Custom Applications Menu

UUID: CustomApplicationsMenu@LLOBERA
Last edited:
8 months ago 2024-07-04, 20:20
Last commit: [4207c2ae] Add Catalan translations (#6176)

An applications drop-down list easily customisable



Custom Application Menu


This applet adds an icon in the cinnamon panel which toogle a list of applications when you click on the icon. This applications list is completly customisable. To edit the applications list, right click on the icon and select Edit.


The applications.json file is a data representation of the Custom Applications Menu. Each line represent an applications entry.

  • desktopFile: The name of a desktop file in the folder '/usr/share/applications' or '~/.local/share/applications'. Used to get the command, display name and icon name. These data won't override the command, display name or icon name if they are explicitly defined.
  • command: The command line to execute
  • iconName: The name of a themed icon or absolute path to an icon file, by default the 'image-missing' themed icon
  • displayName: The name displayed in the menu, by default the same as first word in command
  • active: true or false. Allow to deactivate an application. Useful because JSON doesn't allow comments.

Special command

{ "command":"S" } is used to create a separator

Special entry

menu may be used to create a sub-menu: { "displayName":"sub-menu", "iconName":"applications-internet", "menu": [ { "desktopFile":"firefox" }, { "desktopFile":"filezilla" } ]} By default the iconName is 'image-missing' and displayName is 'sub-menu'

non-ASCII characters

There is a problem with non-ASCII caracters in properties.


This application use an icon named "help-about". If you don't have an icon with this name in your icons theme, a question mark icon is displayed instead. You have 2 possibilities to change the icon:

  1. Copy the star icon in your icons folder: Copy the file "~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/CustomApplicationsMenu@LLOBERA/icon.png" to "~/.icons" and rename it as "help-about.png". Then logout.


  1. Change to an icon you already have in your icons theme: Go to "/usr/share/icons/" Take a look into folders and choose an icon you like. Open the file "~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/CustomApplicationsMenu@LLOBERA/applet.js" Line 97 this.set_applet_icon_name("help-about"); Replace "help-about" by your icon name (without the extension). Then logout.

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xss-1 year ago
With a recent update, this applet completely discarded my `applications.json` file, resetting it to what I assume is the default, with only "System Settings", "System Monitor", a separator and a sub-menu "Internet" with the simplest command for `firefox`. Looks like there was no backup created of my original file, so all my work and structure is gone. This is a no-go!!
unalignedcoder-1 year ago
It would be great if I could add as many of these menus as I want. Why not allowing the user to add other instances?
unalignedcoder-1 year ago
There is something wrong with the instructions. The menu icon cannot be changed that way. I created help-about.png in "~/.icons", but it doesn't show. Then I looked in applet.js, and it seems to be looking for "help-about-symbolic" instead (at line 109, not 97), but after copying and renaming the same png, this also doesn't work. The only thing that worked was actually editing applet.js, changing the name of the icon to one I wanted.
SDakaXvost-3 years ago
Hello! The applet icon is configured for use on the right side of the panel, in the tray. I want to use the applet instead of the main menu (I don't like it), on the left side. However, the icon size remains small. How can this size be changed?
didli-4 years ago
I think there was an update (didn't pay it that much atention). Since this update, I lost all my custom menus (application.json revert to default). This is quite an issue ...
Nicolas-4 years ago
Hi guys, I am sorry to see you had problems with the applet. I made a new version (2.2) which should fix the issue.
lancerbailey-4 years ago
I also had the issue of the applet loading for < 1 sec and disappearing/crashing. I commented out the line as recomended by Armando (ie: //const_=Gettext.gettext;) this is line 10 in the file ~/~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/CustomApplicationsMenu@LLOBERA/applet.js cinnamon 4.2.4-1 Custom Applications Menu Applet version 2.1 (28-07-2019)
andreaiacoponi-4 years ago
Is it working after commenting it? Warning? Which Mint version are you using?
lancerbailey-4 years ago
i'm running cinnamon 4.2.4-1 centos 7, and yes after commenting out the "const_=..." line in applet.js the applet runs fine. previously i had the flash and crash experience.
Armando Basile
Armando Basile-4 years ago
to make the applet work I had to comment out the line // const _ = Gettext.gettext;
mdcclxv-4 years ago
Thanks ... for nothing. Comment it where?!
andreaiacoponi-4 years ago
Is there any chance to have the applet fixed for Mint 20? I would really love to bring with me this useful tool when I will move from Mint 19. Thank you!
thebritons-4 years ago
Broken. It appears to load for <1 sec and then disappears/crashes.
Alekzsss-4 years ago
doesn't work on Mint 19.3.
Dragoş-5 years ago
OK, upon a closer look I saw the errors in the log are intentional, for debug purposes. My bad. The rest still stands though. Hopefully there will be improvements.
Nicolas-5 years ago
I am happy to see you found your way through the errors you have had. If you have ideas of improvements, don't hesitate to share them.
Dragoş-5 years ago
Agreed with Valery's comment, a settings GUI would be most useful. And/or the ability to drag'n'drop an item from the Start menu, file manager or any other possible place onto this applet's icon in the panel. Drag'n'drop menu items to rearrange would also be a plus. Until then there's a problem in applet.js, Loking Glass complains about redefining const _ and refuses to import applet.js: error t=2019-08-02T10:27:36Z [CustomApplicationsMenu@LLOBERA]: redeclaration of const _ [CustomApplicationsMenu@LLOBERA]: Error importing applet.js from CustomApplicationsMenu@LLOBERA Commenting the declaration of _ removes the error and the applet is loaded. Then there are those default items that may or may not be installed on one's system, and which generate errors in Looking Glass' log: error t=2019-08-02T10:58:03Z Desktop file geany not found. error t=2019-08-02T10:58:03Z Desktop file clementine not found. error t=2019-08-02T10:58:03Z Desktop file osdlyrics not found. error t=2019-08-02T10:58:03Z Undefined or unvalid command for item 3. error t=2019-08-02T10:58:03Z Desktop file filezilla not found. error t=2019-08-02T10:58:03Z Undefined or unvalid command for item 1. error t=2019-08-02T10:58:03Z Desktop file StarCraft II Wings of Liberty not found. error t=2019-08-02T10:58:03Z Undefined or unvalid command for item 1. error t=2019-08-02T10:58:03Z Desktop file urbanterror not found. error t=2019-08-02T10:58:03Z Undefined or unvalid command for item 2. It would be best to first check if the applications exist or if commands are valid before trying to load them in the menu. Granted those errors are invisible to the average user but still it would count for cleaner programming. Oh and is there a way to have submenus open automatically on hover (with a slight delay) instead of click? At least as an option. Maybe I'm too used to the Windows way but I find it a tad more convenient.
Valery Kravtsov
Valery Kravtsov-5 years ago
You suggest to an ordinary user to use JSON, really? How about a simple GUI instead?
Nicolas-5 years ago
As a Linux fan, I am more into file configuration than GUI. I am not against a GUI configuration, you are free to build one to make this app more to your liking.