
UUID: gmail@lauritsriple
Last edited:
7 months ago 2024-07-18, 21:15
Last commit: [26cf8d70] Add Catalan translations (#6216)

Shows most recent mails, and how many unread messages you have.




Should be working. Not completely finished. Only tested on arch linux.

Needed Python libaries

keyring,keyrings-alt,feedparser,urlparser (I think this is installed by default):. To install them you need pip for python3. Short install list:

sudo apt-get install pip3
sudo pip3 install feedparser
sudo pip3 install keyring
sudo pip3 install keyrings-alt

If you are using Cinnamon on Linux Mint you can install the required python libraries via apt

apt install python3-feedparser python3-keyring python3-keyrings.alt

Storage of username and password

Uses the system keyring service (gnome-keyring) to store and extract the password, so they are not stored in cleartext. You might have to install this. If you are using 2-step authentication for your google account you will need to create an app password to use in the applet at

Gmail atom feed

Uses the gmail atom feed to get info from gmail. You might have to enable access for less secure apps in gmail. Test in your browser if you have access with one of these links. or

Install from git

cd ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets git clone gmail@lauritsriple Merged to

Install from spices

You can install this from spices. Just click availible applets (online) and serach for gmail. There is currently two applets with almost the same name so make sure you choose the one which has gmail@lauritsriple. I tried to get the other one to work, but i couldn't and i didn't like that it stored password in plain text.


  • [X] Add notifications when receiving new mail
  • [X] Lit panel icon on new mail
  • [ ] Move atom feedparser to pure js
  • [ ] Move credential storage to pure js
  • [ ] Configure storage of passord in settings-schema.json to hide password while typing

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Michael Richards
Michael Richards-4 months ago
I just installed the app and I like it; works fine thus far. Would it be possible to link the app notifier to a mail program like Thunderbird, so that when I click on the icon the Thunderbird program opens instead of the gmail web? Thanks much.
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-2 years ago
Would it be possible to add the option to open a dedicated e-mail client when clicking on an e-mail in the menu, instead of the GMail website in a browser? Maybe put the option in the applet's configuration window to add the option of a custom command to run when clicked, if that's an easy enough option to add?
ppatrix7-2 years ago
Is it possible to update the applet due to the 0auth2 authentification since the 1s tof june?
adminka-root-3 years ago
If you have two-factor authentication enabled, you need to create a separate email password or
Ronald Haring
Ronald Haring-4 years ago
trying to get it to work on popos cinnamon, complains about missing feedparser however: pip3 install feedparser Requirement already satisfied: feedparser in /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/lib/python3.8/site-packages (6.0.2) Requirement already satisfied: sgmllib3k in /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from feedparser) (1.0.0) using the google generated password and i when i click the atom feed(. i see my emails
mmikecc-4 years ago
Got it working fairly easily using the provided instructions here on Linux mint 20, and Im glad :)
Rob-5 years ago
Doesn't work, tells me the prerequisites are not installed even though they are via pip on Arch Linux.
damanbaird-5 years ago
Works on Linux Mint 19.2
Vlad-Ver-5 years ago
LM 19.1 Does not work! "Error from json parser"
Jan Helbling
Jan Helbling-7 years ago
LM 18.3: it Works! Thanks for this great applet!
rickrich-7 years ago
On Fedora 26 I get: ERROR: error from json parser feedparser, keyring, and keyrings-alt are installed. Username and password are correct.
Fedora Tux
Fedora Tux-7 years ago
On Fedora 26 27 never working
Lvaskz-7 years ago
Hi, i can not instal pip3, some error
Sergey-7 years ago
There is an error in "Needed Python libaries": sudo pip3 install keyrings correct is keyring
emilio rojas hernandez
no se como funciona probare