UUID: open-in-intellij-idea@el-amine-404
Last edited:
2 weeks ago
2025-02-21, 07:02
Last commit: [ce0771d3] Add Ukrainian translations (#621)
Open in IntelliJ IDEA
Open in IntelliJ IDEA
Launch IntelliJ IDEA within the current directory.
This action lets you open the current directory in IntelliJ IDEA. It's a convenient way to quickly start working on your files or projects without manually opening IntelliJ IDEA and navigating to the desired location.
Instead of adding an option to the context menu for files and folders, this action targets the context menu of an empty selection, similar to vscode-launcher@vajdao.
The following program must be installed for this action to work:
- IntelliJ IDEA - You can install it via the official guide: IntelliJ IDEA Installation Guide
- after installation you must create a Command-line launcher see the official guide: Command-line interface (in this action i am using
as a command launcher)
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