GPaste Reloaded

Last edited:
3 weeks ago 2025-03-07, 11:12
Last commit: [53f831f2] French translation (#6962)

Instantly access and manage your clipboard history.



GPaste is a clipboard management tool and application. This applet allows you to access and manage your clipboard history through an icon in the panel.

This is a completely re-written GPaste applet based on the gnome shell extension. It offers the following features:

  • Search for entries
  • Access the native GPaste GUI
  • Support for multiple histories
  • Manually add entries to the history
  • Unlimited instances


The easiest way to install any applet is in Cinnamon Settings -> Applets. Just click on the Download tab and search for "gpaste"

After installing this applet, you will need to install the Gpaste application and daemon using your software manager.

  • For Linux Mint or other Ubuntu-based distros, install the packages "gpaste-2" and "gir1.2-gpaste-2" or "gpaste" and "gir1.2-gpaste-1.0" on older versions.
  • For Arch-based distros, install the package "gpaste".
  • Other distros: Check if there's a package for GPaste. If there isn't, check the GitHub page linked below.

Finally, make sure that the GPaste daemon is running. To do this, you can either reboot your computer or restart cinnamon (right click on the panel and click "Troubleshoot" -> "Restart Cinnamon").

GPaste Github page:

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Rory-2 months ago
left clicking on the applet does nothing. right clicking shows me a menu, but if i click on configure, nothing happens. i've uninstalled it and reinstalled the applet. i even rebooting my laptop and it still doesnt work. any ideas? where is the config stored? this is on cinnamon 6.2.9 fedora 41. thanks
PaddyRudi-2 months ago
Hello Rory, here's the solution: Download the package from the link above Unpack the *.zip to ~/Downloads/foo/ Remove all instances of gpaste-reloaded from your panels Copy the content of ~/Downloads/foo/ to ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/ Add gpaste-reloaded applet to your panel(s) again Restart cinamon -> right click on a panel -> Find Errors -> Restart Cinnamon Voila - It should work again.
Sebastian Kanzow
Sebastian Kanzow-3 months ago
For cinnamon 22, when the applet says "gpaste not installed", you need to do sudo apt install gir1.2-gpaste-2
Albedo25-3 months ago
Too bad, not working on Cinnamon 6.4.3 Beyond that great applet. Some fix soon, maybe ? Thanks!
Wengyk-4 months ago
I love this applet, but it does not work on cinnamon 6.4.0
melomane63-7 months ago
work on mint 22 , but not traslate in my language ( french)
martins0110-1 year ago
Um ótimo APPLETS para se usar, grava corretamente os textos além de ter o histórico para consulta e posterior utilização. A great APPLETS to use, it correctly records text and has a history for reference and later use.
unalignedcoder-1 year ago
Not very useful for me. The keyboard shortcuts in the main app don't work and cannot be changed at all, the only shortcut available in the applet shows the history near the tray, rather than near the cursor or where the focused text area is. A clipboard manager (such as copyq, arsclip in windows etc) should show the history right near the cursor, and, upon selecting an item, it should automatically past it in the active textbox.
UnluckyLuke-1 year ago
Since there's no info whatsoever about this app: "GPaste is a clipboard management system with a fully DBus-based daemon, a CLI client and a gtk+ tray icon. A simple CLI interface is provided: gpaste-client, with a subcommand: gpaste-client ui which makes the graphical tool pop up. GPaste is free and open source software."
UnluckyLuke-1 year ago
It works fine. I wish there was more settings like: The a setting for the number of entries it saves. Permanent entries.
DonEdwards-2 years ago
It would be nice if this page gave some clue of what the applet is for, what it does, something like that.
richo-2 years ago
muchas gracias. (Thanks a lot)
imxys-2 years ago
if the applet says "gpaste not installed", follow the from If you use an Arch-based distro, that means you have to install the package "gpaste". If you use a Ubuntu-based distro, install the packages "gpaste", "gpaste-applet" and "gir1.2-gpaste-4.0". ( You can skip "gpaste-applet" if it doesn't exist. ) Other distros: Check if there's a package for GPaste. If there isn't, check the GitHub page linked below. then restart cinnamon, it should work now.
wiscodisco-2 years ago
Correction... my curl fetch of the .js file retrieved the whole HTML document, not just the javascript. When I copied the actual code info GPasteHistoryItem.js and restart Cinnamon, GPaste reloaded starts and I can see the strings in my paste history again. Whew.
wiscodisco-2 years ago
I was using the hack by pms967 that replaces the stock GPasteHistoryItem.js with the specified file. With the recent update I can no longer see the strings in the list, I could, however, see the history with the main GPaste program. I tried the pms967 hack and now GPaste Reloaded won't even start. So I'm without the important functionality this applet used to provide. What can I do to help?
pcspecialist-2 years ago
Doesn't work in LMDE 5
Fedor Elizarov
Fedor Elizarov-3 years ago
Sorry my bad , I fix it. If applet sey "Gpaste not installed" you need install this "sudo apt install gir1.2-gpaste-1.0" or other version gir gpaste. restart shell alt+f2 tap r and inter
imxys-2 years ago
Worked for me. Thanks!
Fedor Elizarov
Fedor Elizarov-3 years ago
Not work. gpaste installed but applet sey "gpaste not installed"
Tassos Diamantidis
Tassos Diamantidis-3 years ago
The last 2 weeks, history is not shown or history items are shown empty. History is shown correctly on GPaste App.
Kamyar Nemati
Kamyar Nemati-3 years ago
Worked for me. Thanks!
pms967-3 years ago
Update: replacing the file: ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/ with the (old) one available here: seems to fix the problem.
erwinzer0-2 years ago
Can't possibly know that. Thanks a lot
Mostafa Lavaei
Mostafa Lavaei-2 years ago
Great! But I wonder why the maintainer does not fix it after over one year. Gpaste is one of my favorite applets but unfortunately does not maintain activity.
Pointer666-3 years ago
Worked for me too. Thank you.
Tassos Diamantidis
Tassos Diamantidis-3 years ago
Worked for me too, thanks a lot
wendess3n-3 years ago
This worked for me. Thanks
SandyMental-3 years ago
not for me
SandyMental-3 years ago
better said, after replacing with the old one the history items are shown empty -
pms967-3 years ago
Same here, after upgrade from Mint 20.1 to 20.2
unclesnr-3 years ago
Having the same issue.
shamnad-sherief-3 years ago
can't select the 'bold' item. every time i need to search from the history
danfarias07-3 years ago
Just broke my Cinnamon. Had to timeshift and lost a ton of work. You guys should really consider removing it until it's fixed
Vulcanraven-3 years ago
Next time switch to terminal Ctrl + Alt + F2 Applets are stored in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets Delete the directory in there. So no need for timeshifting.
ksergk-4 years ago
JS ERROR: Error: Expected type string for argument 'uuid' but got type number setIndex@/home/user/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/ refresh/<@/home/user/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/
Nick Huanca
Nick Huanca-5 years ago
If you get "GPaste is not installed" then you can "apt-get install gir1.2-gpaste-1.0" to get it working
petrus2586-3 years ago
Effectivement, cela fonctionne après . J'ai rajouté ce paquet à "gpaste" et "libgpaste11" que Synpatic m'avait proposé par défaut. J'ai ensuite refait mon installation d'applet puis relancé Cinnamon et... j'ai eu le plaisir d'avoir l'icône Gpaste apparaître. Grand merci
gggirlgeek-4 years ago
Thank you!! You're the best. Worked great using Gpaste v3.36.3 from the PPA and Mint 20.10.
ak1dd-5 years ago
Doesn't work on Linux Mint 19.3 "GPaste is not installed" when you try to invoke.
eblis-5 years ago
This has just stopped working in Linux Mint 19.1 :(
shidi-6 years ago
Funktioniert nicht unter ubuntu 16.04 mit cinnamon
Tim Abell
Tim Abell-6 years ago
Breaks your entire desktop with no path to fixing it. DO NOT INSTALL
moretocome-6 years ago
`sudo apt install gpaste gir1.2-gpaste-1.0` then it works. I just installed it :)
EvGrizli-3 years ago
Спасибо тебе! Я так сделал. Работает.
claudiux-7 years ago
Very usefull. But at install, it freezes Cinnamon. A force logout is necessary. At next login, it's working fine. (On Linux Mint 18.2 with Cinnamon 3.4.6.)
Zverko Veselic
Zverko Veselic-7 years ago
Wow. Adding this to the panel sends my Cinnamon into a death spiral. It crashes, restarts only to instantly crash again etc...
Een Edinson
Een Edinson-7 years ago
If you have "Gpaste is not installed" error when adding the applet to a panel even when you have gpaste already installed, you may also need to install gir1.2-gpaste-4.0 package. Somehow that package is not pulled when you install gpaste from repository.
Sam-7 years ago
What all packages are needed to get this running? The message just mentions gpaste, and I already installed that, but it doesn't work.
SvenRieke-7 years ago
I like Diodon, it offers hotkey and much more. It's not an applet, so it's your decision of what you want to use.
Rodrigo Barros Bernardino
I really liked it!! But is there any war to assign a keyboard shortcut to "show the applet", so I just press it and I can search through my history, for example? Thanks!
Feuerfuchs-7 years ago
Right now there isn't a native confoguration for keyboard shortcuts, but you can assign a keyboard shortcut to the following command to make the applet appear: 'gpaste-client show-history'
Feuerfuchs-7 years ago
(I mean, assign that command using Cinnamon's keyboard settings)