Open in Terminal

UUID: run-in-terminal@alextpedro
Last edited:
4 months ago 2024-08-16, 07:26
Last commit: [d2f2f12c] run-in-terminal@alextpedro: Update (#488)

Open file in terminal



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Run in Terminal Cinnamon Action

Right-click a .sh file and run in terminal, spawning a new terminal window which immediately runs your script.

Installing / Getting started

From Cinnamon Spices Website:

  1. Download the zip file from the top right
  2. Uncompress it into ~/.local/share/nemo/actions

From Cinnamon Actions settings menu:

  1. Go to the Download tab
  2. Search "run in terminal" without quotes
  3. Click the install button (downward-pointing arrow)

From GitHub:

  1. Go to the releases page
  2. Download the latest release zip file
  3. Uncompress it into ~/.local/share/nemo/actions

When you right-click a .sh script file you should have a new menu action, Run in Terminal.


It runs a script file in a new terminal window. Because I am lazy that way.


If you'd like to contribute some changes to this action feel free to open a new issue or create a new pull request.


Special thanks to all other Actions developers, it was much easier to see what you all did than parse through the sample file <3


"The code for Run In Terminal is licensed under Mozilla Public License 2.0."

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