
UUID: CommandRunner@appdevsw
Last edited:
7 months ago 2024-07-21, 19:14
Last commit: [f8ab9640] Add Catalan translations (#6229)

Applet runs script or application periodically and displays its output on the taskbar

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Charles W. Ross
Charles W. Ross-1 year ago
Hi, thank you for this applet! It is perfect for my needs. I have one feature request/suggestion: after the "click command" is executed, output the text result from that command immediately. Or execute the normal (periodic) command immediately afterwards. That way, the result of the click is updated immediately rather than having to wait for the time interval to pass.
snakyjake1-4 years ago
How do you get multiple columns to show up?
snakyjake1-4 years ago
Can't get the output from a shell script to display. I have a simple shell script: echo test
snakyjake1-4 years ago
Finally figured out the problem. Can't use relative path (~/tilde).