Advanced IDE Launcher

UUID: ide-launcher-advanced@adrianopaonessa
Last edited:
1 month ago 2025-02-23, 15:11
Last commit: [4aaa73ae] ide-launcher-advanced@adrianopaonessa: Fix description translation (#636)

Launch your IDE (VSCode, VSCode Insiders, VSCodium, Sublime Text and VSCodium Insiders) within the current directory.



Advanced IDE Launcher

Launch you favorite IDE within the current directory.

Available editors

This is the list of the currently available editors.

  • Visual Studio Code
  • Visual Studio Code Insiders
  • VSCodium
  • VSCodium Insiders
  • Sublime Text

Required things

You need to have at least one of the editor listed above for the action to work and their relative commands ready to use!

Required commands for each IDE:

  • code required for Visual Studio Code
  • code-insiders required for Visual Studio Code Insiders
  • codium required for VSCodium
  • codium-insiders required for VSCodium Insiders
  • subl required for Sublime Text



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tsy-pavel-1 month ago
How it should work? Should I see a new context menu item? I have nothing changes in my system after install this action.
tsy-pavel-1 month ago
That's it, I figured it out. An item has appeared in the context menu. But when I click on it, the terminal starts and that's it, nothing else happens
Nekkowe!-6 months ago
It doesn't seem to work with the flatpak version of vscodium - I tried setting an alias, and that didn't work, either.
Adriano Paonessa
Adriano Paonessa-3 months ago
Hello, Nekkowe! It’s me again, I did some checking and research and got as a result that the flatpak version does not present the command in the terminal as well as there is no option to add it through the program, from what I was able to find it seems that it is due to the sandboxes created by flatpak for running programs. If you want to use the extension and avoid further problems in general I recommend you to switch to the "normal" version ;) Rest at your disposal, good evening :D
Adriano Paonessa
Adriano Paonessa-3 months ago
Hello, Nekkowe! I am truly sorry for this delayed response but I was busy and did not have time to check this action. Thanks for the report, I’ll get right to work to solve this problem as soon as possible, I will keep you updated ^^.
Eric Renfro
Eric Renfro-6 months ago
Also, it would be nice if this possibly included support for Sublime Text, which would run `subl "${CURRENT_DIR}"`
Adriano Paonessa
Adriano Paonessa-6 months ago
Update n2: update live :D let me know if you have any question/suggestion ;)
Adriano Paonessa
Adriano Paonessa-6 months ago
Update: i have just opened a pull request ^^
Adriano Paonessa
Adriano Paonessa-6 months ago
You're right, I'll add it right away and let you know as soon as it's available :D
Eric Renfro
Eric Renfro-6 months ago
Seems to be a problem with this extension with the and are not executable so it fails to execute the scripts. causing the entry to either not show up at all ( or throw an error in a terminal that pops up from running which shows: Failed to execve: Permission denied.
Adriano Paonessa
Adriano Paonessa-6 months ago
Hi! Sorry for the delay in replying but I haven't been to the PC in the last 2 days, checking again I noticed that the problem is already solved, for anything else don't hesitate to let me know ^^
Francesco Mancuso
Francesco Mancuso-6 months ago
very useful, thank you!
Adriano Paonessa
Adriano Paonessa-6 months ago
thanks ❤️