Suspend computer

UUID: suspend@janax
Last edited:
5 months ago 2024-09-29, 19:44
Last commit: [ac522ec7] [suspend@janax] Fix handling of UI scale factors (#6454)

Immediately suspends the computer



Immediately suspends the computer (when using default configuration)


  1. Suspend instantly on a single click or only suspend on a double-click to avoid accidentally suspending the computer.
  2. Optionally add a count-down timer giving you the chance to cancel the suspend operation (configurable: 1-9 sec).
  3. A single click on the panel button during the count down will cancel the suspend operation.
  4. Choose between a full color or a symbolic panel icon for the applet.

Free icon from:



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Ercouper-6 years ago
Works great and very quick. The only issue that I have is that its icon is only a gray or white block depending on whether the desktop theme is light or dark. I am using it with 18.3 amd 19 (beta). Great work though!
Teoma Newman
Teoma Newman-7 years ago
It really is a quick way to suspend, although a little safety feature of Double-clicking might be better.
Kevin Langman
Kevin Langman-1 year ago
Better late then never.. I added a double-click option along with a count-down option to help prevent accidental suspends. Also added a symbolic icon option to better match with themes.