Fiat and cryptocurrency quote rates

UUID: ratecurrency@magner
Last edited:
1 month ago 2024-11-21, 09:01
Last commit: [ebc931b0] Add/update Finnish translations (#6602)

Displays the current price and trends of cryptocurrencies (TOP 150 coins with CoinMarketCap) and popular fiat currencies (Dollar, Euro, Ruble etc.). Monitoring daily percentage changes.



Fiat and cryptocurrency quote rates

Displays the current price and trends of cryptocurrencies (TOP 150 coins with CoinMarketCap) and popular fiat currencies (Dollar, Euro, Ruble etc.). Monitoring daily percentage changes.

alt text

Manual Installation

  • Download from the Spices Web Site
  • Unzip and extract folder ratecurrency@magner to

    For user: ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets

    For system: /usr/share/cinnamon/applets

  • Enable the applet in System Settings -> Applets
  • You can also access the Settings Screen from System Settings -> Applets or from the Applets Context menu

Localization (.mo):

~/.local/share/locale/${language}/LC_MESSAGES or /usr/share/locale/${language}/LC_MESSAGES

Localization Program


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pengeldi-3 years ago
Cannot show currencies in EUR. There s an error if you select the "European Union" server.
Igor Santos
Igor Santos-2 months ago
So far, this is still sadly broken :( The only way to show fiat currency is from Rubles. Euros just show "Error", and you can't even compare your local currency to something else other than Rubles or Euros, given the source currency is locked to the "server for fiat currency" option (which is a weird option name, given in practice it means "source currency").
bearsandbears-3 years ago
Nicely done. Would be nice to display more than one coin at a time.
ismail belli
ismail belli -4 years ago
great applet would be great if you add USD as base currency, also i couldn't find how to switch the graph to candlesticks thank you
Aleksi Magner
Aleksi Magner-4 years ago
To add USD as the base currency, you need to add a new central bank to the United States. I have not planned to do it yet. You can do it yourself and add it to the applet in the repository. The type of graphs does not switch. Candlesticks for cryptocurrency, since there are different quotes throughout the day. For a fiat currency, a regular line chart is used
Jeremiah K
Jeremiah K-5 years ago
Very nice app! It's minor but most icons seem to display correctly, it's disappointing that the Chainlink (LINK) icon displays as a lock, not a cube. :) Great work though.
Aleksi Magner
Aleksi Magner-5 years ago
Thanks for your feedback and comment. I will correct in the next edition