
Last edited:
3 months ago 2024-12-01, 09:10
Last commit: [907aeef1] Update German translation (#1365)

Display the weather from several web services on your desktop




The Weather desklet displays current and forecast weather on your Cinnamon desktop. It has plenty of options for configuring how it looks and comes with a selection of great weather icons, or you can use your own. For those who like to keep an eye on the weather in several locations, it supports multiple instances.

At present, the Weather desklet can work with data from:

  • BBC {bbc}
  • meteoblue {meteoblue} *
  • National Weather Service (USA Only) {nws}
  • Open-Meteo Non-commercial {openmeteo}
  • Open Weather Map Free {owmfree} *
  • Open Weather Map {owm} *
  • Weather API Free {weatherapi} *
  • weatherstack {weatherstack} *
  • World Weather Online {wwo} *
  • Weather Underground {wunderground} * +

* A valid API key is required for this service to work.

+ Weather Underground requires a weather station for access to the API and an API key.

The Weather desklet includes translations for a growing number of languages.


Each service requires a valid location parameter and an API key where required. A valid location parameter can take many forms:

  • Latitude and longitude: You can provide a latitude and longitude. These should be decimals, separated by a comma, with positive being north or east. For example, to configure Central London as a location, located at 51.51N, 0.13W, enter 51.51,-0.13.
  • Location: You can specify the location using City/Country or City, Country or City, Region, Country, where the region would be a state for the United States for example. Some valid examples: Houston, TX, Paris/France, Chicago, IL, US.
  • Location code/Station ID: This is a location code that is specific to the service. To configure the desklet using one of these, you would need to visit the site (you can click using the link at the bottom of the desklet) and after searching for your desired location, the website address will have the location you can use. Some examples: 2643743, zmw:00000.16.03541, KMAHANOV10.
  • Autodetection: The location can be automatically determined by the service based on your IP address. Some examples: auto:ip, fetch:ip.

The location parameters per service:

  • BBC
    • Location code
  • meteoblue
    • Latitude and longitude (up to four decimals)
  • National Weather Service
    • Latitude and longitude (up to four decimals)
  • Open-Meteo Non-commercial
    • Latitude and longitude (up to five decimals)
  • Open Weather Map Free
    • Latitude and longitude (up to two decimals)
    • Location code
  • Open Weather Map
    • Latitude and longitude (up to two decimals)
    • Location code
  • Weather API Free
    • Latitude and longitude (up to four decimals)
    • Location
    • Autodetection (auto:ip)
    • Location code
  • weatherstack
    • Location
    • Latitude and longitude (up to four decimals)
    • Autodetection (fetch:ip)
  • World Weather Online
    • Location
    • Latitude and longitude (up to three decimals)
  • Weather Underground
    • Station ID, such as KAZTUCSO539
    • Geocode - latitude and longitude (up to two decimals)


This option allows for setting the period between refreshing forecasts. The default of 30 minutes should be adequate for most purposes. Please consider the impact of lower refresh times on the service provider's servers and do not use lower refresh periods unless you have a very good reason. In order to comply with the terms of use of some providers, the Weather desklet will override low settings in some cases and enforce a minimum.


Supported Features | | bbc | meteoblue | nws | openmeteo | owmfree | owm | weatherapi | weatherstack | wwo | wunderground | | :----------------------: | :-: | :-------: | :-: | :-------: | :-----: | :-: | :--------: | :----------: | :-: | :----------: | | **Icons** |❕1 | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❕2 | ✅ | ✅ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | **Forecast Days** | 3 | 7 | 6 | 163 | 5 |163 | 3 | 7 | 7 | 4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | **Display Capabilities** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Current Weather | | | | | | | | | | | | humidity | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | temperature | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | pressure | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | | pressure direction | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | | wind speed | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | wind direction | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | weather text | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | visibility | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | | feels like | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Forecasts | | | | | | | | | | | | humidity | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | | max temperature | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | min temperature | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | pressure | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | | wind speed | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | | wind direction | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | | weather text | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | | | **bbc** | **meteoblue** | **nws** | **openmeteo** | **owmfree** | **owm** | **weatherapi** | **weatherstack** | **wwo** | **wunderground** | 1 BBC has partial support for icons. 2 weatherstack doesn't support forecast icons. 3 The desklet has a maximum of 7 days even if the service supports more than that.


[!NOTE] On the first upgrade to version 3.0 of this desklet, it may be required to restart Cinnamon.



The Weather desklet was originally written by Chris Hastie and released under the GNU General Public License version 3. Prior to that, it was originally a fork of Loganj's AccuWeather Desklet, which is released under the “use it as you like” license. Copyright © 2014–2018 Chris Hastie, 2013 Loganj. The Open Weather Map Free driver was contributed by Kallys.




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unclejono-2 months ago
Overall a nice desklet -- but the changing size is really frustrating, since I have a number of desklets lined up on the right edge of the screen all with the same width and the changing width of the weather desklet messes with the overall appearance. This only happens when the weather description underneath the weather icon becomes somewhat lenghty. Could there be an option to fix the width (but adjustable) of the desklet and have text that exceeds this width just scroll vertically?
philbusby-3 months ago
A great and useful Desklet. One issue is have (on Mint 20.3, Cinnamon 5.2.7 Kernel 5.15.0-124) is that, very occasionally, a cinnamon hover box will appear saying "Sunny intervals" (black txt on yellow BG) appears on top of all/any running programs. A simple right click of the taskbar seems to remove it. Interestingly it has always said "Sunny intervals" and this hover popup never appears when the mouse hovers on the desklet.
Glendo1-4 months ago
Hi. Do you have any explanation as to why there is a big red question mark on the weather desklet?
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-4 months ago
Hi, if you look at the documentation, BBC only has partial support for icons: If you want full support for icons, pick another source that supports your location that has full icon support.
speedcruiser-5 months ago
NWS still not working.
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-5 months ago
Can you share some details here? It appears to be working as intended.
speedcruiser-5 months ago
Finally got the location to work, guess I was putting in my coordinates wrong. But there are no icons. Words and numbers only on the display.
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-5 months ago
The README's rendering on this page isn't clear but you can check for the functionality if you expand Supported Features here: The NWS service does not support icons of any kind. If you hover the forecast days though, you will still retrieve the forecast summary for that day.
Dave S.
Dave S.-8 months ago
Same problem when i enter the nearest airport directly from the NWS website, still says Error: Invalid Location. But this time, when I opened up Looking Glass and selected all the warnings from the Log tab, I was met with the following: error t=2024-06-22T08:28:07Z periods[0].relativeHumidity is undefined error t=2024-06-22T08:28:07Z this._tooltip.clutter_text is null Could NWS have discontinued support of this app?
Michael Cummings
Michael Cummings-8 months ago
Something has happened for sure because I've been having same issue for at least last 3 days.
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-8 months ago
NWS appears to have removed one of the metrics from their endpoint. This should be fixed in the latest update of the desklet. It may require a restart of Cinnamon to take effect after updating. I happened upon this but to expedite these kinds of issues (and potential fixes), feel free to use the Issues button in the top right of this page. That will be faster to notify someone who can potentially fix this much sooner.
Dave S.
Dave S.-8 months ago
Not sure if entered lat & long incorrectly, but for the last 2-3 days I have been getting Error: Invalid Location. Gonna keep playing with it but some basic troubleshooting advice may be welcome. I saw nothing in Looking Glass (Melange) Logs to suggest anything.
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-8 months ago
NWS appears to have removed one of the metrics from their endpoint. This should be fixed in the latest update of the desklet. It may require a restart of Cinnamon to take effect after uploading. I happened upon this but to expedite these kinds of issues (and potential fixes), feel free to use the Issues button in the top right of this page. That will be faster to notify someone who can potentially fix this much sooner.
Joseph Ezell
Joseph Ezell-1 year ago
The Weather Underground API requires the user to have a Weather Station. They use it so users can feed data back to
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-1 year ago
This information has been appended to the README. It merits attention for those that are unfamiliar with it. Thank you.
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-1 year ago
Just a note that the updated README looks better on GitHub ( due to how some of the Markdown is rendered.
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-1 year ago The earlier link picked up the parentheses so it didn't work.
LinuxMint20-1 year ago
I have requested that Chris update the app and contact info or turn the project over to someone better equipped to maintain it. I hope I was respectful enough and he isn't offended by it. Read about it here.
fleezi-d-1 year ago
Is Wunderground just a no-go at this stage?
OneZero1010-1 year ago
I am having problem passing the location to the meteoblu api. It requires coordinates, but even if i put valid ones (verified using their api to get city information) it gives me a location error. Has anyone used meteoblue and can help?
OneZero1010-1 year ago
I have set the location correctly apparently, if i click on the it opens the meteoblue page on the correct location but it won't show in the applet itself, maybe it's a problem with the call?
Povilas Brilius
Povilas Brilius-1 year ago
Looks amazing...
LinuxMint20-1 year ago
Chris, the url of weather underground has recently been updated. I have been in touch with them and the following information. The address that the Weather Desklet now needs to connect to is for us personal users is, where stationid=Your current weather station on and units=units of measure, e for english units, m for metric, and hybrid is UK or elsewhere, as per the following document: . Here is a link to the main documentation. . I prefer Wunderground, it is the most accurate service that I can connect to with my export information. If you don't have this uri in the config, you just get the stock 503 status unavailable and the following line in looking glass: Error retrieving address{api key}/forecast10day/conditions/astronomy/lang:EN/q/{location}.json. Status: 503: Service Unavailable I am unaware if you can get an api from Wunderground without a pws after their new eula. Perhaps someone could test this? Thank you for continuing to maintain this versatile little piece of software. Much appreciated.
mcfardo907-1 year ago
Latest release caused Cinnamon to lock up.
Jbanks272-1 year ago
To get open weather API get location code in bbc url and use open weather API works great
paintedsky-1 year ago
The link to the Weather Desklet's website is no longer functioning, soft 404 on your website.
LinuxMint20-1 year ago
in addidition to the before comment, I have now switched services to Weather Underground, inspected several times to confirm api was right, I believe I have the right location syntax, but I keep getting an error message 503 whenever it tries to make a connection. Any suggestions?
LinuxMint20-1 year ago
Weather Desklet performs perfectly on my copy of Linux Mint 21.1 Cinnamon, but on my friends computer, the desklet loads before the connection can be made to the server. I have disabled NetworkManager-wait-online.service, to no avail. Any suggestions? Wifi Powersave is likewise disabled
Juan-Lutz-1 year ago
Please desklet updated to las cinnamon version Thanks
Karthik Bhupathy
Karthik Bhupathy-1 year ago
Not working. Error 401!
graylion-1 year ago
I am getting 401 and refresh doesn't help :( I am using openweathermap
GeosDroid-2 years ago
There's no way to switch to Imperial units or add more than one city?
kel-2 years ago
The weather desklet shows no forecast info - only clouds with question marks. I've tried this using a variety of providers with the same result. Is this feature broken?
pcspecialist-2 years ago
Error 401 using Open Weather Map Free (requires API key)
pcspecialist-2 years ago
Clicking on the refresh symbol fixed it.
graylion-1 year ago
not for me :(
richo-3 years ago
kendoori-3 years ago
Love this desklet. Is there any way to get it to lock its position (e.g. edge/lower right) or at least make it not movable? I find myself accidently nudging it all the time.
TheBuf-3 years ago
I've configured my U.S. location using the location code provided by the BBC. The temperatures, wind, etc., are all correct, but the icon is a cloud with question mark in the middle of it. Despite the weather, this never changes. I looked thru the help file online and can't find any reference to a question mark in the icon. What am I doing wrong?
scottdd-4 years ago
This desklet is beautiful and functional. I have it on all my computers. Using the same API key for an Open Weather Map free account works really well. If you have many machines, you might need to reduce the polling rate to keep from hitting the free account limits. Also, you'll need to go to the data provider and look up your location so you can copy the location code into the desklet settings.
johnpaulx-4 years ago
The desklet requires a number for my location. How do I find this number? thanks
Alexsander-4 years ago
Hi, use the BBC website to search for your city.
Val7420-4 years ago
Good evening, please help me find the code to configure the weather desklets in Brasil, São Paulo, Piracicaba city . Thank you very much !!!!!
Alexsander-4 years ago
Vai nesse site aqui e pesquisa.
jpenguin-4 years ago
OpenWeatherMap & BBC are the only working (for me) free options. APIXU was my favorite, but they changed URLs and now thin desklet gives me a 403 (
SleepyD7-4 years ago
I love this extension. I wish it worked properly. The information pulls in. For some reason a big red ? mark is shown. I've tried it in Ubuntu 20.04. I added CInnamon 4.4.8 I think is the version. I am currently running LMDE 4 and the desklet is doing the same thing. Please update this great Desklet. GIS Weather is no longer around so I don't really have an alternative. Thanks
kseanfitz-4 years ago
Wunderground aka Weather Underground now requires you to purchase a weather station and corporate it for them to get an api key
kseanfitz-4 years ago (Dark Sky) Has sucked up with apple and now they are too snobby... "Dark Sky API" "We are no longer accepting new signups." And just to think that I really liked apple when Jobs was around and it was opensource.
mfreeman72-4 years ago
(Nevermind that last comment. Sorry, I replied to the wrong desklet)
mfreeman72-4 years ago
I keep getting "Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app. This app has not been verified yet by Google in order to use Google Sign In" when I try to sign into my Google account for OAuth.
mfreeman72-4 years ago
Doesn't seem to work on Mint 19.3. I'm specifically hoping to be able to use this with Weather Underground to monitor my PWS. But after putting in my API key and location info (I've tried every method listed in the instructions on the desklet's website), I'm getting an Error 503. Openweathermap works, but that service doesn't allow access to my PWS. It's also showing an error marking in the desklet manager: "Something went wrong while loading Please make sure you are using the latest version, and then report the issue to its developer."
Ivan Toman
Ivan Toman-4 years ago
Hello, same here, Error 503. I do have PWS and API key. Did you found solution? Thx
AndrShat-4 years ago
I am on mint 19.3/Cinnamon and after every booting I have to repair the desklet. It print Error 2. I go to preferences (properties) delete one number in location unique code then type the same number again. Desklet works properly after that till next turn-on.
ムレメკΙ-4 years ago
im on mint 19.3/cinnamon and it is perfectly working using it with openweathermap service and indeed it needs openweathermap's API and city code to work properly, see screenshot in link:
Breezeman69-4 years ago
Any updates as to getting this fixed since leaving my initial post 2 months ago? Checking back it does not appear anything has changed. I concur with KLC1977 and galaxyfin.
KLC1977-5 years ago
I concur with @galaxyinfin. Most of these Applets and Desklets for Linux are in bad need of a serious update. They do not work at all with Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia - Debian/Ubuntu. All Applets and Desklets need to specify what Distro and Series they are able to work on. This is Linux-wide in all Repositories and Sites like this one. Even the Software Manager in Linux needs to be updated with Updated items. I would love to know when the last real update on all downloads were. That would be shockingly great.
galaxyinfin-5 years ago
No longer working on Mint 19.3 as of 2 weeks ago.
Breezeman69-5 years ago
It seems this is no longer working. Not sure what changed but it has always been very reliable. I have been using the deprecated setting for long time but nothing loads after bootup. Could you possibly look into fixing this. Thanks
kxrob-5 years ago
The current weather and symbol seems broken currently with BBC. The/most other data and forecast weather symbols work.
Softhints-5 years ago
These are the steps that worked for me for the weather desklet: * Use BBC or Open Weather Map Free * Get API key ( only for Open Weather Map Free ) * Get location ( the same for both) - Video explaining the steps:
Adrian Metalchef
Adrian Metalchef-6 years ago
The only (current) option for getting weather in Canada is to use the (deprecated) setting. Would you please consider implementing some fix/update that would allow us Canucks to use your desklet without having to use a deprecated setting? FYI, I'm using an older (but stable) version of Cinnamon on Debian, and the desklet works fine notwithstanding the above feedback. otto@debian:~$ cinnamon --version; lsb_release -crid Cinnamon 3.2.7 Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 9.6 (stretch) Release: 9.6 Codename: stretch otto@debian:~$
kiers-6 years ago
Is this Desklet from BBC, GNU open source software? anyone?
EdPhere-6 years ago
Attempting to install this desklet on a Porteus v4.0 Cinnamon DE system results in: An error occurred during the installation of Please report this to it's developer. Detail: [Err 02] No such file or directory: 'msgfmt': 'msgfmt'
EdPhere-6 years ago
Oops. I needed the Porteus 05-devel module to be activated.
83c577nbybd8zb-6 years ago
Works great. I put this on every machine, Mint and Manjaro.
abandonmonkey-6 years ago
It used to work and does work if I use LinuxMint. I use Fedora 28 and Cinnamon 3.8.8 and now it cause the desktop to crash and enter fallback mode. Fedora 28 x86_64 Kernel 4.18.9-200.fc28.x86_64 Desktop: Cinnamon 3.8.8 wm: muffin dm: lightdm
randolph-one-6 years ago
Hello Chris, a wonderful piece of software! But one trifle is still useless at the moment: Transparency. On Cinnamon 3.8.9 / Linux Mint 19, the graphics become more and more pink at opacity <1.0. Is there a chance (I think this is compatibility with Muffin) to change this in one of the next updates? Thank you for your time and work.
randolph-one-6 years ago
Sorry, transparency is perfect. In the preview under the settings, there is a (inconsequential) pink discoloration ....
jpenguin-6 years ago
Using APIXU service, works OK; sunset/sunrise times would be nice. Open Weather Map is also free, but has limited locations.
jpenguin-6 years ago works too with free key, just had to use GPS coordinates from
Murray-Dawson-6 years ago
Looks like it now crashes Cinnamon 3.6.7 on startup resulting in Fallback Mode. The desklet is currently disabled on my system with a mouseover warning that it "contains function calls that could potentially cause Cinnamon to crash or freeze". Given that it's one of the two most highly rated desklets it would be fantastic if it was fixed please!
xzj8b3-6 years ago
Found several blocks of Cinnamon, please update!!!!!!
jhooly-6 years ago
had no problem setting it up, using it, liking it. ty. a feature request if i may: local sunrise and sunset, please.
©TriMoon™-6 years ago
Useless all stations need an API key, one free which is depreciated...
Nice, works well. Had to rely on lat/long coordinates for WeatherUnderground, but didn't really try too hard with others. I do find that, while the desklet is fantastic about all the information, it lacks a basic set of data that I find equally important - the local time. Is this possible for a future update? Thanks for your time and work!
Chris Hastie
Chris Hastie-7 years ago
Do you mean time local to the PC, or local to the forecast location? And which time? e.g. current time, last observation time etc? Perhaps raise an issue at Depending on exactly what you want to see, it may be possible for some data services, but not all, as not all services return the information needed.
Herb Garcia
Herb Garcia-7 years ago
I like it! Running Mint 18.2 and setup via the 'desklets' feature in the gui was painless. Setting the location is done by going to the website of the weather service you'd like to use and observing the location code which is generally at the end of the URL for the city you're in. For '' here in Houston the code is '77004:4:US'. Each site is different. Enjoy!
Paul Moffett
Paul Moffett-7 years ago
Changing the reporting location seems impossible. Great looking, though...I just can't use it.
Chris Hastie
Chris Hastie-7 years ago
Changing the location is a little tricky, and varies depending on which data service you are using. The documentation at (or just right click the desklet and select 'Help')
Richard Lezcano
Richard Lezcano-7 years ago
Useless. After having read the setup instructions and followed them: Error 401.
Chris Hastie
Chris Hastie-7 years ago
Using which data service? OpenWeatherMap recently changed the permissions on their APIs. The one that the WeatherDesklet uses is no longer available on the free plan. Other data services continue to work, and there is a pull request for a patch to switch the desklet to the 3 day forecast that is still available free. I just haven't had time to merge it yet.
Sean Galland
Sean Galland-7 years ago
OpenWeatherMap provides and api and it seems to work since I can see humidity and the temperature, but the name says Error: 401. Refreshing doesn't seem to help.
Chris Hastie
Chris Hastie-7 years ago
OpenWeatherMap recently changed the permissions on their APIs. The one that the WeatherDesklet uses is no longer available on the free plan. Other data services continue to work, and there is a pull request for a patch to switch the desklet to the 3 day forecast that is still available free. I just haven't had time to merge it yet :(
Craig Sharpe
Craig Sharpe-7 years ago
Weather Underground no longer provides a free API. Let me know when there is an API a normal person would be able to use for free. Until then this is clunkware.
Chris Hastie
Chris Hastie-7 years ago
Weather Underground's API remains free for the developer option, which allows you up to 500 calls per day. That should be plenty.
Crypticsz-7 years ago
OpenWeatherMap is usable. Registering on their website provides you with the API key. Setting locations is done by finding the desired city on their website and then using the number in the end of the link. (For example, the link for Paris is with 2988507 being the number you want.)
Aeryck de Sade
Aeryck de Sade-7 years ago
Works great on Cinnamon 3.4.4 in Mint 18.2. Just takes a little reading of the docs to get the setup right (using Weather Underground API).
Seffas-7 years ago
Tried this desklet, but setting it up proved to be too difficult.
Nickolay Karnaukhov
Looks really nice with transparent background and VClouds images