UUID: localipswithsettings@edaubert
Last edited:
8 months ago
2024-07-04, 20:20
Last commit: [4207c2ae] Add Catalan translations (#6176)

Shows local IP addresses.
Local IPs applet with settings
It is a fork of localip@mrieracrespi
but it offers a way to select what IP(s) we want to see.
With this applet you will be able to display your IPs according to some filters.
As you can see, you are able to specify the refresh interval. You can also choose if you want IPv4, IPv6 (or both) and you can list the interfaces the applet should use to ind the IPs.
The interface should be separated by a comma ,
and accepts regex like br-.*
which allow me to display all my docker IPs.
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