years ago
Great applet but I have an issue since 3.2.2, this is from the log... error t=2022-04-22T18:30:22Z [weather@mockturtl#17]: Retrying in the next 120 seconds... error t=2022-04-22T18:32:23Z [weather@mockturtl#17]: Generic Error while refreshing Weather info: TypeError: is not a function, error t=2022-04-22T18:32:23Z Display@/home/paul/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/3.8/weather-applet.js:15238:77
NermeenHM-2 years ago
Where is update 3.2.3 please? My applet stopped working 5 days ago. Thanks
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-2 years ago
It's here, waiting to be merged for the past 6 days
alcane1959-2 years ago's me again. studying the applet more I realized that it is possible to configure it even in two lines. I configured it like this: {t}{u} (enter) {c_long} The applet was wonderful now so it got much better. Congratulations again for the project !!!
Viesturs Kavacs
Viesturs Kavacs-2 years ago
Probably the best tip. Thanks!
alcane1959-2 years ago
Wonderful Applet....I have a suggestion! The panel icon would look more elegant and more symmetrical if the weather conditions and temperature had a greater distance between them (icon and information)...just like in Windows 11. Example: current: (icon)Clouds 17°C my suggestion: (icon) Cloud 17°C Congratulations on the project!
Midnight-Starseed-3 years ago
Has anyone else got a problem with the app not updating itself automatically. It used to work flawlessly but after the (I believe) last update it no longer does and I have to manually do it. It's doing it on two of my computers that run 24/7
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
PR to fix this is open, so it's a question of when it's going to get merged in.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
Hi, both of you, can you enable debug logs and provide your logs on pastebin or in the github issues section? I need to check if there is a silent error when I'm processing OpenWeatherMap's data or I'm not handling connectivity changes properly
quamok-3 years ago
If you mean the weather is not updating automatically, I have the same issue. I have to update manually to get updated weather information. I'm using OpenWeatherMap.
lemexicainendormi-3 years ago
Great applet, very elegant. Could we have an option to display wind forecest for Hourly Weather? And maybe hide a weather condition there then? :)
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
I'll try to come up with a way to easily customize the hourly weather information when I have some time then
mmvanheusden-3 years ago
this reminds me alot of a certain operating system...
Lari-3 years ago
It is my favorite desklet!! Works great, I love it c:
rabbit-stew-3 years ago
Hey, just wanted to let you know that this applet works flawlessly for me. I seriously love it. It's one of those 'little' things that keeps me using Mint and Cinnamon on my (desktop) main machine. (There are big things too.) It's heads above other weather apps I've tried using on other desktops on my distro-hopping laptop. So thank you!
Andrei Miculita
Andrei Miculita-3 years ago
Suggestion: always reserve space for 2 digits for the temperature. Otherwise, the layout of the taskbar changes when going from e.g. 9 deg C to 10 deg C. Some buttons might get shifted right as the user is clicking on them. To work with any font, I guess you'd have to basically display 11, 22, 33 etc under the current temp (unless you have some guarantee that all digits are monospaced).
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
I'm thinking about adding some formatting support for the "Override label on panel" setting. Combined with a hack to change the font to your default monospace one for your current theme it can work out pretty well. Now I just need to come up with formatting options, like padded with a number of spaces before/after temperature value or padded with zeros before. Let me know what you think.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
I agree it is annoying when an applet pushes the others around in the panel. It is a pretty difficult problem, but regardless of what I do the end result will be the same. There will be a gap before or after the text if I add artificial padding when the temperature is in the single digits. In most cases it is completely subjective if (or where) it looks good.
Barkatthemoon-3 years ago
Fantastic applet. Wondering if you could add New Zealand metservice as a provider. Cheers
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
They replied, I can't use what they use for the website, they will let me know when their API is finished (which is probably not soon)
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
Hi, I looked into it, it seems they have a more-or-less reliable API for delivering weather data to their website: But as you can see I do not have permission to use it. I will contact them when I've got some free time about usage permissions. Also it seems they are not using lat/lon based lookup so I will have to figure out a way to convert those to valid locations (and to actually get valid locations somehow)
Paul Bramscher
Paul Bramscher-3 years ago
I'm new to Cinnamon but not Linux or the weather (trained US Skywarn weather spotter). I mainly run Debian with MATE, but have wanted to try out Cinnamon. One additional data point which MATE's weather applet has, and is very helpful, is degrees dew point. This is often more useful than relative humidity. Could we get dew point added to the Cinnamon weather applet also? Thanks!
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
Would you like it instead of Humidity or as a new data point?
Shelrach-3 years ago
Thank you very much for creating this applet. It appears to work flawlessly in Linuxmint 20.2. I do have one request though. The OpenWeatherMap provider definitely does the job but being from Canada I was wondering if it would be possible for you to add Environment Canada as a provider? Thank you in advance if this would be possible!
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
I had a look at their API endpoints, I can't tell if I can integrate it just yet. their documentation is a mess, and it doesn't really work either. I can certainly try, and see how far I get
garuffalo-3 years ago
Looks like Dark Sky API will be operational longer than first announced. I assume this will apply to its availability in the Weather Applet. Can you confirm? From the Dark Sky Blog, June 7, 2021: "Update: Support for the Dark Sky API service for existing customers will continue until the end of 2022. The iOS app and Dark Sky website will also be available until the end of 2022."
git-alexbondarenko-3 years ago
Hi! Is there an option to make hourly forecast always visible?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
I'll try to implement it for the next version
timvalen-3 years ago
Been working flawlessly ever since I can remember. Thank you!
rmlazzari-3 years ago
I'd like to change font, size (i'd like it smaller) and tpye (form bold to normal). Can you help me, please?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
Hi, The text in the panel respects the font size in Panel Settings->Panel Appearance. In the Popup menu the default font and it's font size is used from System Settings->Font Selection. Are those settings enough?
Rich Holmes
Rich Holmes-3 years ago
Looks nice but too buggy. I've had lots of problems with displaying wrong day's weather, or failing to update weather for hours at a time. Disabled.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
Please skip version 3.1.0 because it is broken on most Linux Mint versions (Fix is already out with version 3.1.1). If you updated and the applet doesn't load please follow the instructions here to manually revert to the previous working version until you have access to 3.1.1 from the Applet Updater.
Beckfield-3 years ago
The app has been reporting "Service Error" when using the "US National Weather" provider for months now. Their website appears to be functional. Is your connection to the service correct?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
Hi, It's possible that I don't handle some edge case with observation stations/forecasts close to your location. Could you share either your logs from Looking Glass with Debug mode enabled for the applet (see Troubleshooting section) or your location entry information if you don't mind sharing (via email), so I can have a look what exactly breaks the app? Thanks
zPro24-3 years ago
TonyThuitai-3 years ago
The default OpenWeatherMap (most accurate and reliable weather data provider that I have used) does not work even with an API key (only used the free API). For now I use Yahoo with the required python package which is less accurate.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
Also please note that Yahoo API will permanently close down on May 1, and will stop working.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
Can you tell me what kind of error do get? Do you see anything in the looking glass?
TonyThuitai-3 years ago
The errors log from looking glass is as below: error t=2021-04-13T17:44:24Z [weather@mockturtl#16]: OpenWeatherMap Weather Parsing error: TypeError: json.minutely is undefined On Line: appletManager.js:297:26 error t=2021-04-13T17:44:24Z [weather@mockturtl#16]: Retrying in the next 15 seconds... On Line: appletManager.js:297:26 error t=2021-04-13T17:44:41Z [weather@mockturtl#16]: OpenWeatherMap Weather Parsing error: TypeError: json.minutely is undefined
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
You might have the same issue as here: Please try to update your applet (with Spices Update if no updates are available) and restart Cinnamon. Thank you
TonyThuitai-3 years ago
Updated the applet to version 3.0.5 and restarted cinnamin but the OpenWeatherMap still does not work and the error log is still the same as below. Even tried to uninstall the applet and reinstall it after reboot but the error still persists. error t=2021-04-14T18:00:36Z [weather@mockturtl#20]: OpenWeatherMap Weather Parsing error: TypeError: json.minutely is undefined On Line: extension.js:274:32 error t=2021-04-14T18:00:36Z [weather@mockturtl#20]: Retrying in the next 15 seconds... On Line: extension.js:274:32 error t=2021-04-14T18:00:53Z [weather@mockturtl#20]: OpenWeatherMap Weather Parsing error: TypeError: json.minutely is undefined On Line: extension.js:274:32 error t=2021-04-14T18:00:53Z [weather@mockturtl#20]: Retrying in the next 15 seconds... On Line: extension.js:274:32 error t=2021-04-14T18:01:09Z [weather@mockturtl#20]: OpenWeatherMap Weather Parsing error: TypeError: json.minutely is undefined On Line: extension.js:274:32 error t=2021-04-14T18:01:09Z [weather@mockturtl#20]: Retrying in the next 30 seconds... On Line: extension.js:274:32
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
Hm, could you send me the contents of your location entry? You can email it to me if you'd like, so I can validate the applet's payload. I add a nullcheck anyway which should solve the problem.
TonyThuitai-3 years ago
Thanks for fixing the Issue. Updated the applet and OpenWeatherMap works
TonyThuitai-3 years ago
Tested the applet with some locations around the world. OpenWeatherMap data does not load for locations in Africa but works for the rest of the world
Syd-3 years ago
How can I add a service provider. I would like Environment Canada to be an option, but I do not know where the file I need to edit is. Alternately, is it possible to add this option in a future update? Overall, a pretty good app.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
Hi, I had a look at how they serve data. They do not have a lot of support for using their data somewhere else. Nevertheless, it looks to me it is possible for me to integrate it with a couple of drawbacks: - I will have to depend on a python package to parse their RSS feed - They have weather forecasts per city/town, so it's not supper accurate for rural areas I guess, but I don't really know Canada - Doesn't provide hourly forecasts, but if you want Environment Canada I guess that's not a problem There is also a possibility I hit some other problems (like timezone issues), but I will try when I will have some time
yesdrs13-4 years ago
Hourly forecast resets back to 12 hours after every update. I keep it at the maximum of 48 hours, but after the update, it always resets back to 12 hours. Does not retain this setting after update. Other than this minor issue, it truly is a WONDERFUL applet in Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.1.
Sergio Schneider
Sergio Schneider-4 years ago
Is there any possibility to display both temperature units (Farenheit and Celcius) at the same time? Something like: 77F (25C) or reversed 25C (77F) as per user option. Thanks for this great applet!!
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-4 years ago
I could add this as an option, but I believe this would make the applet really crowded. What is your use case for displaying both units? (just curious)
Sergio Schneider
Sergio Schneider-4 years ago
Hi, thanks for your reply. Yes, but it would be an user option, not default... I think it is useful for people who travel internationally, whenever your are in a country with different units it is easier to "understand" and get used to the temperature readings you see around.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-3 years ago
I'll add it as an option when I'll have some time in the near future
jorgenqv-3 years ago
I agree that there is a risk for a crowded popup and might make display problems depending on your theme in Cinnamon? Just summed things up on Github for further discussions where I added some thoughts:
Gobinath-4 years ago
Simply awesome. I tried this applet after some time and I though I'd have to manually configure the location but it detects my location automatically. Everything works out of the box. Great work!
Nilton Gonçalves Medeiros
Sou novo em Linux, acho a instalação de programas no Linux muito estranhas... você faz o download achando que vai baixar o instalador do aplicativo, mas é baixado o projeto todo em Zip, aí você descompacta e não há um instalador lá dentro, você não sabe o que fazer para que seja instalado. Não há um padrão de instalação, por exemplo, a Microsoft tem um padrão, baixei o browse MS EDGE para Linux, veio com instalador e tudo mais para Linux, porque todos não seguem esse padrão? Ou pelo menos instruções via linha de comando como sudo apt install algo mais...
jorgebadad-4 years ago
Bem vindo ao fascinante mundo do Linux! Realmente, alguns programas sõa um pouco complicados de instalar, enquanto vai conhecendo o Linux, lhe aconselho preferir arquivos terminados em .deb; são arquivos instaláveis com dois cliques. Também é preferível instalar programas que estejam na base da distribuição, utilizando o programa synaptic.
mikenest-4 years ago
Latest version fixed all the issues I encountered, thanks!
sanawu-4 years ago
I get more updates to the applet than changes in the weather PS: this website doesn't work too well with adblockers on browsers like Brave
Alan-4 years ago
Just downloaded the 2.6.8 version from github and installed it. 2 issues I am assuming go with the known bug of weather forecast text being trimmed. The time is trimmed for the 10:00 AM or 11:00 AM or 12:00 PM etc. All 2 digit hours. I would be happy just seeing 2PM or 10PM if there is no need for the minutes. Current program seems to only show 12 hour forecast in even hours. 2nd issue the is similar truncating or words is the rain measurement in the forecast. "0.01 i.." for inches or in. whichever.
catalin560-4 years ago
The app works but I can't open the config settings for some reason and I can't change anything about it... I'm on the latest linux mint, version 20, fresh install I might add... FIX IT!
jorgebadad-4 years ago
Well, we have a new version (# 3209, replacing # 3201) of the Brazilian Portuguese translation (first week of September 2020), thus meeting the new popup menu with tabs, 99.99% translation. I am very happy to have contributed to this, to have contributed to Linux and to help build a world with more free and open sources.
jorgebadad-4 years ago
Yesterday, after updating the applet, it showed a new tabbed settings panel, some titles were again not translated from English to Brazilian Portuguese, even though the .po file sent to the GitHub site is 100% translated. I noticed that the new titles presented do not exist in the .pot file, conflicting with the .po file, so they have not been translated. I already corrected this .po file in my laptop, making it necessary to update this document again on GitHub, or edit it online. I will do this in September, hoping to stabilize the new 2020-08-06 .pot file.
jorgenqv-4 years ago
Yes, some of the headlines in configuration is not in the translation po yet: Weather conditions, Panel (taskbar), Popup menu, and Keybindings.
jorgebadad-4 years ago
Yes, I changed it in the .po file: "Weather Conditions" by "Weather conditions" "Symbolic Icons" by "Panel (Taskbar)" "Settings for weather @ mockturl" by "Keybindings" I added the following lines, which do not exist in the .po or .pot file: 1661 #. 3.0-> settings-schema.json-> popupmenu-> description 1662 #. 3.8-> settings-schema.json-> popupmenu-> title 1663 msgid "Popup menu" And now weather @ mockturtl is translated to pt_BR 100% again.
jorgebadad-4 years ago
Congratulations on this applet that is very useful for all of us. My installation of Linux Mint, Cinnamon, is in the Brazilian Portuguese language, but many words of the Applet are in English, I can help the full translation to Brazilian Portuguese.
jorgebadad-4 years ago
Done! A new pt_BR.po file in GitHub master folder, awaiting realease.
jorgenqv-4 years ago
Very well done and congrats to a successful commit! Did a update and quick login with pt_BR language and it looks and works great even if I don't understand anything :-)
jorgebadad-4 years ago
Sorry, I wanted to write thanks.
jorgebadad-4 years ago
Thnaks! but there is still a problem: The climate information on the panel is in pt_BR, it is correct, however when I click on the meteorology application on the panel and a mini popup window happens, the top of this mini window still shows the weather in English, although the rest of the information is in pt_BR. I don't know how to fix this!
jorgenqv-4 years ago
Yes, if you mean the About popup, it's the same for me in Cinnamon 4.4.8 (LM 19.3) and it seems to always be in English whatever language I use. But in Cinnnamon 4.6.7 (LM 20) the about text is translated fine for me.
jorgenqv-4 years ago
Nice that you want to help out and contribute translations to the applet. I have been working with this every now and then when I got the time, and have been thinking of sharing my experiences and how I do things in the hope that it can be useful for someone else. So here we go, please don't hesitate to point out any faults, if I got something wrong in general or if there are any better or simpler way of working with translations. ### Localization and Translation Guide * Install package Poedit and choose a text editor that can compare files. One good alternative is jEdit with the visual diff and merge plugin jDiffPlugin installed. * Go to the Github website and browse to: cinnamon-spices-applets/weather@mockturtl/files/weather@mockturtl/po/ * Download your language .PO file and the latest .POT template file. * Open the files side by side and compare, start working on your translation. Reuse previously contributed translations as much as possible and get familiar with the correct technical terms for things in your language. * When done open your .PO file in Poedit and go over all your translations again checking things look correct, there is usually always typos and other mistakes. * In Poedit click Verify and when everything is ok click on Save. This will generate a .MO file. * Now it’s time to test you translation in action. Copy the generated .MO file to ~/.local/share/locale/xx/LC_MESSAGES with the right file name and don’t forget to do a backup of the old file. * Restart your computer and check that everything is working and looks like you want. * Finally edit the first rows of the .PO file, add the version number last on the row Project-Id-Version, add your name and email on the Last-Translator row, also creds and other useful information on the first hashtag marked rows is nice to have. * Before you contribute your translation you have to get to know how Github works, there is lots and lots of documentation, tutorials and videos online. One way is to use the website and make a fork of cinnamon-spices-applets on the website, then go into the master weather@mockturtl po directory on the Github webpage, choose edit of your language file and paste the content with your contribution and from there do a pull request. Another way is to have your fork of cinnamon-spices-applets locally on your computer and use git command line in a terminal for updating and contributing. Sometimes a combination of both, using the website is more convenient, and the use of command line are in some cases necessary. The learning curve is not that steep and its good to know in general how the most common tool for FOSS development works. * Hope this is helpful and Good luck!
jorgebadad-4 years ago
In the .PO file of my language most of the commented lines indicate different applet.js for the same action, for example: In the .PO file: #: applet.js: 648 msgid "Loading current weather ..." msgid "Carregando as condições meteorológicas ..." In the template file weather@mockturl.POT: #: applet.js: 708 3.0 / applet.js: 1175 3.8 / applet.js: 1039 msgid "Loading current weather ..." msgstr "" The question is: should I correct the commented line in the .PO file and copy the corresponding commented line from the .POT file? Waiting your answer Thanks
jorgenqv-4 years ago
I don't think commented out info matters but is a hint where the words is located. So no it's probably not necessary but I move over this anyway when I do a new translation just for keeping things as clean as possible :-)
jorgebadad-4 years ago
Ok. Thanks.
jorgebadad-4 years ago
Thanks! I'll try!
Eric Adams
Eric Adams-4 years ago
I've been using this applet for years and it's impressive to see how you continue to improve it. Thank you for all the hard work in making this such a great tool.
Minessota Klei
Minessota Klei-4 years ago
Hi, In this latest update the WeatherBit of the error in the API Key: "Incorrect API Key"
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-4 years ago
You are right, I partially broke WeatherBit, I'll get that fixed asap
Minessota Klei
Minessota Klei-4 years ago
I generated other API keys and still the "Incorrect API Key" error persisted! I solved the problem by making a new registration on the website with a new email account, it worked perfectly! I think it was a problem with the Weatherbit API Key! I love your applet!
dismasop32-4 years ago
Latest version is awesome -- thank you for all your hard work!
Surja Gain
Surja Gain-4 years ago
Really love this Weather applet, one of the best available for any system!
mshmm-4 years ago
If you get a chance, could you look at the appearance when using a light Cinnamon theme? Some of the text is very faint (I understand that you want to emphasise some text over other in the design).
jorgebadad-4 years ago
Oh yes, I had forgotten this fact, I resolved it as follows: Open the hidden .local folder go to: .local / share / cinnamon / applets / weather @ mockturtl You will find a file called stylesheet.css, two clicks on that file and choose the option "open only for reading" Inside this file look for the lines that says "color:" after the word color write 4F4F4F replacing the written code. Save the file. Open the 3.0 and 3.8 folders and do the same for the stylesheet.css files, save before exiting. Then see if it has improved. If you want to put the color black, write 000000 (6 zeros) instead of 4F4F4F.
jorgebadad-4 years ago
There is no longer any need to make these changes manually, the new version of weather @ mockturtl has already fixed this.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-4 years ago
The grey text? Yeah I've been meaning to look into it, it has some bad distortion on my screen. I don't know what color should I use instead, because most of the time the theme's highlight or main colors does not work well if they are used with text.
mshmm-4 years ago
Yes, the grey text. Maybe use Regular for the currently grey text, and Medium for the rest? This should work in both dark and light themes.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-4 years ago
I think I'll make the grey text slightly darker than the normal text, it looks ok. we will see if people will like it
mshmm-4 years ago
The applet looks much better in light themes now :) Thank you for this and all the other updates.
Minessota Klei
Minessota Klei-4 years ago
Congratulations on the applet, thank you for the great work!
kochinc-4 years ago
Love this app. Thank you for your hard work creating it. I recently found out that clicking on the location label doesn't take me to the weather website anymore. Is that feature removed? Now clicking on it doesn't do anything.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-4 years ago
Is it OpenWeatherMap? Yes, they removed the woid entry (needed to open the website with the correct location). I'm going to add it back in in the next update, but the website has to rely on your browser to get the location from now on.
ivanaponi-4 years ago
It always says raining, is it broken?
serkan-maker-4 years ago
Hi,I wrote a new translation file for Turkish, can you upload it? i couldn't install thank you.. mo file po file
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-4 years ago
I can create a PR for you in the repository if you'd like
Tony-4 years ago
I've used this applet for ages, and truly appreciate the work you do to maintain it, especially when service providers change things from time to time. Today on each of my LM19.3 machines the applet started showing the weather for the wrong location (several hundred km away). So I set LAT/LONG manually and its ok now. NB if reinstalling, as well as first removing ~/.cinnamon/configs/weather@mockturtl/, it seems necessary to log out and back in again before re-adding the applet. Thank you again for a great piece of work.
jorgenqv-4 years ago
Just a big thanks for all the hard work making this nice applet better! Sad to see DarkSky go (let's hope they reconsider and open up for registration again?) but truly cool and super and feels almost nostalgic to be able to use Yahoo again! :-) One tiny detail is perhaps to add all the data services to the "Powered by" creds in settings?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-4 years ago
Yes, I forgot to add the new ones in, I will do that in the next update
Bundy01-4 years ago
Hi, I see that the sunset/sunrise time is in GMT with Weatherbit. Is this due to the applet or the site?
Randy Burgess
Randy Burgess-4 years ago
I uninstalled it completely then reinstalled it on LM 19.3 and now it's working again. The update mechanism has issues. Thanks for a handy little applet!
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-4 years ago
It seem the old settings and the new settings become incompatible, deleting your current configs in "~/.cinnamon/configs/weather@mockturtl/" seems to fix the problem.
Randy Burgess
Randy Burgess-4 years ago
Whatever was done with the latest update this applet is now hosed and completely worthless. What was working fine is now completely non-functional on Linux Mint 19.3.
Tony-4 years ago
Try first removing ~/.cinnamon/configs/weather@mockturtl/, log out and back in again and then reinstall the applet. Worked for me on all my LM19.3 machines
Basil K Y
Basil K Y-4 years ago
adding hourly forecasts with chances of rain will be good.
ChooChooAl-4 years ago
Feature Request: Would it be possible to put an "as of" time/date someplace?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-4 years ago
Is the "Updated on xx:xx" text when the applet is hovered not ok?
EvC-NL-4 years ago
@Attila Greguss, You have done outstanding work, thank you very much, Beaufort can now be chosen. The description of the Beaufort wind type in text is now only visible in the English language. I assume it will be adjusted for all languages later.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-4 years ago
Yes, its is up to the translators now to do the work
EvC-NL-5 years ago
Since Cinnamon Weather is an adaptation of the Gnome Open Weather extension, I greatly miss the Beaufort scale in this Applet. This Beaufort scale is also widely used in the Netherlands, Germany, Greece, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malta, and Macau. I would really appreciate it if this scale is also added in this beautiful Applet, so that it is even better experienced worldwide. Wikipedia:
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
Would you prefer to switch out the direction/wind speed to beaufort scale or display it sibe-by-side if it would be an option?
EvC-NL-5 years ago
I prefer site-by-site. First the direction, than the speed in Beaufort. Two Gnome images as an example (I hope it works in this site), to give you an idea of what it looks like there: [url=][img][/img][/url] Settings: [url=][img][/img][/url]
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
I get it now, thank you. It will be in the next release.
EvC-NL-5 years ago
Many thanks in advance. A second attempt to make the images visible: <a href=""><img src="" alt="Screenshot-from-2020-03-01-00-14-19" border="0"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Screenshot-from-2020-03-01-00-27-01" border="0"></a>
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
There is a new potential feature: See hourly forecast on middle-click. Link to see prototype: Is there a demand for this?
invexx-5 years ago
So glad the current temperature is now showing in a vertical panel. It would be great if the display of C and F were optional because when the temperature is for example -20 C, C gets truncated.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
There is a new setting called "override applet label", so you can change it however you like it.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
You are absolutely right. The ideal solution would be that it gets truncated only if the text doesn't fit, but so far I haven't found a way to measure this. Right now it does not duisplay the unit if the panel width is less than 35, what is a bit crude. The alternative is that I expose the label through the settings to be able to display hovewer you want it.
Corto-landese-5 years ago
Hi, since the last update the display doesn't work correctly : city and weather are truncaded et concatenated : paris cloudy => Poudly / Gradignan nuageux => Geux and in the pop-up the day and statut are truncated : rrow for to morrow , day for today, ... on Mint 18.3 and cinnamon
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
There is an issue opened for this here: Is it still an issue after a restart? I'm unable to replicate this for some reason.
jorgenqv-5 years ago
Excellent work on the later releases! Truly great fixes and features that gave the Config overview more clarity and seems to stable things up, at least for me in LM 19.3, and very cool that I can choose from 4 different Weather Providers :-) Thank you! Just wondering how I can get started with the feature Custom iconset (Climaicons) ?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
Thanks, what do you want to get started on regarding that feature? I know they are smaller than normal icons, and some are misaligned as well to be honest.
jorgenqv-5 years ago
Never mind, I thought that this was something else, after looking more I figured it out. They are really fine the ones displayed for me.
Sigistrix-5 years ago
Dunno what happened, but since the most recent update of the applet, this no longer works at all. Ive tried ever permutation listed, including the old code that was originally in with my OpenWeather API key. And I've even removed and re-added the applet several times. I'm on Mint Tricia with Cinnamon 4.4.8. I even tried using DarkSky (following the directions above( and that wouldn't work, either. Anyone else having this issue or similar?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
Hello, do you have any error messages or logs what you can show? Or you can open a new Issue here✓&q=is:issue+is:open+weather@mockturtl and explain the problem in detail
Sigistrix-5 years ago
Sorry. I don't and I don't know how. I'm just an end user, frankly. But, it also looks like it's already been reported, as #2260 on the bug reporting page.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
That issue unfortunately about a different issue, the person was running Porteus OS. Its sad, but I can only help if you provide more information, because the problem can be very well specific to you. Here is the relevant part and how to see the logs: You can create a new issue at the link from my earlier reply, or if you feel its easier just copy your logs and email them to me. My email is on my Github account. Hope the issue will get sorted.
briandoe1-5 years ago
I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but some time within the last several weeks, the weather app stopped obtaining my location automatically, and just displays an error message about the location not being in the correct format, so I have to manually enter my lat,long information (I'm using the DarkSky service). Coincident to this, the weather app also stopped displaying my city name, and simply displays the lat,long I entered. What happened to break how it used to work, and will this be fixed?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
Hello, what version of Cinnamon you are running? Could you enable debug logging to see what is the exact problem? Just open ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/3.8/applet.js and change DEBUG=false to true on the first line and restart Cinnamon. (If you are running Cinnamon version 3.0-3.6 you need to do this in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/3.0/applet.js) This will give a bit more info what goes wrong.
briandoe1-5 years ago
I'm running Cinnamon 4.4.8. I've changed the debug setting in 3.8/applet.js to true. I did the same for the applet.js files I had in 4.2 and 4.4 folders within weather@mockturtl (folders I've had to create in the past to get the applet to work with newer Cinnamon versions). Where will the debug output be?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
To open the debugger you need to right-click on your Panel->Troubleshoot->Looking Glass. Then click on Log to see the log output for cinnamon applications. If there is anything with red there is an error. I advise you to delete the 4.2 and 4.4 folders, because Cinnamon uses the folder closest to your version of Cinnamon. That's 4.4. Only the folder 3.0 and 3.8 gets updated (those are the ones in the unmodified applet, meaning you won't see any of the updates I push. In the future if I'm slow to update compatibility (forgetting or messing up - like last time), or the applet cache is not updated in time you can do it yourself easily by adding the new version number to the "cinnamon-version" array field in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/metadata.json file. It looks like this at the moment so we should be good for the next version: "cinnamon-version": ["2.2", "2.4", "2.6", "2.8", "3.0", "3.2", "3.4", "3.6", "3.8", "4.0", "4.2", "4.4", "4.6"]
briandoe1-5 years ago
Thanks. I went ahead and removed the 4.2 and 4.4 folders and restarted Cinnamon. These are the errors I get with the weather applet: error t=2020-01-17T18:52:35Z weather@mockturtl#12: DarkSky: Location is not a coordinate error t=2020-01-17T18:52:35Z weather@mockturtl#12: Unable to obtain Weather Information These happen when I turn off "Manual location", or if I enable "Manual location" and enter anything other than a coordinate. If I enter a coordinate, the weather applet only displays that coordinate, not the city name.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
Could you show me the info logs as well? They are quite useful as well. If you are not comfortable pasting it here, you can use my email. (Its on my github account)
briandoe1-5 years ago
Okay, here's the full logs after having let the weather applet run for about a day, using coordinates with Manual Location turned on: info t=2020-01-17T18:52:05Z Cinnamon.AppSystem.get_default() started in 216 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:05Z loading user theme: /home/brian/.themes/Adara-Dark/cinnamon/cinnamon.css info t=2020-01-17T18:52:05Z added icon directory: /home/brian/.themes/Adara-Dark/cinnamon info t=2020-01-17T18:52:05Z PlacesManager: Updating devices info t=2020-01-17T18:52:05Z loaded at Fri Jan 17 2020 18:52:05 GMT-0800 (PST) info t=2020-01-17T18:52:05Z ExtensionSystem started in 6 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:05Z DeskletManager started in 8 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:05Z SearchProviderManager started in 6 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:05Z Loaded applet in 112 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Loaded applet in 26 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Role locked: tray info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Loaded applet in 12 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Loaded applet in 94 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Loaded applet in 42 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Role locked: notifications info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Loaded applet in 144 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Loaded applet in 30 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Role locked: panellauncher info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Loaded applet in 112 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Loaded applet in 54 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Loaded applet in 226 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z weather@mockturtl#12: en On Line: extension.js:277:17 info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z weather@mockturtl#12: DarkSky API query:,-119.40?exclude=minutely,hourly,flags&units=us&lang=en On Line: extension.js:277:17 info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Loaded applet weather@mockturtl in 122 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Adding XAppStatusIcon: (org.x.StatusIcon.PID-1560-5) info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Adding XAppStatusIcon: mintreport (org.x.StatusIcon.PID-1660-5) info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Adding XAppStatusIcon: nm-applet (org.x.StatusIcon.PID-1446-5) info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Adding XAppStatusIcon: blueberry (org.x.StatusIcon.PID-1510-5) info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Hiding XAppStatusIcon (we have an applet): nm-applet (org.x.StatusIcon.PID-1446-5) info t=2020-01-17T18:52:06Z Loaded applet in 128 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:07Z Loaded applet in 796 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:07Z AppletManager started in 2250 ms info t=2020-01-17T18:52:07Z Cinnamon took 2848 ms to start info t=2020-01-17T18:52:08Z weather@mockturtl#12: API full response: {"latitude":36.31,"longitude":-119.4,"timezone":"America/Los_Angeles","currently":{"time":1579315928,"summary":"Clear","icon":"clear-night","nearestStormDistance":11,"nearestStormBearing":17,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0,"temperature":43.57,"apparentTemperature":41.69,"dewPoint":39.68,"humidity":0.86,"pressure":1025.7,"windSpeed":3.72,"windGust":4.59,"windBearing":325,"cloudCover":0.05,"uvIndex":0,"visibility":10,"ozone":249.8},"daily":{"summary":"No precipitation throughout the week.","icon":"clear-day","data":[{"time":1579248000,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","icon":"fog","sunriseTime":1579273740,"sunsetTime":1579309740,"moonPhase":0.77,"precipIntensity":0.0005,"precipIntensityMax":0.0018,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579318920,"precipProbability":0.2,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":51.81,"temperatureHighTime":1579302180,"temperatureLow":36.22,"temperatureLowTime":1579360560,"apparentTemperatureHigh":51.34,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579302420,"apparentTemperatureLow":36.71,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579360560,"dewPoint":38.52,"humidity":0.87,"pressure":1025.4,"windSpeed":2.8,"windGust":7.15,"windGustTime":1579302300,"windBearing":345,"cloudCover":0.45,"uvIndex":3,"uvIndexTime":1579291920,"visibility":8.34,"ozone":265.9,"temperatureMin":34.19,"temperatureMinTime":1579273860,"temperatureMax":51.81,"temperatureMaxTime":1579302180,"apparentTemperatureMin":34.68,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579273860,"apparentTemperatureMax":51.34,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579302420},{"time":1579334400,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","icon":"partly-cloudy-day","sunriseTime":1579360080,"sunsetTime":1579396200,"moonPhase":0.81,"precipIntensity":0.0002,"precipIntensityMax":0.0018,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579348800,"precipProbability":0.09,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":54.48,"temperatureHighTime":1579390140,"temperatureLow":37.12,"temperatureLowTime":1579443240,"apparentTemperatureHigh":53.98,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579390140,"apparentTemperatureLow":37.61,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579443240,"dewPoint":35.95,"humidity":0.74,"pressure":1026.2,"windSpeed":2.94,"windGust":6.8,"windGustTime":1579391880,"windBearing":319,"cloudCover":0.77,"uvIndex":3,"uvIndexTime":1579377600,"visibility":9.817,"ozone":259.8,"temperatureMin":36.22,"temperatureMinTime":1579360560,"temperatureMax":54.48,"temperatureMaxTime":1579390140,"apparentTemperatureMin":36.71,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579360560,"apparentTemperatureMax":53.98,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579390140},{"time":1579420800,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","icon":"cloudy","sunriseTime":1579446480,"sunsetTime":1579482660,"moonPhase":0.84,"precipIntensity":0.0002,"precipIntensityMax":0.0005,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579436700,"precipProbability":0.1,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":57.26,"temperatureHighTime":1579477560,"temperatureLow":44.05,"temperatureLowTime":1579531740,"apparentTemperatureHigh":56.76,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579477560,"apparentTemperatureLow":43.87,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579528980,"dewPoint":37.83,"humidity":0.72,"pressure":1022.1,"windSpeed":2.26,"windGust":5.14,"windGustTime":1579500900,"windBearing":305,"cloudCover":0.86,"uvIndex":2,"uvIndexTime":1579464180,"visibility":10,"ozone":273.7,"temperatureMin":37.12,"temperatureMinTime":1579443240,"temperatureMax":57.26,"temperatureMaxTime":1579477560,"apparentTemperatureMin":37.61,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579443240,"apparentTemperatureMax":56.76,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579477560},{"time":1579507200,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","icon":"partly-cloudy-day","sunriseTime":1579532880,"sunsetTime":1579569120,"moonPhase":0.88,"precipIntensity":0.0002,"precipIntensityMax":0.0008,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579586400,"precipProbability":0.1,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":64.03,"temperatureHighTime":1579565580,"temperatureLow":44.17,"temperatureLowTime":1579617660,"apparentTemperatureHigh":63.53,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579565580,"apparentTemperatureLow":43.74,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579615320,"dewPoint":40.78,"humidity":0.67,"pressure":1019,"windSpeed":2.84,"windGust":4.42,"windGustTime":1579574940,"windBearing":65,"cloudCover":0.7,"uvIndex":2,"uvIndexTime":1579551120,"visibility":10,"ozone":286.8,"temperatureMin":44.05,"temperatureMinTime":1579531740,"temperatureMax":64.03,"temperatureMaxTime":1579565580,"apparentTemperatureMin":43.87,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579528980,"apparentTemperatureMax":63.53,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579565580},{"time":1579593600,"summary":"Partly cloudy throughout the day.","icon":"partly-cloudy-day","sunriseTime":1579619220,"sunsetTime":1579655580,"moonPhase":0.91,"precipIntensity":0.0001,"precipIntensityMax":0.0003,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579654800,"precipProbability":0.08,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":61.58,"temperatureHighTime":1579650240,"temperatureLow":42.83,"temperatureLowTime":1579704780,"apparentTemperatureHigh":61.08,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579650240,"apparentTemperatureLow":39.65,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579702200,"dewPoint":43.83,"humidity":0.74,"pressure":1020,"windSpeed":4.23,"windGust":10.57,"windGustTime":1579675440,"windBearing":140,"cloudCover":0.46,"uvIndex":3,"uvIndexTime":1579637760,"visibility":10,"ozone":295.1,"temperatureMin":44.17,"temperatureMinTime":1579617660,"temperatureMax":61.58,"temperatureMaxTime":1579650240,"apparentTemperatureMin":43.74,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579615320,"apparentTemperatureMax":61.08,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579650240},{"time":1579680000,"summary":"Partly cloudy throughout the day.","icon":"partly-cloudy-day","sunriseTime":1579705620,"sunsetTime":1579742040,"moonPhase":0.94,"precipIntensity":0.0001,"precipIntensityMax":0.0004,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579761960,"precipProbability":0.05,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":58.98,"temperatureHighTime":1579734480,"temperatureLow":39.64,"temperatureLowTime":1579790940,"apparentTemperatureHigh":58.48,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579734480,"apparentTemperatureLow":40.13,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579790940,"dewPoint":44.19,"humidity":0.83,"pressure":1021.8,"windSpeed":6.34,"windGust":16.74,"windGustTime":1579696680,"windBearing":338,"cloudCover":0.42,"uvIndex":3,"uvIndexTime":1579724400,"visibility":10,"ozone":289.2,"temperatureMin":42.31,"temperatureMinTime":1579766400,"temperatureMax":58.98,"temperatureMaxTime":1579734480,"apparentTemperatureMin":39.65,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579702200,"apparentTemperatureMax":58.48,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579734480},{"time":1579766400,"summary":"Partly cloudy throughout the day.","icon":"partly-cloudy-day","sunriseTime":1579791960,"sunsetTime":1579828500,"moonPhase":0.98,"precipIntensity":0.0002,"precipIntensityMax":0.0006,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579791420,"precipProbability":0.11,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":59.66,"temperatureHighTime":1579821300,"temperatureLow":37.48,"temperatureLowTime":1579875960,"apparentTemperatureHigh":59.16,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579821300,"apparentTemperatureLow":36.01,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579878000,"dewPoint":43.16,"humidity":0.86,"pressure":1022.5,"windSpeed":2.69,"windGust":6.13,"windGustTime":1579843020,"windBearing":2,"cloudCover":0.54,"uvIndex":3,"uvIndexTime":1579808040,"visibility":10,"ozone":300.6,"temperatureMin":39.64,"temperatureMinTime":1579790940,"temperatureMax":59.66,"temperatureMaxTime":1579821300,"apparentTemperatureMin":40.13,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579790940,"apparentTemperatureMax":59.16,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579821300},{"time":1579852800,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","icon":"cloudy","sunriseTime":1579878360,"sunsetTime":1579914960,"moonPhase":0.01,"precipIntensity":0.0001,"precipIntensityMax":0.0003,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579921200,"precipProbability":0.02,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":62.33,"temperatureHighTime":1579907460,"temperatureLow":36.53,"temperatureLowTime":1579961520,"apparentTemperatureHigh":61.83,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579907460,"apparentTemperatureLow":37.02,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579961520,"dewPoint":43.76,"humidity":0.86,"pressure":1021.3,"windSpeed":2.87,"windGust":6.14,"windGustTime":1579876620,"windBearing":7,"cloudCover":0.7,"uvIndex":2,"uvIndexTime":1579896540,"visibility":10,"ozone":325.7,"temperatureMin":37.48,"temperatureMinTime":1579875960,"temperatureMax":62.33,"temperatureMaxTime":1579907460,"apparentTemperatureMin":36.01,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579878000,"apparentTemperatureMax":61.83,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579907460}]},"alerts":[{"title":"Dense Fog Advisory","regions":["Bakersfield","Eastern Kern County","Foggy Bottom","Fresno","Merced and Madera","San Joaquin Confluence","Southern Kings County","Tulare County","Western Kern County","Western San Joaquin Valley"],"severity":"advisory","time":1579334400,"expires":1579377600,"description":"...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO NOON PST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less and as low as around 200 feet in some areas. * WHERE...The Central and Southern San Joaquin Valley, mainly Merced County and southward to Bakersfield. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon PST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Highways impacted include, but are not limited to Highway 99, Interstate 5, as well as Highways 198, 41, 43, 180, and 152.\n","uri":""}],"offset":-8} On Line: applet.js:252:21 info t=2020-01-17T18:52:08Z weather@mockturtl#12: Weather Information refreshed On Line: applet.js:394:13 info t=2020-01-17T18:52:35Z weather@mockturtl#12: API full response: { "ip": "2601:206:4002:fa90:c0af:d1b8:4a0b:aa7e", "city": "Visalia", "region": "California", "region_code": "CA", "country": "US", "country_code": "US", "country_code_iso3": "USA", "country_capital": "Washington", "country_tld": ".us", "country_name": "United States", "continent_code": "NA", "in_eu": false, "postal": "Sign up to access", "latitude": "Sign up to access", "longitude": "Sign up to access", "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "utc_offset": "-0800", "country_calling_code": "+1", "currency": "USD", "currency_name": "Dollar", "languages": "en-US,es-US,haw,fr", "country_area": 9629091.0, "country_population": 310232863.0, "message": "Please message us at for full access", "asn": "AS7922", "org": "Comcast Cable Communications, LLC" } On Line: applet.js:252:21 info t=2020-01-17T18:52:35Z weather@mockturtl#12: Location obtained On Line: ipApi.js:23:16 info t=2020-01-17T18:52:35Z weather@mockturtl#12: Location:Sign up to access,Sign up to access On Line: ipApi.js:23:16 info t=2020-01-17T18:52:35Z weather@mockturtl#12: Location setting is now: Sign up to access,Sign up to access On Line: ipApi.js:23:16 error t=2020-01-17T18:52:35Z weather@mockturtl#12: DarkSky: Location is not a coordinate error t=2020-01-17T18:52:35Z weather@mockturtl#12: Unable to obtain Weather Information info t=2020-01-17T18:52:40Z weather@mockturtl#12: en On Line: settings.js:604:40 info t=2020-01-17T18:52:40Z weather@mockturtl#12: DarkSky API query:,-119.40?exclude=minutely,hourly,flags&units=us&lang=en On Line: settings.js:604:40 info t=2020-01-17T18:52:40Z weather@mockturtl#12: en On Line: settings.js:604:40 info t=2020-01-17T18:52:40Z weather@mockturtl#12: DarkSky API query:,-119.40?exclude=minutely,hourly,flags&units=us&lang=en On Line: settings.js:604:40 info t=2020-01-17T18:52:41Z weather@mockturtl#12: API full response: 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t=2020-01-17T19:07:52Z weather@mockturtl#12: en On Line: applet.js:289:13 info t=2020-01-17T19:07:52Z weather@mockturtl#12: DarkSky API query:,-119.40?exclude=minutely,hourly,flags&units=us&lang=en On Line: applet.js:289:13 info t=2020-01-17T19:07:52Z weather@mockturtl#12: API full response: {"latitude":36.31,"longitude":-119.4,"timezone":"America/Los_Angeles","currently":{"time":1579316872,"summary":"Clear","icon":"clear-night","nearestStormDistance":12,"nearestStormBearing":67,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0,"temperature":42.79,"apparentTemperature":40.78,"dewPoint":39.43,"humidity":0.88,"pressure":1025.9,"windSpeed":3.74,"windGust":4.48,"windBearing":326,"cloudCover":0.06,"uvIndex":0,"visibility":10,"ozone":249.5},"daily":{"summary":"No precipitation throughout the week.","icon":"clear-day","data":[{"time":1579248000,"summary":"Foggy in the 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t=2020-01-17T19:23:07Z weather@mockturtl#12: en On Line: applet.js:289:13 info t=2020-01-17T19:23:07Z weather@mockturtl#12: DarkSky API query:,-119.40?exclude=minutely,hourly,flags&units=us&lang=en On Line: applet.js:289:13 info t=2020-01-17T19:23:07Z weather@mockturtl#12: API full response: {"latitude":36.31,"longitude":-119.4,"timezone":"America/Los_Angeles","currently":{"time":1579317787,"summary":"Clear","icon":"clear-night","nearestStormDistance":13,"nearestStormBearing":63,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0,"temperature":42.55,"apparentTemperature":40.54,"dewPoint":39.73,"humidity":0.9,"pressure":1026.1,"windSpeed":3.64,"windGust":4.65,"windBearing":335,"cloudCover":0.07,"uvIndex":0,"visibility":10,"ozone":249.1},"daily":{"summary":"No precipitation throughout the week.","icon":"clear-day","data":[{"time":1579248000,"summary":"Foggy in the 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t=2020-01-17T19:38:22Z weather@mockturtl#12: en On Line: applet.js:289:13 info t=2020-01-17T19:38:22Z weather@mockturtl#12: DarkSky API query:,-119.40?exclude=minutely,hourly,flags&units=us&lang=en On Line: applet.js:289:13 info t=2020-01-17T19:38:22Z weather@mockturtl#12: API full response: {"latitude":36.31,"longitude":-119.4,"timezone":"America/Los_Angeles","currently":{"time":1579318702,"summary":"Clear","icon":"clear-night","nearestStormDistance":11,"nearestStormBearing":32,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0,"temperature":42.27,"apparentTemperature":40.3,"dewPoint":39.56,"humidity":0.9,"pressure":1026.2,"windSpeed":3.52,"windGust":4.46,"windBearing":334,"cloudCover":0.08,"uvIndex":0,"visibility":10,"ozone":248.8},"daily":{"summary":"No precipitation throughout the week.","icon":"clear-day","data":[{"time":1579248000,"summary":"Foggy in the 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throughout the day.","icon":"cloudy","sunriseTime":1579532880,"sunsetTime":1579569120,"moonPhase":0.88,"precipIntensity":0.0002,"precipIntensityMax":0.0009,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579586280,"precipProbability":0.1,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":64.08,"temperatureHighTime":1579561680,"temperatureLow":44.17,"temperatureLowTime":1579617660,"apparentTemperatureHigh":63.58,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579561680,"apparentTemperatureLow":43.74,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579615320,"dewPoint":40.89,"humidity":0.66,"pressure":1018.9,"windSpeed":2.73,"windGust":4.18,"windGustTime":1579593600,"windBearing":78,"cloudCover":0.78,"uvIndex":2,"uvIndexTime":1579550880,"visibility":10,"ozone":286.8,"temperatureMin":44.23,"temperatureMinTime":1579531620,"temperatureMax":64.08,"temperatureMaxTime":1579561680,"apparentTemperatureMin":44.07,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579528920,"apparentTemperatureMax":63.58,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579561680},{"time":1579593600,"summary":"Partly cloudy throughout the day.","icon":"partly-cloudy-day","sunriseTime":1579619220,"sunsetTime":1579655580,"moonPhase":0.91,"precipIntensity":0.0001,"precipIntensityMax":0.0003,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579654800,"precipProbability":0.08,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":61.58,"temperatureHighTime":1579650240,"temperatureLow":42.83,"temperatureLowTime":1579704780,"apparentTemperatureHigh":61.08,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579650240,"apparentTemperatureLow":39.65,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579702200,"dewPoint":43.57,"humidity":0.73,"pressure":1020,"windSpeed":4.29,"windGust":10.57,"windGustTime":1579675440,"windBearing":129,"cloudCover":0.48,"uvIndex":3,"uvIndexTime":1579637760,"visibility":10,"ozone":295.1,"temperatureMin":44.17,"temperatureMinTime":1579617660,"temperatureMax":61.58,"temperatureMaxTime":1579650240,"apparentTemperatureMin":43.74,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579615320,"apparentTemperatureMax":61.08,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579650240},{"time":1579680000,"summary":"Partly cloudy throughout the day.","icon":"partly-cloudy-day","sunriseTime":1579705620,"sunsetTime":1579742040,"moonPhase":0.94,"precipIntensity":0.0001,"precipIntensityMax":0.0004,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579761960,"precipProbability":0.05,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":58.98,"temperatureHighTime":1579734480,"temperatureLow":39.64,"temperatureLowTime":1579790940,"apparentTemperatureHigh":58.48,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579734480,"apparentTemperatureLow":40.13,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579790940,"dewPoint":44.17,"humidity":0.83,"pressure":1021.8,"windSpeed":6.34,"windGust":16.74,"windGustTime":1579696680,"windBearing":338,"cloudCover":0.42,"uvIndex":3,"uvIndexTime":1579724400,"visibility":10,"ozone":289.2,"temperatureMin":42.31,"temperatureMinTime":1579766400,"temperatureMax":58.98,"temperatureMaxTime":1579734480,"apparentTemperatureMin":39.65,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579702200,"apparentTemperatureMax":58.48,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579734480},{"time":1579766400,"summary":"Partly cloudy throughout the day.","icon":"partly-cloudy-day","sunriseTime":1579791960,"sunsetTime":1579828500,"moonPhase":0.98,"precipIntensity":0.0002,"precipIntensityMax":0.0006,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579791420,"precipProbability":0.11,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":59.66,"temperatureHighTime":1579821300,"temperatureLow":37.48,"temperatureLowTime":1579875960,"apparentTemperatureHigh":59.16,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579821300,"apparentTemperatureLow":36.01,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579878000,"dewPoint":43.14,"humidity":0.86,"pressure":1022.5,"windSpeed":2.69,"windGust":6.13,"windGustTime":1579843020,"windBearing":2,"cloudCover":0.54,"uvIndex":3,"uvIndexTime":1579808040,"visibility":10,"ozone":300.6,"temperatureMin":39.64,"temperatureMinTime":1579790940,"temperatureMax":59.66,"temperatureMaxTime":1579821300,"apparentTemperatureMin":40.13,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579790940,"apparentTemperatureMax":59.16,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579821300},{"time":1579852800,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","icon":"cloudy","sunriseTime":1579878360,"sunsetTime":1579914960,"moonPhase":0.01,"precipIntensity":0.0001,"precipIntensityMax":0.0003,"precipIntensityMaxTime":1579921200,"precipProbability":0.02,"precipType":"rain","temperatureHigh":62.33,"temperatureHighTime":1579907460,"temperatureLow":36.53,"temperatureLowTime":1579961520,"apparentTemperatureHigh":61.83,"apparentTemperatureHighTime":1579907460,"apparentTemperatureLow":37.02,"apparentTemperatureLowTime":1579961520,"dewPoint":43.75,"humidity":0.86,"pressure":1021.3,"windSpeed":2.87,"windGust":6.14,"windGustTime":1579876620,"windBearing":7,"cloudCover":0.7,"uvIndex":2,"uvIndexTime":1579896540,"visibility":10,"ozone":325.7,"temperatureMin":37.48,"temperatureMinTime":1579875960,"temperatureMax":62.33,"temperatureMaxTime":1579907460,"apparentTemperatureMin":36.01,"apparentTemperatureMinTime":1579878000,"apparentTemperatureMax":61.83,"apparentTemperatureMaxTime":1579907460}]},"alerts":[{"title":"Dense Fog Advisory","regions":["Bakersfield","Eastern Kern County","Foggy Bottom","Fresno","Merced and Madera","San Joaquin Confluence","Southern Kings County","Tulare County","Western Kern County","Western San Joaquin Valley"],"severity":"advisory","time":1579334400,"expires":1579377600,"description":"...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TO NOON PST SATURDAY... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less and as low as around 200 feet in some areas. * WHERE...The Central and Southern San Joaquin Valley, mainly Merced County and southward to Bakersfield. * WHEN...From midnight tonight to noon PST Saturday. * IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Highways impacted include, but are not limited to Highway 99, Interstate 5, as well as Highways 198, 41, 43, 180, and 152.\n","uri":""}],"offset":-8} On Line: applet.js:252:21 info t=2020-01-17T19:38:22Z weather@mockturtl#12: Weather Information refreshed On Line: applet.js:394:13 info t=2020-01-17T19:53:37Z weather@mockturtl#12: en On Line: applet.js:289:13 info t=2020-01-17T19:53:37Z weather@mockturtl#12: DarkSky API query:,-119.40?exclude=minutely,hourly,flags&units=us&lang=en On Line: applet.js:289:13 info t=2020-01-17T19:53:37Z weather@mockturtl#12: API full response: {"latitude":36.31,"longitude":-119.4,"timezone":"America/Los_Angeles","currently":{"time":1579319617,"summary":"Clear","icon":"clear-night","nearestStormDistance":20,"nearestStormBearing":320,"precipIntensity":0,"precipProbability":0,"temperature":43.66,"apparentTemperature":42.43,"dewPoint":41.32,"humidity":0.91,"pressure":1026.2,"windSpeed":3.05,"windGust":3.97,"windBearing":320,"cloudCover":0.18,"uvIndex":0,"visibility":10,"ozone":248.6},"daily":{"summary":"No precipitation throughout the week.","icon":"clear-day","data":[{"time":1579248000,"summar
pvoveris-5 years ago
Updating via Dark Sky API seems to have gone wacko once again, have it set to a 30 minute update cycle. info t=2019-12-31T20:01:43Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T20:12:39Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T20:15:03Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T20:16:55Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T20:27:53Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T20:30:08Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T20:32:08Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T20:43:08Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T20:45:23Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T20:47:23Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T20:58:23Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:00:38Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:02:38Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:13:38Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:15:53Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:17:53Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:28:53Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:31:09Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:33:08Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:44:08Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:46:23Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:48:23Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:50:32Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:50:32Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:50:32Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:50:32Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:50:32Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:50:32Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:50:32Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:50:33Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T21:50:33Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T22:20:38Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T22:20:38Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed info t=2019-12-31T22:20:38Z weather@mockturtl#40: Weather Information refreshed
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
I will add some more steps (and finally a lock) to prevent this kind of issues in the next release, although I don't know how can it happen, especially the ones at the end of your log. I will put some debug lines in so if you enable debugging they will show up.
pvoveris-5 years ago
It does seem to be getting better, at least looking at the number of calls when I sign into the dark sky website. I had 180 calls on 1/1 ~140 on the 1/2 to 1/5, a big decrease to 59 on 1/6 and ~ 48 on 1/7 - 1/9.
edkirin-5 years ago
Great update. Finally works good on Cinnamon 4.4.5.
angelzl-5 years ago
Hi, I've just completed the Bulgarian translation and updated the applet to the latest version so the new bg.po file is included (I do see the new file in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/po with the right content). Upon reloading the applet, however, the translation strings are not considered and what is displayed is an outdated and incomplete translation. I did use the latest template: Here is a link to the bg.po file: Is there anything else that needs to be done in order for this to work correctly?
claudiux-5 years ago
Try to restart Cinnamon or log off/log on.
angelzl-5 years ago
Thanks @claudiux - the issue was related to a couple of syntax errors in the po file. Those have since been corrected (thanks @Odyseus for pointing this out). The updated translation is now working with the latest po file. Restarting of Cinnamon is indeed needed.
Ivo Andonov
Ivo Andonov-5 years ago
Incompatible with Cinnamon 4.4.0.
Carsten-5 years ago
Quick fix, works for me, like discript by JoaoMachado. Adding the version 4.4 to the metadata.json
Valso-5 years ago
Even with that fix it doesn't work. F*ck it, I'll use Gnome-Weather.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
Hello, please update you applet. If there are no updates, make sure you check it with Spices Update as well.
pvoveris-5 years ago
Hi, using the Weather applet on my Mint 19.2 desktop and use Dark Sky API for my weather. Today for some reason it made 1000 api requests, so became inactive for the rest of the day. My question is why would it do that when I have the update interval set to 15 minutes? Looking at my API usage over the last few months shows far more uses of the API then once every 15 minutes. I am using version 2.3.4 of the applet.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
If you look at the Looking Glass log, you can see a line like this when the weather refreshes: 'info t=2019-12-02T12:38:38Z weather@mockturtl#16: Weather Information refreshed' It will indicate how many requests it did over time. The internal loop runs every 15 seconds and checks if data is older than you specified in settings. If there was an error getting the weather it will retry in the net cycle. There are a couple of known exceptions about this: * The error can be TLS handshake error, what happens intermittently with any outgoing calls from the applet (once or twice, I don't really know why) * Every time you change a setting of the applet it will refresh the weather. Now it can be that I messed something up, so if you see some weird errors in the log what causing refreshes frequently please let me know and I will fix it. Alternatively I can do some limiting, making the applet shutdown with an error message after like a number of consecutive errors.
pvoveris-5 years ago
I had the applet turned off and have turned it back on to see if the problem reoccurs, so far it acts as you stated, the only updates are when I changed the settings. I will check again in the morning to see where it is.
Angsereg-5 years ago
Sorry I'm only just now getting back to you, I wasn't notified of any response here. The Looking Glass log on my system shows that, starting when I powered on just after noon, and every 15 seconds, "weather@mockturtl#25: Error calling darksky 'bad status code' Reason: Forbidden" and "weather@mockturtl#25: Unable to obtain Weather Information" I didn't make any changes to the applet's settings, other than just now switching to the less-accurate openweathermap (it's snowing here, but they say it's raining, for instance). This issue only came up last week, almost exactly a week ago, but things were working the day after until now. I hope this helps, and if there's any more information you need, please let me know, I'll do what I can.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
Please double check your API key and API usage, if they are alright there is a chance your account was locked if you went over a 1000 calls mentioned here: You can tell them that due to an application bug your limit was exceeded and they unlock it. I will try to implement some rate-limiting after a certain number of errors (at least until I can zero in on the real issue)
Angsereg-5 years ago
Thanks for the rate limiting, it's been over 2 weeks now, without any more API issues. Personally, I DOUBT it was the applet making that many calls, I'm pretty sure it was probably some kind of temporary glitch/hiccough/etc on DarkSky's end (almost exactly 1 week apart, and so suddenly). At least this way, we KNOW it's not the weather applet, so there is still that! Thanks for keeping this applet updated, it's been so handy, ESPECIALLY this time of year!
Angsereg-5 years ago
Just noticed the same thing here, same build, Mint 19.2 Cinnamon x64. Either the applet's suddenly making a LOT more requests, or something odd's going on over at DarkSky.
TV-5 years ago
Привет! Выражаю благодарность за создание такого апплета! Один из самых прикольных и развлекательных информеров погоды. Но, недостаточно переведен на русский язык. Некоторые обозначения или текст в перемешку (смесь английского и русского языков). Возможно я смог бы помочь исправить \ уточнить перевод? Как я могу помочь? Хочу чтобы этот апплет был самым лучшим ))) ---------------------------------------- Hello! Thanks for creating such an applet! One of the coolest and most entertaining weather widgets. But, not sufficiently translated into Russian. Some notation or text mixed up (a mixture of English and Russian). Perhaps I could help correct / clarify the translation? How can I help? I want this applet to be the best)))
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
The translation files are stored on Github, you can submit a pull request there. How to update the translation file: The up-to date translation templates here: This is the current Russian translation file: The aim is to edit and update the Russian translation file with the up to date template, then fill out the empty 'msgstr' lines. If you need a detailed explanation, just send me an email, its on my GitHub account.
invexx-5 years ago
Very nice. It would be great if there was 'Feels like' temperature and daylight length.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
Hello, DarkSky has Feels Like temperature. Daylight length is a simple calculation, how did you imagine seeing that in the applet?
Danila-5 years ago
I'd love to have an option to make the expand popup a little bit less bulky. Other than that its great. Thanks.
Kasra-5 years ago
$ grep 'weather' ~/.xsession-errors Cjs-Message: 23:33:45.958: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/error] weather@mockturtl#16: Error calling openweathermap 'bad api response - non json' Reason: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data :////
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
Hello, does this happen only occasionally or all the time?
Phil995511-5 years ago
Excellent applet, works perfectly, thank you for this software. The only defect is the inaccuracy of temperatures of about +/- 2 ° C. Using a weather forecasting service based in the USA to provide real-time temperatures for Europe unfortunately gives this kind of inaccuracies. Despite this, this applet is the most useful of all in my opinion. A big thank you for your work :)
Saša Marjanović
Saša Marjanović-5 years ago
Hi! Thank you for a very useful applet. Everything works great on my Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon. Even so, I have a request: would it be possible to include another service provider for the applet? I've been using Kubuntu 18.04 for a while and the weather widget uses as a service provider. Yr is a joint service by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation and they have a very precise weather forecast. Here's a link with some useful info: Here's a project on GitHub that maybe could be useful: Anyway, thank you for your great work and for sharing it!
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
I'm planning to implement new services, but I'm getting really time-constrained this year. Also I'd prefer to implement a service with daily forecasts. the 6-hour forecast is alright, but I have to process them to daily, what can make weather conditions not representative for the day in the end.
josephhorgan-5 years ago
Anyone else getting the "not compatible with current version of Cinnamon" message?
bigjrslade-5 years ago
Hy.. for a longer time i have a issuese with the applet.. the translation for <TOMORROW> <TODAY> not work.. im from germany wherecan i change?
lmde-5 years ago
The Weather app is not loading weather for me since the last update - I'm running LMDE2 (Debian Jessie) with Cinnamon 3.4.6. The taskbar icon has the round arrow, and I can click "Refresh" but nothing loads. Everything is configured correctly in the app itself. I have another computer running LMDE2 also with Cinnamon 3.4.6 with the previous version of the app and it loads the weather as expected.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
Please See my discussion with davidsgrogan below. I will update the Readme.
JoaoMachado-5 years ago
I too am having this issue on Cinnamon 4.2.0 on Manjaro: until the fix officially comes down here is how to fix this issue. 1) Navigate to your home folder, then to .local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl. 2) In that directory you should have two version of folders, 3.4 and 3.8, open folder 3.8 and select all items in that folder and copy. 3) Navigate back to waether@mockturtl and create a folder with the name "4.2", no quotes, and paste the copied items in that folder. 4) Now edit the metadata.json file with your favorite text editor, and add "4.2" to the array list, but be sure to add a comma after the last current entry. File should look like this; { "uuid": "weather@mockturtl", "name": "Weather", "description": "View your local weather forecast", "max-instances": 3, "version": "2.2.0", "multiversion": true, "cinnamon-version": [ "2.2", "2.4", "2.6", "2.8", "3.0", "3.2", "3.4", "3.6", "3.8", "4.0", "4.2" ], "last-edited": 1558644894 } Save the file and the applet should load.
davidsgrogan-5 years ago
I'm using version 2.2.0 on cinnamon 3.6.7 and am getting error t=2019-07-08T22:22:18.089Z weather@mockturtl#36: Error in Main loop: ReferenceError: Promise is not defined in .cinnamon/glass.log Probably something wrong with my system, anyone know what I can try to fix it?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
Hello, are you on Linux Mint? If so, what version are you using?
davidsgrogan-5 years ago
Debian testing
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
I know what the problem is. Cinnamon 3.6 depends on mozjs38 (what has Promise support), Debian testing must be using mozjs28 or earlier... If there is a fix, that will be for you to install a newer version of mozjs. Is it bullseye whats in testing right now for Debian? libmozjs-52 package should be available on testing... I will have a look as well when I've got some time.
davidsgrogan-5 years ago
Yep, that's gotta be it. I have both libmozjs-24-0:amd64 and libmozjs-52-0:amd64 installed. Cinnamon depends on libmozjs-24-0:amd64 for some reason though. $ sudo apt-get remove libmozjs-24-0:amd64 [...] The following packages will be REMOVED: blueman cinnamon cinnamon-core [...]
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
The only thing I can suggest is submit it as a bug for Debian ( that Cinnamon version 3.4-3.6 depends on too old version of libmozjs. They will probably won't do anything. On the other hand as long as you stay on 3.4-3.6 there is no need to update this applet (that version is eol too), so you can just go into ~/.local/cinnamon/share/applet/weather@mockturtl/ and delete the folder named "3.4", then restart Cinnamon. This way you can use it as before as long as you don't update it until your are on Cinnamon 3.8.
Bundy01-5 years ago
Hello, the applet is no longer compatible with Cinnamon 4.2. Can you do the update. Thank you.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
A pull request is submitter for a couple of weeks now to fix this issue. Adding "4.2" to the cinnamon-version array in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/metadata.json will get the applet working
Bundy01-5 years ago
Thank you, the trick works for this applet and for another one I use :). Would it be possible to delete "cinnamon-version: ..." to avoid this kind of problem anymore?
Peter Williams
Peter Williams-5 years ago
Changing the API key seems to have no effect. App stays stuck on Brisbane which is over 100kms away. I tried both city name Toowoomba, AU and postcode 4350, AU but it stays stuck on Brisbane, AU.
zip9-5 years ago
Sorry...just saw where I will have to wait for an upgrade to Cinnamon - likely won't be a while for me. Am on 3.6.7.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
I have the pull request submitted for DarkSky support from 3.4. Don't know when it will be pulled. If you really want it now, you can download the version from my fork: then you can copy the contents of folder /cinnamon-spices-applets-upgrade/weather@mockturtl/files/weather@mockturtl/ in the zip file you downloaded to: ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/ After you restart (cinnamon) it should be working.
zip9-5 years ago
Thank You! Your solution worked great...Dark Sky seems to be very accurate in my area..appreciate your assistance.
zip9-5 years ago
OpenWeatherMap is the only choice I see. Current description often shows light rain when it is clear, other data seems reasonable. DarkSky would be a better choice for me, as there are local weather stations available. Am on Mint 18.3.
Phil995511-5 years ago
Best one weather forecast
CaptainMantra-5 years ago
Setting for "Christchurch,NZ", no longer works. Shows error in the taskbar. But WILL work if I change location to another country such as Sydney,AU; London,Uk; Los Angeles,US. Latitude, Longitude for Christchurch,NZ also dosen't work. This applet was working before. Is there a fix or update please. Looking out the window is so 20th Century :)!
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
When I check a few days before it was indeed not working, and I confirmed that OpenWeatherMap could not find the location based on the city code. Checked it today, it is working fine now
RobinGamingyt-5 years ago
Hey, I can not add my city. What can I do?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
Hello, you can use your latitude/longitude with both OpenWeatherMap and DarkSky, format: 47.1243,18.4311
mxyzplx-5 years ago
Been happily using this applet for a few years now, but one thing is curious: If the forecast is set to be seen, it shows the low and high temperatures for those future days, but the applet doesn't show the low/high for the current day. So if you want to see what that day's high temp is, you have to go to another site or app for that.
mxyzplx-5 years ago
Just... ignore that. If I could delete it, I would.
Márcio Indau
Márcio Indau-5 years ago
The best!
Yuji Saeki
Yuji Saeki-5 years ago
Just to clarify, I live in NY, but the maps end up putting me in Washington State using ZIP code... or in Kochkor, Kyrgyzstan if I use my latitude and longitude. No they aren't switched.
Yuji Saeki
Yuji Saeki-5 years ago
Neither have my town/city. Previous versions were fine. Got a copy of the old one?
davidsgrogan-5 years ago
Looks like in 2.1.7 there is not an option to use DarkSky with cinnamon 3.6. I wanted to try DarkSky because as @poliltimmy says, OpenWeatherMap says it's raining when there's bright blue sky and sun beaming through my window
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
DarkSky is currently supported on 3.8 and above, but I'm trying to make it compatible with previous versions. Currently I can get the weather info on 3.6 but it's buggy as hell, crashing left and right, losing app context, breaking if I change any of the settings etc. It might take some time to get it in a good shape (I don't have a lot of time) but I'm making progress.
davidsgrogan-5 years ago
Yikes, sounds brutal. I'd bet not many folks are on 3.6 anymore... I can wait until I get 3.8
notlurking1-5 years ago
Works again!!!.....kudos to the developers.....
zip9-6 years ago
Been stuck with incorrect current condition showing on the icon and applet for the last two weeks. Current details in the applet seem correct (today is a bright sunny day here, with applet showing cloudiness at 1%); yet app shows 'light rain' with 'rain' on the icon. It's almost always stuck on rain for the description. When I recently upgraded to 2.1.6 it seemed to have correct condition for an hour or so, now it is wrong again. Would like to try a different service, but 'OpenWeatherMap' seems fixed. No drop-down option in the configuration. On Cinnamon 3.6.7... Thanks for any tips. appreciate your applet!
zip9-5 years ago
Sorry for the above comment....seems to be an issue with 'OpenWeatherMap'. The current condition is often incorrect - but matches what OpenWeatherMap has on their site. Don't recall this being an issue in the past......
poliltimmy-6 years ago
The app will not show my city. it shows for 40 miles away. Tried every input method. Will state my city in app using zip,but it says it is raining here, not a dark cloud can be seen in any direction. Using default open weather.
poliltimmy-5 years ago
Playing around with it this morning. I had the wrong info also. I switched on Display time in 24 hour format and it instantly changed to the correct info. Maybe that will help fix the issue.
poliltimmy-5 years ago
That only worked until the last refresh. Toggle the 24 hour back to off brought it back to the correct info.
poliltimmy-5 years ago
Set up DarkSky and it seems to be working perfectly. If you set it to refresh at 45 min intervals you will not run out of the 1000 API calls as that is only 974 a month calls on the API.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-5 years ago
You get 1000 calls a day with DarkSky
ventego-6 years ago
Thank you very much for the best applet. There is one issue: sunrise and sunset times are shown twice, for example "Sunrise: 8:12: 8:12 Sunset: 18:10: 18:10"
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
Hello, do you know your Cinnamon version and applet version?
ventego-6 years ago
Hello, Cinnamon 4.0.9, applet 2.0.0
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
current applet version is 2.1.6, so if you update that bug should be resolved. (It was fixed in 2.0.1)
leroyz84-6 years ago
<3 it!
domdog-6 years ago
Thanks so much for all the recent work. Glad to have the applet back up and working.
panks103-6 years ago
Thank you dear developer for fixing this applet!!
Grigorijs-6 years ago
Hi, on Cinnamon 4.0.9 / DarkSky doesn't work properly "Override location label" It shows permanently info from "Location / Latitude, Longitude"
Grigorijs-6 years ago
You've fixed it on 2.1.6. Thanks.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
Is it still an issue?
Grigorijs-6 years ago
Yes on 2.1.5 :)
jorgenqv-6 years ago
Not if you manually download 2.1.6 from Github. The old 2.1.5 is is still in the repo last I checked.
JosephHenley-6 years ago
Hi, Running Cinnamon ver. 2.8.8 (on Linux Mint 17.3)... the app loads and works fine now. Thanks! Hopefully at some point you'll add in access to additional weather info sources; OpenWeatherMap has good current temperature reporting, but their forecasts are not great. Thanks again! Joe Henley
Grigorijs-6 years ago
You've made it with last update: "I'll fix that, also fixed the bug when you have the previous day in the forecast." Great Job! Thanks...
blonde-forever-6 years ago
it works perfectly well with cinnamon 3.2 on debian stretch :) thank you very much for the work done, and the resumption of the development of the applet :) thanks ^^
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
The problems with Cinnamon version 3.2 and below is due to the wrong folder structure of the applet. I submitted a pull request already, Update should be up tonight or tomorrow.
kochinc-6 years ago
Thank you so much for updating this handy applet. Now I can have the weather showing on my Linux Mint desktop again. (Linux Mint 19 / Cinnamon 3.8.9)
blonde-forever-6 years ago
Hello. great work:) thanks for the development of the applet:) it works well on Debian Sid. but on the other hand, it doesn't work on Debian Stretch 9.7 and cinnamon 3.2.7:/ in looking glass, I have this feedback error t=2019-02-03T16:02:39Z [Applet "weather@mockturtl"]: File not found: /home/toshiba/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/applet.js error t=2019-02-03T16:02:39Z Could not load applet weather@mockturtl I uninstalled the applet. re-install relaunch cinnamon but the problem persists...
GitLister-6 years ago
Everything is running again and the applet is better than before. Thanks for the great work. My favorite applet works again on older Cinnamon. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
Last update fixed below mentioned fixes, Also, the applet is multi versioned now, that means it has a version that's compatible below 3.8, what will automatically run if you have an older Cinnamon version than that.
JosephHenley-6 years ago
Maybe I misunderstood.... I had gone back to version 2.0.1 until you were able to make the app run with earlier Cinnamon versions (ver 2.1.0 did not work for me). I tried this latest version (not quite sure what ver it is; but you said it would automatically work on lower Cinnamon versions), but it doesn't work. I re-installed ver 2.0.1 and all is again working. So, should it have worked, or did I screw up installing it? Thanks for all your effort with this app! Joe Henley
blonde-forever-6 years ago
I confirm, problem here also present here on Debian Stretch Cinnamon 3.2.7 reproducible problem on 3 Debian Stretch pcs. bypass solution: downgrading to the old version of the applet and everything works.
Joe Cusumano
Joe Cusumano-6 years ago
The last update is great. It's working well for me on three different installations. The updating is good, and accuracy seems steady as well. Thanks!
Faust30000-6 years ago
After the update, it only got worse. New weather forecasting service is just disgusting. Temperature and weather conditions shows with great accuracy, the old service was better. DEL.
janos-r-6 years ago
Thank you for the update! Loved the app. One big bug: System: Linux Mint 19.1 cinnamon Issue: When in "panel edit mode" and dragging the weather app (doesn't happen with other apps) to some other position, just to the right for example, the whole screen freezes. Workaround: ctrl + alt + backspace - this restarts Xorg. After login, the weather app is on its new position. Note: ctrl + alt + esc - doesn't unfreeze.
I have the same freeze problem as janos-r with Cinnamon version 3.8.9 in openSUSE. Attila Greguss, thanks for your work on this applet!
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
Fixed, will be included in the next update
Grigorijs-6 years ago
One issue. In DarkSky shows "Humidity" as "57.99999999999999%" Too much 99999999999999 :)
Grigorijs-6 years ago
The problem has gone...
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
I'll fix that, also fixed the bug when you have the previous day in the forecast.
Grigorijs-6 years ago
superb!!! Just will wait next update with fixes. Thanks..
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
Ok, got the older version ready, what should still be compatible with Cinnamon 1.8+ Here is the Link:
MargoJay-6 years ago
Works again for me too. Is without Dark Sky, but I can live with that. Thank you! LM 18.2. Cinnamon 3.4.6
Jean Schoeters
Jean Schoeters-6 years ago
Thank you. It works now. Linux Mint 18.3.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
To anyone who's having the error: error t=2019-01-30T19:41:59Z missing } after property list error t=2019-01-30T19:41:59Z [Applet "weather@mockturtl"]: Error importing applet.js from weather@mockturtl error t=2019-01-30T19:41:59Z Could not load applet weather@mockturtl I broke the minimum requirements of the applet by implementing async funtions (without knowing, unfortunately), what are supported from Cinnamon version 3.6.x! If you need DarkSky, upgrade to a version above. Else, don't! At this moment I don't know how long will it take to get the support for older versions back while maintaining the same functionality. If you already updated, I'll make the previous version available here tonight
Grigorijs-6 years ago
In the previous version (which you'll make) will be DarkSky? Because for me the current version works as should ))) Only one thing about DarkSky. Why does it show a forecast from a previous day?
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
I don't plan to lose functionality from what the applet has now. I will definitely try to get older versions supported, but if I can't, I'll have to split it, what i dont want to do. That would mean the applet will support 3.6.x+, and I will fix up the previus version with OpenWeatherMap properly, archive it and that can be accessed from the Readme here.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
I only display the days what DarkSky returns. What is your Timezone?
Grigorijs-6 years ago
GMT/UTC + 1 Latitude, Longitude - 62.1457,6.0636 DarkSky is showing Wednesday also )))
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
You are right, very weird indeed
Jean Schoeters
Jean Schoeters-6 years ago
I just installed 2.1.0 and now after restarting Cinnamon it won't load. error t=2019-01-30T19:41:59Z missing } after property list error t=2019-01-30T19:41:59Z [Applet "weather@mockturtl"]: Error importing applet.js from weather@mockturtl error t=2019-01-30T19:41:59Z Could not load applet weather@mockturtl
JosephHenley-6 years ago
OK, I needed to remove the file size limit on xsessions. Did that, deleted weather, rebooted, refreshed applet list, selected weather and installed. When I tried to do the config, I got the pop-up again. The contents of xsession-errors are: ( libglade-WARNING **: unknown attribute `swapped' for <signal>. ( libglade-WARNING **: unknown attribute `swapped' for <signal>. ( libglade-WARNING **: unknown attribute `swapped' for <signal>. ( libglade-WARNING **: unknown attribute `swapped' for <signal>. Terminated (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: enum unrecognised: 0 (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: enum unrecognised: 0 (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: in an undefined state we are not charging or discharging and the batteries are also not charged (cinnamon:3945): St-WARNING **: Did not find color property '-gradient-start' (cinnamon:3945): St-WARNING **: Did not find color property '-gradient-end' (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: enum unrecognised: 0 (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: enum unrecognised: 0 (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: in an undefined state we are not charging or discharging and the batteries are also not charged last 3 lines repeated 6 times (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: enum unrecognised: 0 (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: enum unrecognised: 0 (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: in an undefined state we are not charging or discharging and the batteries are also not charged [5453:5453:0130/] Error: /etc/machine-id contains 32 characters (32 were expected). Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf", line 86: unknown element "blank" Initializing folder-color-switcher extension... (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: enum unrecognised: 0 (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: enum unrecognised: 0 (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: in an undefined state we are not charging or discharging and the batteries are also not charged [5453:5453:0130/] Not implemented reached in virtual ui::InputMethodKeyboardController *ui::InputMethodBase::GetInputMethodKeyboardController()Using InputMethodKeyboardControllerStub (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: enum unrecognised: 0 (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: enum unrecognised: 0 (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: in an undefined state we are not charging or discharging and the batteries are also not charged last 3 lines repeated 7 times (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: enum unrecognised: 0 (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: enum unrecognised: 0 (cinnamon-settings-daemon:3858): power-plugin-WARNING **: in an undefined state we are not charging or discharging and the batteries are also not charged Hopefully this will help. Thanks for your help. Joe Henley
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
Nothing related to this applet...ok, last thing. Download The "Toggle LookingGlass" applet. open it, Select the "Log" tab. See if there are any errors (marked as red) are in there.
JosephHenley-6 years ago
I also found that the weather applet is now in: /root/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/. It used to be, and all other current applets are, in: /root/cinnamon-spices-applets/. That may explain why it complains about not being able to import or load it.
JosephHenley-6 years ago
OK, I found this in red .... error t=2019-01-30T14:12:37Z missing } after property list error t=2019-01-30T14:12:37Z [Applet "weather@mockturtl"]: Error importing applet.js from weather@mockturtl error t=2019-01-30T14:12:37Z Could not load applet weather@mockturtl
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
Could you send me the contents of your /root/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/ folder? I'm interested in what you actually have in there. That error is a syntax error, what definitely should't be there for you
Jean Schoeters
Jean Schoeters-6 years ago
I have the same error. The /root/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/ folder does not exist on my system. All the files got copied into /home/jean/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/ folder instead.
JosephHenley-6 years ago
Contents are: # ls -al /root/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/ total 108 drwx------ 3 root root 4096 Jan 30 14:19 . drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jan 30 14:19 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 52726 Jan 30 14:19 applet.js -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11139 Jan 30 14:19 darkSky.js -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2245 Jan 30 14:19 icon.png -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2774 Jan 30 14:19 ipApi.js -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 197 Jan 30 14:19 metadata.json -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11230 Jan 30 14:19 openWeatherMap.js drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 30 14:19 po -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3756 Jan 30 14:19 settings-schema.json -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1095 Jan 30 14:19 stylesheet.css
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
I mean the actual files over email
JosephHenley-6 years ago
Short delay to satisfy the Google overlord, but now on their way.
JosephHenley-6 years ago
Trying the new 2268, no joy. Get a pop up message: "There was a problem loading the selected item, and it has been disabled. Check your system log and the Cinnamon LookingGlass log for any issues. Please contact the developer." There is nothing relevant in either log. Help, please. Thanks! Joe Henley
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
When Cinnamon can't load a module, there is ALWAYS an error message in the log about it. try looking for it in ~/.xsession-errors
proboscide99-6 years ago
Hello, I'm experiencing a (very) low accuracy on reported temperatures. Here in Modena (Italy) we have at most -2 / -3 degrees celsius in the night, while the applet displays -12. Yesterday it said -14 (!!!) while the real minimum temperature tonight has been -2. Here is a screenshot.
domdog-6 years ago
Just got another update and I couldn't be happier. Thanks so much for getting the app back up and running. The switch around on the high and low makes tons more sense. It always boggles me for split second the way it was displayed before. Temp in the morning is mostly what I need.
fluntelion-6 years ago
Sorry! Right message, but wrong applet. Consider it as never published. :-))
fluntelion-6 years ago
I had been waiting for such an applet for years, and here it is. Great! And it works perfectly well. Thank you for your commitment and your work. :-) Let me propose something. Could you give us the choice to have the symbol hidden when there's nothing to be updated? Like the symbol of the Update Manager? That would be even greater.
JosephHenley-6 years ago
I'm running ver 2.0.1. It will update the weather info only when I change the config. ie., the temp and forecast data shown in the panel are updated only when I change a setting in the config screen. Also, as others mentioned, the forecasts aren't very accurate. I don't know if that is the app's problem or the source info provider. I suspect the latter. Hopefully you'll be able to add an option for other providers. Thanks for the all. Joe Henley
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
Hello, If the weather info does not change that meas the applet has crashed at some point. Next time you think the weather does not update, could you send me the logfile in ~/.cinnamon/glass.log so I can look at the trace? My email address is on my github
Joe Cusumano
Joe Cusumano-6 years ago
Unfortunately, the app is back to giving poor information. It's been showing "light snow" all day, but it's been partly cloudy with no precipitation, and the five-day forecast is way off compared to other sources. I don't think the update interval (currently set at 15 min) is being followed. I'm not sure what I can tell you to help diagnose the issue. If there's any info I can provide, let me know. It might be entirely a problem with OpenWeatherMap vs. the old Yahoo weather.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
the Free OpenWeatherMap API key gives forecasts for every 3 hours. I compile this information per/day then display that. The Weather Condition is chosen by the most severe (I thought people want to see the worst weather , e.g. there will be rain or snow) for a day. If OpenWeatherMap returned Light Snow for your location for a 3 hour forecast, it will display that (As mentioned below OpenWeatherMap is inaccurate sometimes). I could change it to the most common condition for the day, but then you miss out on showers and things like that. Now this is far from perfect, unfortunately. I'm talking to OpenWeather for an API key for the app, if that includes the proper daily forecasts, I'll swap to that.
fluntelion-6 years ago
There's something radically wrong with that applet of yours. I keyed in the API I got from OpenWeatherMap in their welcome e-mail, but your applet didn't react. In my account, I keyed in my place, a large city in Western Europe, and got the same API I already had. I waited 24 hours for the API to be activated, but nothing changed. I checked the API at - and it turned out to be London! :-) I tried your recommendation and pasted the coordinates of my city, got two different API's, the check shows that they are activated - but none of them works. Restaring Cinnamon, rebooting - nothing helps. This applet of yours just doesn't work.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
Hello, what does the applet display as an error?
fluntelion-6 years ago
Err ... it doesn't display anything. I simply doesn't load any data, and when I click on "Reload", nothing happens. :-(
gratua-6 years ago
I'm very pleased and thankful to see reports that this applet is back and running. I am saddened that I must unfortunately cloud this happy event with my confusion on how to get this running once again. I made my account and got an API from OpenWeatherMap, but I don't understand where to put it in the applet. My version of the applet's configuration field looks just like before, and the only spot where it's open to receive input is where it wants a WOEID, nothing about API at all. Any tips? And thank you, mixaso, for all your work here =]
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
That seems like your app is still on the old version
Joe Cusumano
Joe Cusumano-6 years ago
Well, that's... weird. I was messing watching it for a couple hours before I posted and it was way off. Now, immediately after posting it's giving me a much more reasonable looking forecast!
Joe Cusumano
Joe Cusumano-6 years ago
Good news: it works! Nice job, and thank you! Bad news: OpenWeatherMaps is very inaccurate (at least for central Pennsylvania in the US) when compared to other services. The data/forecasts aren't even close. :-(
mixaso-6 years ago
Not work for me((( location Ivano-Frankivsk,UA
mixaso-6 years ago
Oooh, after reboot system, applet work fine! ThnxU!
Grigorijs-6 years ago
It's Wonderful. Will be great if you will add more different "Data services" And as commented below - "sunrise/set time is doubled" Thanks..
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
I did the update in a way that other services in the future, I just wanted to get the update out what restores functionality. What API would you like to see next? I thought of DarkSky
Jean Schoeters
Jean Schoeters-6 years ago
Thank you for fixing it. My vote goes to DarkSky and Weather Underground.
Bundy01-6 years ago
hi, accuweather would be nice too.
Grigorijs-6 years ago
DarkSky - will be NICE! APIs can be like: Weather Underground APIXU Meteoblue Thanks!!!
kluszon-6 years ago
Thank you for an update and fixed issue on Linux Mint 19.1 and new cinnamon.
Bundy01-6 years ago
Glad the applet is back. However, I noticed that the sunrise/set time was doubled. I have another remark: would it be possible to put the two openweathermap addresses in https (#66, #67)? Thank you.
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
Hello, I submitted the port to OpenWeatherMap for the applet. @Bundy01 I am aware of the issue (stupid overlook from my part mixed with some last minute changes), it will be fixed in the next version along with swapping to https requests. if you can't wait for a fix, open ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/weather@mockturtl/applet.js , and delete Line 654 and 655.
Bundy01-6 years ago
Thanks for the feedback :)
SorglosHH-6 years ago
Thank you!
annoyingduck-6 years ago
The OpenWeather setup is working, but for me I'm missing a day. Basically today is Wednesday, but the next forecast day it shows is Friday. Thursday is missing. And to be even more strange, it appears that the forecast is actually correct, but the day is labeled wrong. Ex: it shows tomorrow as being Friday and it's going to rain and that Saturday will be broken clouds, while in reality tomorrow is Thursday and it's going to rain and Friday will be broken clouds. NFC here!
Attila Greguss
Attila Greguss-6 years ago
Hello, I submitted the port to OpenWeatherMap for the applet. That's pretty bad issue, could you tell me your timezone or the City/Country returned? (only if you feel comfortable with it, ofc). OpenWeatherMap provides Datetime without timezones and probably that's why it is incorrect, I will have a proper look at it after work.
domdog-6 years ago
I think the service that provided the weather data is no longer being offered.
proboscide99-6 years ago
Hi everybody. I'd suggest porting the xfce weather app to Cinnamon. I loved it. Based on data from, it's very accurate and good-looking. It also gives an idea about WHEN, during the day, a particular event may occur. I would like very much seeing it in Cinnamon, now that this one is over.
RPeters52-6 years ago
Does not work!! Applet has CW arrow and 3 dots. If I open the applet it says "Loading". It has worked in the past! I have configured it with the appropriate WOEID - 2352824 - from nm usa. I am running Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon. All internet communications are fine.
Márcio Indau
Márcio Indau-6 years ago
So this awesome applet is dead? Why the developer didnt respond us?
MrGrimm-6 years ago
i see i'm not the only one having a issue with this in the last few days. made me think i screwed something up. you really need to respond to you users. tacky not to.
menthenchocolat-6 years ago
Hey hey, be nice to contributors, ok? There is an issue pending in github concerning this (see button "issues" above). You might contribute there, if you want to help solving the problem.
notlurking1-6 years ago
In the mean time while hopefully the woeid gets fixed use the weather works fine....
GitLister-6 years ago
The WOEID page is working again, but the applet still doesn't work anymore. Is there any hope that it will work again?
Tyson-6 years ago
+1 doesn't work anymore...
Márcio Indau
Márcio Indau-6 years ago
The weather forecast does not work anymore. WOEID died, you need to change to something other than WOEID
Tony-6 years ago
From "Important EOL Notice: As of Thursday, Jan. 3, 2019, the and for Yahoo Weather API will be retired. To continue using our free Yahoo Weather APIs, use Contact for credentials to onboard to this free Yahoo Weather API service. "
olegrudakov-6 years ago
The weather forecast does not work, as the project WOEID died, you need to come up with something else.
Steve Ebey
Steve Ebey-6 years ago
As of January 2019, it appears that the woeid is dead. I can no longer get updates to my local forecast for this app.
domdog-6 years ago
Confirming MadmanRB's comment. :( This was my accurate and daily go to regarding weather.
madmanRB-6 years ago
Broken, wont work anymore. Needs to change to something other than WOEID
MrNanook-6 years ago
Weather details do not load. Probably because of a change in Yahoo! weather API: BTW: Great applet. :-)
neatpetec-6 years ago
Decided I can do without Oath(Yahoo). only to find Weather app uses yahoo(oath). Why is there no settings feature where you can select which search engine your comfortable with? The lengths these so&so;'s will go to get your data. There's a word for them and it isn't nice.
invexx-6 years ago
Very useful. Unfortunately, the current temperature in a vertical panel isn't shown.
hankharkin-6 years ago
I'm having the same problem as mfreeman72. It was working fine, but now the readout is for Seattle and I live in Utah. When I click on the city name it does open up the webpage for Provo, UT though, which is correct.
mfreeman72-6 years ago
This applet was working fine up to this point, but suddenly it's giving me the forecast for New York instead of my city (Fresno, CA). The WOEID I have entered for Fresno is correct, and again, it was working fine before. I didn't make any changes. What could be happening?
Hilyx-6 years ago
The best applet. Works fine. Thank you.
Fonstw-6 years ago
10/10 no problems see my wheather from the panel this is a must have for anyone living in the Netherlands or UK
Fonstw-6 years ago
weather* of course I do have one minor point; I am not sure what "translate condition" does nor what its use is, is seems to capitalize some weather condition names although I am not entirely sure.
franckmee-6 years ago
Hello, it seems there's a bug here in France: atmospheric pressure is given as 33728 mbar, 996 in.hg, etc., today in Angoulême. My guess is the app thinks pressure information is given in in.HG, but in France (tested with Angoulême and Paris) it gets a hPa value and so displays a value that's 33 times what it should be. Thanks, have a nice day!
Ezerbeth-6 years ago
Right-click configure = crash report opens, and app does nothing. impossible to configure.
ichnaton-7 years ago
Would it be possible to add the "Beaufort" wind speed unit. I know we have knots, mph, m/s and kph, but Beaufort is the most used in the Netherlands. Actually, it's the only one we Dutch actually understand.
pepstu-6 years ago
The Beaufort scale is not a unit that indicates wind speed. It indicates wind force (kg per square meter averaged over 10 minutes). So adding Beaufort as a wind speed unit would be incorrect, but it would be nice to see Beaufort/wind force added.
Fonstw-6 years ago
This is a good point, Beaufort scale is often given on Dutch television news channels, although I personally prefer kph this is still a very good suggestion!
zip9-7 years ago
Applet works fine, except am seeing the same link issue as Stretch Man. Deleting the first characters including the asterisk works.... Thanks again for this useful applet!
Cevad OZTUG-7 years ago
Same problem as Bora Ön. The foreecast starts from yesterday or the day before. So all the data becomes questionable. Any suggestions? Bora Ön - 1 month ago - Reply I don't know why, but for the last couple of days it started to show from the day before. I mean, if it is monday, it lists the weather starting from sunday. Any help?
Band1to-7 years ago
Awesome ! - Works great!
ArtGirlUK-7 years ago
Works great on Mint 18.3; like that number of days can be chosen, and it looks great on the panel bar. Thanks. :-)
Vasilis K.
Vasilis K.-7 years ago
The city button is set to direct to This link does not work. Fix it please. Far from that, great app.
Mehmet Özgür Bayhan
Could be perfect if it shows the 3 day weathercast
Gabriel Borges
Gabriel Borges-7 years ago
I've upgraded to Cinnamon 3.6.5 and I still can't use this applet. It would be great to get this applet back working, since it's very useful!
Gabriel Borges
Gabriel Borges-7 years ago
I used this theme in Cinnamon 2.8. After upgrading to Cinnamon 3.6.3 when I right click it and select "Configure", it does nothing.
Hilyx-7 years ago
Essential...Great work
Stefan Reichelt
Stefan Reichelt-7 years ago
Had the same problem for a week now (only realized it today though). See about updating the applet. I've used it for years and apparently the applet changed quite a bit over time. It also uses a different source for the WOID codes.
Lvaskz-7 years ago
same problem, just loading and it never run
Tan Quach
Tan Quach-7 years ago
I have the same issue with it being stuck on the loading, but I don't think it's an issue with the applet. I dug around the code and pulled the URL it uses to get the data back from yahoo api's and tried to get the data back through a browser. I don't get any response back from the yahoo api, it eventually times out, so it looks like there may be an issue with yahoo apis that's causing the problem.
Zverko Veselic
Zverko Veselic-7 years ago
Stuck in "Loading" forever :( The only reason I can come up with is because I need to use a proxy to get to the internet. The proxy is configured as the usual Gnome proxy, but maybe the applet isn't respecting this...
Bora Ön
Bora Ön-7 years ago
I don't know why, but for the last couple of days it started to show from the day before. I mean, if it is monday, it lists the weather starting from sunday. Any help?
zboraon-6 years ago
this issue has been solved after winter time ends. this should be aproblem of turkey, since for the last 2 years in turkey we dont use winter time.
adtofaust-7 years ago
Unfortunately it doesn't work with vertical panels.
Bob Alexander
Bob Alexander-7 years ago
Love This Applet! Is there any way to change the fonts or color of the fonts? Thanks.
Kaminata Net
Kaminata Net-7 years ago
Please, give us the option for switching to color icons in the panel or provide me a link to download and replace them. Thank you :)
jpcusumano-7 years ago
A clarification: the button is set to direct to This link does not work, at least from where I am in the US.
jpcusumano-7 years ago
The button that's supposed to take you to the web is broken: right now it tries to go to, but hangs. It would be nice to fixe that, but It would be even better if we could select our own URL to be activated by that button.
poliltimmy-7 years ago
Blank page when trying to access
Pieter Wycoff
Pieter Wycoff-7 years ago
Very nice. Works great!
Bora Ön
Bora Ön-7 years ago
Good, no bug at Cinnamon 3.2.