Xampp Panel Menu

UUID: xampp-panel@backids99
Last edited:
3 weeks ago 2024-07-05, 21:04
Last commit: [ed572543] Add Catalan translations (#6186)

A Panel Menu for XAMPP Web Developers

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Sébastien Bouchard
I already had created my own custom launchers from the Cinnamon menu editor, and then pinned them to the panel: start, stop, or launch the XAMPP manager. That's 3 launchers, 3 icons... And I still had to make those launchers launch from the Terminal, of course, for this sudo password... But then, when using the XAMPP manager, i had to leave that terminal opened... Short story, i had my own nice setup, but I thought there should be something smarter, nicer... I found it! Right here! No terminal to leave opened, nice looks, and more options... Thanks!
Rendra Pratama C
Rendra Pratama C-2 years ago
thank you.
licencode-4 years ago
Very good and convenient applet, 10 points out of 10
whattahellalan-7 years ago
Awesome, worked like a charm.