
UUID: separator2@zyzz
Last edited:
3 days ago 2024-04-21, 11:10
Last commit: [d89fd069] separator2@zyzz: Add Dutch translation (#5851)

Use this applet to create a separator between your applets

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Milton Rodrigues
Milton Rodrigues-3 years ago
Hello, first of all amazing applet. I used separator on my Linux Mint 20 ->, but, right now, after the recent update, It started to have a strange "square grey graphic" around the dash in Adara Dark Theme -> Any workaround or tips?
dannn-o-2 years ago
I believe I am seeing the same "Square grey graphic" that Milton Rodrigues mentioned on my new Mint 20 machine I am configuring. The image link doesn't appear to be valid any longer, but I can post a screen capture of mine if needed. My Mint 19.3 PC doesn't have the issue, and is showing an older "Updated on" date of 2019-10-25 01:22:15 (compared to 2021-04-04 14:07:04 on my Mint 20 box). I think I'll try copying over the applet from my 19.3 machine to see if that avoids the issue.
elviolmp-3 years ago
It will be possible to add more than one separator ?
Dannation-3 years ago
It doesn't appear to be at this point, but yeah, that would make this applet much more useful!