Feeds Reader

UUID: feeds@jonbrettdev.wordpress.com
Last edited:
7 months ago 2024-07-18, 21:15
Last commit: [26cf8d70] Add Catalan translations (#6216)

Displays RSS news feeds




Cinnamon applet for fetching and displaying RSS feeds


If not already installed by your distribution, install the python feedparser library. E.g. using pip:

sudo pip install feedparser


The latest stable release can be installed from

Alternatively you can clone this repository directly into the following location

cd ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets
git clone https://github.com/jonbrett/cinnamon-feeds-applet.git feeds@jonbrettdev.wordpress.com

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moschoES-1 year ago
Just edited your 'feedreader.js' file and added to the 'html2text' function some Spanish language HTML symbols for text replacement, because many Spanish feeds are not using UTF-8 yet. Hope this is an appropriate solution (for personal use only) and you don't mind my little 'mod' :) Very nice & useful applet, thank you and congrats for your thorough work.
inucat-2 years ago
Very useful. Thanks!
mszewczyk1978-2 years ago
Hi. How can I delete RSS list? Where is some config file?
Shaun-OTG-PTHM-2 years ago
Does not seem to work.
Rai-2 years ago
1. It would be nice if the configuration have an option to define the favicon URL, these favicons can be used during the notification osd and in notification logs. 2. It would be great if we have one more option for categorization, as of now as there is no such thing this mixes all the news sources in one location, a categorization option can help to arrange the RSS sources in different categories.
TournelHenry-3 years ago
Cool. Wish this was also available as a Desklet. LOL
clumsyfingers-4 years ago
love this applet, but any chance it could get updated to follow the gtk theme? it looks a bit off
psecdocumentary-4 years ago
It doesn't seem to work for me. I click on the notification, nothing happens. There is no way to access the list of new RSS Feed entries, much less click to be able to load it in the browser. I am testing this on Linux Mint v19.3 Cinnamon 64-bit.
Arthur Aivazov
Arthur Aivazov-5 years ago
Great app, thanks!
Knezev-6 years ago
feed works extra :), I'd like you to add option does not delete feed when i click open, but there is a separate option "clear all feed"
Visnu Pritom Chowdhury
Great app, thanks!
Tim Puckett
Tim Puckett-7 years ago
New feeds saved do not display, reverts back to LinuxMint feeds only. Tried many different feeds and none would display news items after being saved.