UUID: qredshift@quintao
Last edited:
8 months ago
2024-07-10, 10:23
Last commit: [85512909] Announcement (#6198)

It makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.
This version is currently outdated and will no longer receive updates from the original author. Although it continues to function as expected, we recommend switching to the latest version for an improved experience.
The latest version is actively maintained, ensuring that you receive the most up-to-date features and performance enhancements. Transitioning to the maintained version will help you stay current with all the improvements and fixes that have been made since this version.
To install the latest maintained version, please use the following command:
curl https://github.com/raphaelquintao/QRedshiftCinnamon/raw/master/install.sh -sSfL | bash
We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to upgrade to continue enjoying the best possible experience.
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