Convert Image Format

UUID: convert-image-format@el-amine-404
Last edited:
1 month ago 2025-02-17, 15:49
Last commit: [351fa348] convert-image-format@el-amine-404: Add Ukrainian translation (#611)

Convert Image Format



Convert Image Format

Easily convert image files to various formats or turn PDF files into images directly from the Nemo file manager.


This action allows you to:

  • Convert single or multiple image files to a variety of formats (currently 15 formats and their variants).
  • Convert PDF files into images where each page is converted into an image. The action will generate a folder named after the PDF file in the current directory, and each page's image will be named using the format pg_<page_number>.<extension>. Example: A PDF file named document.pdf will generate a folder document, containing images pg_1.png, pg_2.png, etc.

Supported formats

Image Conversion

Format Description
*.apng Animated Portable Network Graphics
*.avif AV1 Image File Format
*.bmp Bitmap
*.gif Graphics Interchange Format
*.heic High Efficiency Image Coding
*.heif High Efficiency Image Format
*.ico, *.cur Microsoft Icon
*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.pjpeg, *.pjp, *.jpe, *.jfi, *.jfif, *.jif JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
*.jp2, *.j2k JPEG 2000 Image
*.pdf Portable Document Format
*.png Portable Network Graphics
*.svg plaintext Scalable Vector Graphics
*.svgz compressed Scalable Vector Graphics
*.tiff, *.tif Tagged Image File Format
*.webp Web Picture format

PDF to Image Conversion

Format Description
*.png Portable Network Graphics
*.jpg JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
*.tiff Tagged Image File Format

The tool also supports custom resolution (DPI) and allows specifying the range of pages to convert from the PDF.


The following program must be installed for this action to work:

convert (from ImageMagick) sudo apt-get install -y imagemagick
zenity sudo apt-get install -y zenity
file sudo apt-get install -y file
rsvg-convert sudo apt-get install -y librsvg2-bin
pdftoppm sudo apt-get install -y poppler-utils
xargs sudo apt-get install -y findutils

or download the 6 in one go:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y imagemagick zenity file librsvg2-bin poppler-utils findutils


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the project's GitHub repository.



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Igor Santos
Igor Santos-5 months ago
Related to , with more variety of file types