
UUID: ScreenShot@tech71
Last edited:
7 months ago 2024-07-04, 20:20
Last commit: [4207c2ae] Add Catalan translations (#6176)

Take a snapshot of your desktop or individual windows

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Tony, Martin Berbel
I've solved it by entering the menu to open the "Applets" window, where I could enable the shortcut next to the clock.
Tony, Martin Berbel
I just installed the last version of Linux Mint and enabled it, but the icon doesn't appear in the taskbar like supposed to. I never had this when installing ubuntu server with Cinnamon desktop over it. Issued wth: Linux Mint Linux Mint 21.1 Cinnamon 5.6.8 - 5.15.0-75-generic
Aaron-dev-3 years ago
Love this tool a lot, makes taking fast screenshots extremely easy! Just need a slightly longer delay for the "current window" option as the screenshot will often include the screenshot tool because it hadnt had time to fade
Lloric Mayuga Garcia
Hi, i suggest to have manage to set default folder, since i have trouble when capturing, i'm always save in home folder which is difficult to manage.
Lloric Mayuga Garcia
Useful, rather than take a whole screen then cut off
GNU_Linux_User-6 years ago
In the save dialogue, the path is highlighted but it is not in fact preselected - one cannot just start typing to set the filename. This little irritation mounts when one uses the tool multiple times a day. But *does the developer in fact read these comments*? There has been no reply, so far as I can tell, to any of them.
LinuxOnTheDesktop-5 years ago
For some reason - I am unsure what; I don't think the applet has been updated - this problem seems to have disappeared. Good-o!
ChooChooAl-6 years ago
Screenshot@Tech71 only captures desktop in Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon 64 bit. Will not capture anything else in the rectangle.
CottonEaster-6 years ago
This is a useful applet, for which I am grateful. Here is a report of a small problem, though perhaps the problem owes to Cinnamon rather than to the applet. Sometimes - it is intermittent - the applet does not scale properly. Screenshot at: I have Cinnamon set to scale panel text and icons (I mean: there is a GUI setting for that, and I have that setting enabled.) My system: Mint 18.3, Cinnamon 3.6.7, applet version 2017-102-12; hi-DPI enabled; screen resolution 2560x1440.
Andrea Moro
Andrea Moro-7 years ago
It would be fantastic if I could assign a keyboard combination for each of the screenshot options
Volodimir-6 years ago
This applet is just a wrapper on the gnome-screenshot tool. See man page or even source code of this applet (it is very easy), which commands use to make a screenshot. Example: gnome-screenshot -w - make screenshot of current window gnome-screenshot -a - make screenshot of selected area Now, you can bind this commands to your own shortcuts :)
Sally Kennett
Sally Kennett-7 years ago
This is a very useful extension, but I wish it had a way of setting a custom default location to save the screenshots to.
Frank Olieu
Frank Olieu-6 years ago
originalbleak-7 years ago
1 and 3 seconds delays are useless. How about a 10 seconds delay? Thanks.
originalbleak-7 years ago
OK, never mind. I got it. Delay 5 seconds. I'm an idiot.
originalbleak-7 years ago
I wish I could take a screen shot with a drop-down menu in Firefox visible. Maybe a hot key to make selection? Just sayin.
Zito Gomes
Zito Gomes-7 years ago
not working with latest arch linux, and cinnamon 3.4.4