Website notifier

UUID: website-notifier@cardsurf
Last edited:
7 months ago 2024-07-28, 07:12
Last commit: [c8383e71] Hungarian translation update for Cinnamon Applets (#6264)

Shows a notification when a website updates



Website notifier

An applet that shows a notification when a website updates for Linux Mint Cinnamon


  • Periodically refreshes a website
  • Shows a notification when the website updates
  • Displays notification as a system popup or an applet popup
  • Customizable:
    • Set a maximum number of characters in notification text
    • Choose tooltip text
    • Customize an icon shown in a panel
    • Write a script that refreshes a website


To refresh a website on demand click on the applet with a left mouse button


To show the last notification text click on the applet with a middle mouse button


To write a script that refreshes a website:

  1. Edit the script file: ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/website-notifier@cardsurf/scripts/
  2. Modify the refresh function

Source code

Browse the source of the applet in the original repository.

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