Github Explorer

Last edited:
1 week ago 2024-07-18, 21:15
Last commit: [26cf8d70] Add Catalan translations (#6216)

Click on the applet to explore your Public Github repositories

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SasukeSagara-3 years ago
This applet works with only public repos
Keith Bennett
Keith Bennett-3 years ago
Hi, I'm using this applet in Linux Mint 20, and it's very helpful. Is there any way to disable notifications that it is contacting the server and that is has succeeded in doing so? I would want to be notified about errors, but not about normal successful operations. Thanks for providing this software.
Andreas Till
Andreas Till-5 years ago
Plugin doesn't seem to work anymore...
Jeremi Biernacki
Jeremi Biernacki-4 years ago
It works for me :)