Calculate sha256sum

UUID: calculate-sha256sum@rcalixte
Last edited:
1 month ago 2025-02-22, 07:00
Last commit: [55d28136] calculate-sha256sum@rcalixte: Update da.po (#630)

Calculate the sha256sum for selected file(s)




Calculate the sha256sum for selected file(s).


This is an action to calculate the sha256sum for specific file(s). This is particularly useful for verifying ISOs for example.

This is a different action from verify-sha256sum@rcalixte that prompts for the sha256sum hash before proceeding further. This will only display the sha256sum hash in a dialog where it can be copied.


The following programs must be installed and available:

  • gettext for translations in the action's script
  • sha256sum to calculate the hash of file
  • zenity to display the dialog with the result



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stephend9-1 year ago
I hadn't found this until after I got frustrated enough at the lack of this feature in Nemo that I created my own SHA256_checker recently. Mine is slightly different than yours in that it asks the user for the expected hash and compares the two after computing it. Also, I made an installer (and uninstall script) for my package that puts the nemo_action file and the script where they need to go. Mine isn't multilingual at this point though...only English so far. Here's the link to my package:
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-1 year ago
Thanks for the feedback! I do agree that some users may want an automated version of hash verification instead of just the calculation. To that end, was just published. The two Action Spices are independent of each other with the differences in the user's workflow. I also chose to implement it differently from what you provided but keep the ideas coming! In the future, please consider submitting pull requests to the repository for easier distribution and translation.