My Launcher

Last edited:
3 months ago 2024-11-16, 04:28
Last commit: [84eb0995] Finnish update (#6577)

Personal app launcher.

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Alan-9 months ago
Current version updated on 2024-05-15 09:18:25. Did the new version remove the hourly forecast? I have no little ^ arrow at the bottom to expand. Also I have a list of quite a few cities, basically Nascar tracks that are outside a major city. I put them in with log/lat from google maps and the major city/track name under 'saved locations'. However I'm not getting those city names, I'm getting some small township or such where the track is.
Alan-9 months ago
Interesting. Seems open weather does not do hourly now and open meteo does. So I just switched and all is fine.
TrippHazzard-10 months ago
I've used this for several years, but since the April 22 2024 update, it doesn't work. No menu when I click , no option to edit it. Running Mint 21 Cinnamon. Did the menu location change?
Chris Read
Chris Read-10 months ago
Hi, this applet was updated to persist the settings but sounds like there's an issue here. I'll raise this as an issue on the Github repo and CC you in. Is there any chance you could post your .xsession-errors file from your home directory there? Thanks!
TrippHazzard-9 months ago
The whole thing? Or just the first portion, back how far? (Sorry for the slow reply!)
Chris Read
Chris Read-9 months ago
No problems, we've located the issue and released a patch
Vlad Tokarev
Vlad Tokarev-2 years ago
Every time before applet updating I need to backup my settings by myself. That so old and strange bug. Also please change default settings from "Home=xdg-open /home/mark/" to "Home=xdg-open ~", because not all applet users are named Mark.
Carsten Moller
Carsten Moller -2 years ago
Please give me a hint, can't find the names for the programs to be set in the textfile - for instance 'chrome' ain't working, tried several different name combinations
mellobob-2 years ago
Is it possible to change the icon of the the app? I like to have a couple of these: one with a music symbol for my music programs, etc.
Alan-2 years ago
I replace the mylauncher.svg icon in .local/share/cinnamon/applets/ But that would mean you'd have to have multiple copies to make that work for 2 lists.
Rob Oudendijk
Rob Oudendijk-2 years ago
Thanks for creating this great app. One suggestion: When updating, keep a backup of the settings and mentioned where there are stored. My last upgrade overrode my settings. Luckily I had backup my data a day before and could recall all. Regards, Rob Oudendijk
fazla86-3 years ago
Cinnamon says the applet uses functions which might crash Cinnamon and indeed it does Otherwise good idea for the applet and I would use it if it behaves
scottdd-4 years ago
Beautifully simple and useful applet. I have this on all my computers at work and at home, and have an rsync script to back up the config file to Nextcloud so I can sync it on all machines, and have a backup when the applet gets updates. It also helps to use a text editor that automatically saves backups in the config folder.
schachr-4 years ago
Using this applet every day. Its just the very simple app launcher that I need during the day. Thanks a lot for that!
samuk10-4 years ago
nice app!
Psyray-4 years ago
Cool but please, stop the fact that update replaces the customized configuration file
Rob Oudendijk
Rob Oudendijk-2 years ago
andi zlr
andi zlr-5 years ago
Very cool applet!! I use it every day! Thanks!
Роман Ягодин
Great applet, but during update it replaces customized configuration with default one.
Richard Jackson
Richard Jackson-7 years ago
Can't live without this applet. Been using this ever since it first came out and it is by FAR the Most use full applet I have.
angelo-7 years ago
great idea, great implementation - thanks!