Disk read and write speed

UUID: disk-read-and-write-speed@cardsurf
Last edited:
2 months ago 2025-01-03, 09:31
Last commit: [55005e0b] Add and Update Italian translations (#6729)

Shows usage of a disk



Disk read and write speed

An applet that shows usage of a disk for Linux Mint Cinnamon


  • Shows current disk read and write speed
  • Shows a hover popup with total amount of data read and written
  • Opens a terminal with a list of current input and output informations per process on a left mouse click.
    Closes the terminal on the next mouse click.
  • Customizable
    • Two GUI types
    • Show average speed per second or amount of data transferred
    • Display values as multiples of bytes or bits
    • Display unit with decimal or binary form
    • Enable or disable a hover popup
    • Customize a command used to list current input and output information per process


  1. Extract .zip archive to ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets
  2. Enable the applet in Cinnammon settings


To specify a disk:

  1. Right click on the applet
  2. From "Disk" submenu click on a disk

Source code

Browse the source of the applet in the original repository.

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Jon4T2-7 months ago
Found this while looking for a simple, blinking HDD/SDD activity indicator. This full-featured applet satisfies that low bar with ease -- displaying changing numbers instead of a blinking icon. The activity of an individual drive or partition can be displayed. Read/write stats are maintained for each partition as well as for each physical drive.
tribukhouski-7 years ago
simple and useful applet, shows the amount of wrote and read data per session