Messaging Menu

UUID: MessagingMenuV3@blub
Last edited:
3 months ago 2024-11-16, 04:28
Last commit: [84eb0995] Finnish update (#6577)

Messaging Menu applet

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mfreeman72-4 years ago
Your screenshot shows it displaying Geary. However, I have Geary installed and it's not showing up. Any suggestions on how to connect this applet to Geary?
mfreeman72-3 years ago
Ok. I figured it out. The .desktop filename for Geary has changed, and has not been updated in this applet. The entry in the applet.js file is "geary". If you change it to "org.gnome.Geary", it works fine. I've also added a bunch of other entries into the applet.js file that work for other programs (such as Caprine, Discord, Zoom, etc.). Pretty easy to do. If you'd like a copy of my applet.js file, let me know.
mfreeman72-3 years ago
Here's a link to my updated version of the applet.js file, if anyone is interested: Until I can get this change into the official version, just drop this applet.js file into ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/MessagingMenuV3@blub/, replacing the old version, and restart Cinnamon. You may want to keep a backup somewhere (must be outside of the MessagingMenuV3@blub folder), as any updates that don't include this change will remove the change. I've added support for Caprine, Discord, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Gnome Contacts, and newer versions of Geary and Evolution that follow Gnome's new application ID's ("org.gnome.Application_name" instead of just "application_name"). If anyone wants other applications added, let me know. Or you could do it yourself. It's pretty simple to figure out and edit the file.
mfreeman72-3 years ago
It's been updated to include my changes.
opendiapason-4 years ago
The applet integrates automatically with Pidgin, HexChat and Thunderbird if they are installed. Is it possible to make it integrate also with Evolution Mail?
mfreeman72-3 years ago
See my comment above for a fix to this.
mfreeman72-5 years ago
Any chance that we could combine the code from the Mailnag applet into this one, as well as parsing notifications from Pidgin and other messaging programs, so that in addition to accessing the programs, it would give us new e-mail and IM notifications and change its icon to remind us about new items?