Turn Off Monitor

UUID: turn-off-monitor@zablotski
Last edited:
8 months ago 2024-07-08, 17:03
Last commit: [b8f6940e] Add Catalan translations (#6196)

Click on the applet to turn off monitor



Turn Off

Turn Off Monitor applet for Cinnamon Desktop


  • Download from the Spices Web Site
  • Unzip and extract folder turn-off-monitor@zablotski to ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/
  • Enable the applet in System Settings -> Applets

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Kimmer1-7 months ago
I like it, alltho - I would love if it could let you cloose witch monitors you would turn off if you have multiple monitors. Thankyou for your work
dwfalk-1 year ago
Great applet. Made one slight tweak to avoid it just flashing on a single click. Changed line 138 from a "1" to a "2", to allow for a two second delay to prevent the monitor(s) from accidentally waking up when the mouse button is released.
quini2k-2 years ago
Hi! Thank you for your applet, I was looking for the way of turning the laptop's screen off easily. I'd like to make a suggestion: I'd prefer the screen to both turn off and get locked... and I've succeeded adding "cinnamon-screensaver-command -l; " in line 90, before "done']," (in case you're interested). Thank you again ;)
Kim W.
Kim W.-2 years ago
I love it. In Mint I have to double click the icon or shortcut, otherwise it flashes.
borodin57-3 years ago
I failed to mention: after the 'Blip!' my screen blacks out and remains off, until again I touch the pad or move the mouse. So not a huge problem, just a quirk, really.
borodin57-3 years ago
Love this applet, have missed being able to turn on monitor with just fn-F7 after that was reassigned in Cinnamon. However, there is a slight quirk. After double-clicking my screen goes off, the 'blips' me a fraction of a second later, as if it were winking at me or something. Anyone else have that behaviour? Found a fix for it?
ThunderCatBH-5 years ago
Hi, Great applet. I have 2 suggestions: 1) Set the duration of deactivation of the touchpad. 2) Set PIN to return the screen. Congratulations!
claudiux-5 years ago
The version 2.0.0 of Turn Off Monitor is here. Now this applet is configurable. You can now: - Set the duration of deactivation of the mouse. To prevent the monitor from turning on too soon after turning it off, the mouse will be disabled for the number of seconds you have set (5 seconds by default). - Use a symbolic icon and choose its color. - Use a keyboard shortcut to turn off your monitor (<Super>b by default). Enjoy it!
Nitrooo-5 years ago
Yet another great full-optional applet as usual from claudiux. You're spoiling us!
Lucie235-5 years ago
Sorry, now I understood: double-click does it!
Lucie235-5 years ago
Linux Mint 18.3 cinnamon monitor is only turned off for 1 second, then turns on again without any user-action and without any message
Yauheni Zablotski
Yauheni Zablotski-6 years ago
New version shipped: 1. Icon changed to smaller one 2. After click mouse inactive for 1 sec to prevent display(s) wake up
Marius Ileana
Marius Ileana-6 years ago
This is just great. I love it. A smaller icon is indeed useful.
w4r0-6 years ago
I second @2dxb comment, please make a smaller icon. Other than that, I love this applet.
2dxb-6 years ago
Why icon so big? do a little less