UUID: clipboard-qr@wrouesnel
Last edited:
7 months ago
2024-07-21, 19:14
Last commit: [f8ab9640] Add Catalan translations (#6229)

Create QR codes from clipboard content
Create and Scan QR codes directly from your Cinnamon desktop!
Easily move snippets of text between your phone and your desktop or laptop using just your webcam!
This handy applet uses the python-zbar library to fully support scanning QR codes (and barcodes!) directly into your clipboard with the click of a button.
You will need to
sudo apt-get install python3-zbar
for scanning functionality to work but that's ALL you'll need to do.
This is a fork of the original Clipboard QR Code applet by ebbes, with the added scanning functionality and general patches to make it work on modern Cinnamon.
Requests for features welcome!
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