Bash Sensors

UUID: bash-sensors@pkkk
Last edited:
3 months ago 2024-11-23, 12:08
Last commit: [78da40f6] bash-sensors@pkkk: Add Finnish translation (#6611)

Write your Bash commands to specify applet output (temperature sensors and not only!)

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Dylan Parker
Dylan Parker-7 months ago
Love the applet. I monitor all sort of things with it. Curious why it is capped to a maximum of 60 second refresh? For some use cases, querying the source 60 times an hour is way too often.
Wengyk-9 months ago
I like this applet very much, but its "command on start-up" and "static icon" settings don't seem to work when the applet starts after the system starts. I need to wait for a refresh interval before they can take effect, Or it works after I click the icon on the panel.
almthor-11 months ago
Cpu Percentage: echo "%" `top -bn1 | sed -n '/Cpu/p' | awk '{print $2}' ` Cpu temp: echo "
clriis-1 year ago
Could be nice if the output could be colour coded. I wrote the command below that test the availability of a remote node and return the IP address in green for "UP" and red for "DOWN". ip_input=; red=$(tput setaf 1); green=$(tput setaf 2); reset=$(tput sgr0); [[ $ip_input =~ ^[a-zA-Z] ]] && ip_input=$(dig +short $ip_input); ping -c 1 -W 1 $ip_input > /dev/null && echo "${green}$ip_input${reset}" || echo "${red}$ip_input${reset}"
NaraGozer-1 year ago
Do you know if it is possible to put the RAM in Percentage? And while we are at it, do you know how to set the temperature of the cpu and graphics (AMD), thanks in advance friend, greetings.
clriis-1 year ago
free -k | awk 'NR==2' | awk '{ printf "%.2f GB (%.2f%%)\n", $7/1024/1024, $7/$2*100 }'
Damian Nowak
Damian Nowak-4 years ago
I love this applet!
SnerkRabbledauber-4 years ago
It does not seem to be updating. Tried changing the echo command in Command 1 in Settings and it never does change. Is there some trick to this?
Stuart D. Gathman
Stuart D. Gathman-5 years ago
I was considering writing an app like this - immediate application was extended battery information like real time current draw. I was browsing through existing applets and found Command Runner, and this little gem! The only glitch is the dynamic tool-tip doesn't work for me - just displays the command, not the output. But with two commands for panel output and menu command, there is plenty of dynamic output. BTW, xterm can also take fonts, colors, window size, title, command arguments and almost provides the functionality with a launcher - except it opens a normal app window instead of the applet info window.
jpachta-5 years ago
Nice applet to print to my panel whatever I found useful! I tried to "monitor" one of my laptop in the network to find its current IP address using ping -c 1 hostname command with some grep's to have the output a bit nicer. While the ping was waiting for the response the applet makes microfreeze to whole cinnamon environment on Fedora29, Cinnamon 4.0.10 (probably the Weather applet does the same kind of microfreeze as well).
SlashTray-7 years ago
Excellent! Thank you so much, usage possibilities are endless :) Here is one bash script (to be called by Bash Sensors of course) that displays your internet public IP (useful if you use a VPN service for instance): #!/bin/bash my_public_ip=`dig +short 2>/dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "No internet access" else echo $my_public_ip fi