Session Manager

UUID: sessionManager@scollins
Last edited:
8 months ago 2024-07-09, 19:42
Last commit: [cecfbb55] Add Catalan translations (#6197)

Provides easy access to shut down, restart, etc



Session Manager

Session Manager is an applet that provides easy access to session controls such as shut down, restart, log off, switch user, etc. It has been tested in Arch, Fedora and Linux Mint, and supports a wide variety of software configurations. If your particular configuration is not supported, please submit a feature request on github, and I will add it at my earliest convenience.


  • Option to set both the panel text and icon (supports both full-color and symbolic icons)
  • Ability to change the icon size in the menu
  • Supports multiple display managers (login screen):
    • MDM
    • GDM
    • LightDM
    • LXDM
  • Supports multiple session tools:
    • Consolekit
    • Upower
    • Systemd

Known issues

  • Currently uses some synchronous calls. In practice this doesn't cause any issues, but it does cause this applet to be flagged in applet settings as 'dangerous'.

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its_hitzz-2 years ago
This is a great tools having all options in a single click , only thing that bothered me is that it doesn't have any confirmation dialogue , So if something is pressed accidentally it automatic shuts it down or restarts without confirming and that we don't want.
ivanaponi-4 years ago
Can we have an option for confirmation dialog enabling and disabling
GitLister-6 years ago
Is there still hope that it will run on older Cinnamon versions below 3.8? Other developers have managed it in the meantime. An example is Weather by mockturtl ( I, for one, would be very happy.
GitLister-6 years ago
Unfortunately no function since the last update to version 1.1. Cinnamon 3.6.7 (Linux Mint 18.3) always crashes.
merriander-6 years ago
Yes, I am having the same problem. Cinnamon 3.6.7 Linux Mint 18.3
Sadi Yumuşak
Sadi Yumuşak-6 years ago
Hi, and thanks for this handy applet! It works well under LinuxMint 19.1, Cinnamon 4.0.9 but there's only one problem: "Switch User" merely logs out with only one option, i.e. logging in back to the same user I actually have to use the command "Log Off" instead to switch to another user.
BlackPantherIX-6 years ago
Hi Stephen, I've installed your applet because i wanted to add an entry to invoke my script to reboot into Windows via grub a bit easier. Do you have an idea how I can get the command "grub-set-default" got run? I think there's a problem with the root rights needed...
Brahim Salem
Brahim Salem-7 years ago
maybe you should add the ''Schedule a shutdown'' option too like in here
Brahim Salem
Brahim Salem-7 years ago
I mean "shutdown -h now" command which will shutdown the computer faster than "poweroff". We used to have these two options in gnome 2.
Brahim Salem
Brahim Salem-7 years ago
where is the "shutdown now" option?
Stephen Collins
Stephen Collins-7 years ago
I'm not sure what you mean. There is `Shut Down`, which immediately shuts down the computer. Are you saying that this item is missing from the menu?
Tony-7 years ago
Hi Stephen, thanks for making this applet. I like and use this applet on my dual-monitor desktop but can only install one instance of it - ie only on one panel. I'd like to have it appear on the panel for both of my monitors. I can make this work by manually editing the metadata.json file to add the line: "max-instances": -1 but perhaps a future version of the applet could include that extra code? cheers
Stephen Collins
Stephen Collins-7 years ago
Lvaskz-7 years ago
hi, can you translate to spanish ? it seems this applet can not recongnize the laguage system thanks
Richard Gordon
Richard Gordon-7 years ago
There is something wrong. Can't install. Getting error messages saying "contact developer". Linux Mint 18.2. Please help resolve this!
NikoKrause-7 years ago
Please make sure your applet version is up to date by hitting the »Refresh list« button and applying all updates.
Richard Gordon
Richard Gordon-7 years ago
Could you please include installation instructions? When I upgraded my distro I lost this applet and I can't recall how to install. Thanks!
Richard Gordon
Richard Gordon-7 years ago
Very cool applet! I add it to right side of my panel. Fantastic design!
Stan Cooper
Stan Cooper-7 years ago
On my Mint system this shows a 'sleep' option. What is that if it is neither suspend or hibernate (which also appear?)