Send as Attachment

UUID: send-as-attachment@rcalixte
Last edited:
3 days ago 2024-07-23, 19:00
Last commit: [42fa4059] Add Catalan translations (#452)

Send file(s) as attachments via a local e-mail client




Send file(s) as attachments via a local e-mail client


This is an action to attach the selected file(s) to a new e-mail in the default system mail client.


The following program must be installed and available:

  • xdg-email to launch the user's default mail client (typically provided by the xdg-utils package)



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Fluidetom-3 months ago
Hi, thanks for this, but it's not working for me. Whenever I right-click on a file and select "Send as attachment", a new email Thunderbird window opens, but nothing is attached. I tried to run the command in terminal and got this : xdg-email --attach /home/tom/Downloads/Convention\ de\ stage.pdf Gtk-Message: 13:25:20.436: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module" I'm running Linux Mint 21.3 and version 1.1 (2024-02-27 13:20:33) of your action. I tried to install xapp, but gor the following message : sudo apt install xapp Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation: The following packages have unmet dependencies: xapp : Depends: libxapp1 (= 2.2.8-1) but 2.8.2+virginia is to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. Any idea how I could fix this issue ? Thanks in advance
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-3 months ago
Hello! The error message you are seeing with the "xapp-gtk3-module" is a known issue and is not a problem affecting the execution. As long as you have "xdg-utils" installed, this should work on your machine. On the line after your "xdg-email" command completes, can you share the output of "echo $?" as the next command? This will report the exit code of the "xdg-email" command and provide any possible hints about what is causing it not to work correctly for you. If it is easy enough, you can also open an Issue on GitHub using the "Issues" button near the top of the page. With an open issue, screenshots and videos can be attached as well as other extended communication functionality.
Lorteau-5 months ago
Bonjour. J'ai testé aujourd'hui cette action et effectivement, elle ne fonctionnait pas. J'ai comparé le contenu du fichier de l'action et ai modifié la syntaxe en ôtant les " " autour de F, dans cette ligne : Exec=/usr/bin/xdg-email --attach %F Maintenant, ça marche bien ! Je ne suis pas doué, j'ai juste comparé avec un autre fichier action trouvé sur Internet.
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-5 months ago
Bonjour. Je ne peux pas reproduire cela. Pouvez-vous partager plus de détails via une nouvelle Issue GitHub ?
laryngologrodzicom-5 months ago
Tried to install this feature, but did not work with thunderbird. Then tried to install xdg utils, but still does not work. Any suggestions? Regards
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-5 months ago
Can you open a GitHub Issue using the button above? It would be helpful to know what version of Thunderbird, how it's installed, whether it's set as your default email client, etc. etc. It would also be help to know if you can run something like `xdg-email --attach {filename}` in a terminal and attach the input. It will also be easier to communicate and parse the output via GitHub's Issue. Thank you!
SilenceIsG0lden-6 months ago
This is such a great feature addition that has been missing from Nemo. Thank you! Just one problem: when I installed it on 21.3 it didn't work, so I came here to check for missing requirements. It shows "xdg-email" is required, but the software manager in 21.3 only shows a flatpak version for this program. Please add the terminal command that lets us add the "real" version.
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-6 months ago
You can run "sudo apt install -y xdg-utils" to get the suite of tools installed on your system.
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-6 months ago
Apologies! The package name on Mint 21.3 is `xdg-utils`. Once installed, this should show in the context menu of applicable files. I'll append this to the README for easier clarification.
SilenceIsG0lden-6 months ago
Sorry. I forgot to check if your Action runs now that I reinstalled it via terminal command (though the output there said that everything was already the newest version, except for "2 not upgraded". It does! So, yay! Thank you again, Rick!
SilenceIsG0lden-6 months ago
Thank you. That package was check-marked as already having been installed on my system. (I just upgraded to 21.3, but did a reboot.) However, when I clicked on it in the software manager this message appeared: "The following packages have unmet dependencies: mintsources: Depends: mint-common >=2) but it is not going to be installed. Depends: gir1.2-xapp-1.0 but it is not going to be installed." I also tried to reinstall it via the terminal, with your command - same outcome when I go back to the software manager to check. Any idea what could be the matter?