Healthy Eyes

UUID: healthyeyes@ipolozov
Last edited:
5 months ago 2024-09-28, 16:26
Last commit: [4d5467fb] French translation for several applets (#6451)

Quiet reminder to take a break every half an hour. When the circle is red, give your eyes a rest by looking away from your monitor, then click the circle.



Healthy Eyes

Quiet reminder to take a break every half an hour. When the circle is red, give your eyes a rest by looking away from your monitor, then click the circle. Why it's important

This reminder is made without annoying notifications, just a silent color change for you to notice, every half an hour. Code is heavily inspired by InternetTimeApplet from stefan.

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cadix3d-7 months ago
It works nicely for me, just to be aware of how much time I see the screen, I like that it is not invasive.
Igor Santos
Igor Santos-1 year ago
Definitely not the kind of applet you'll want mixed with your systray or window list. It's REALLY just a circle that changes color for a minute every 30min. You HAVE TO NOTICE IT for it to be useful. I mean, I totally get the idea, but you'll need a decluttered panel to use it - sadly, I don't have this luxury.
hemanti0503-3 years ago
How does this work? My circle never turns red. is there some dependency I should install?
hemanti0503-3 years ago
Yesterday I noticed, it had actually turned red once. So maybe i just didn't notice it before. Perhaps, it can be extended, so we have to manually turn it back to green once it's red?