Timeshift Spy

UUID: timeshift-spy@nicog60
Last edited:
3 months ago 2024-11-22, 12:16
Last commit: [9baf8dc0] Add/update Finnish translations (#6605)

Show the state of Timeshift, if it is currently making snapshots in the background




Cinnamon applet that inspect Timeshift snapshot creation and update an icon on the panel.



The applet shows:

  • a faded icon when the backup device is absent / not connected.
  • a plain icon when the backup device is connected, mounted, and no snapshot is being made.
  • a spinning 'sync' icon while a snapshot is being made.

It also has a menu shortcut to create a new snapshot.

GitHub - Original repo



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SilenceIsG0lden-1 year ago
Thank you so much for this!! This is the best solution, being able to see WHY my system isn't responding -- still waiting for a more granularly adjustable Timeshift, i.e., being able to tell it to wait until I'm NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF AN IMPORTANT FUNCTION DURING WORK HOURS before it starts...
little-tinker-3 years ago
I cant use, it just reports backup device not found, i assume it doesnt work on a partition basis.
cyrilux-4 years ago
I nicog60! It works very well on my Linux Mint 19.3. I'm so happy with it that I even had fun customizing the icons! But why is it that towards the end of writing a Timeshift-spy snapshot I get a warning that it's over when the external disk on which I put the snapshots seems to be still active (blinking led) for more than a minute? If I unplugged it or turned off the computer during this time, would I risk breaking something? Congratulations for your work and thank you for your answer. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
ben2talk-4 years ago
BTW - easiest way to monitor backups so far (for me) is a new line in conky doing ls-r /snapshots folder with '| head -1' to grab the latest item added ( -r just makes it the newest one). I'd like this information, instead of a fancy 'T' icon, displayed as number of hours, or number of days since last snapshot.
ben2talk-4 years ago
This is interesting - however it would be better to have an option to NOT have another icon cluttering up the panel unless it has something interesting to report... So +1 point for giving an indication that Timeshift is backing up. -1 point for having no access to 'last successful snapshot' time/date -1 point for not being able to hide the icon at all. Maybe an extra option that the icon can be visible only as a warning either if there's a snapshot running, orno snapshot has been made within a 24 hour or other user defined period... Having this icon hidden means it can't do what it needs to do... and it also is incapable of telling us the date/time of any previous backup.
Scrat-fflm-4 years ago
Hello. I was wondering why my PC was slow this evening. Updating your applet shows the spinning icon and it tells that Timeshift is performing a backup. It looks OK now. Thank you very much. Also I will report later if any problem occurs.
tethragon-4 years ago
Today's update (Updated on 2020-05-03 22:37:19) is NOT crashing cinnamon and looks like my non-OS HDD, where the backup is stored, is being recognized. Looks OK now. I will report later if any problem occurs. My system: https://termbin.com/r0l8
tethragon-4 years ago
Nope. There is no notification when a new snapshot is being made... Icon just sits there with no notification... Works OK at my laptop (snapshots folder is in the OS SSD). Not working at my desktop (snapshots folder is in a non-OS HDD). Both systems with Linux Mint 19.3 fully updated.
Scrat-fflm-4 years ago
Hello. Today's update : removing old applet, reloading the applets cache, downloading the new version, then installing the new version -> No Cinnamon crash, but error message : "there was an error when loading Timeshift-spy. Contact the author" However, the applet is installed, but still grayed with the error message "Backup device not connected", in my local language with this new version (french). Timeshift backup is performed on the OS HDD.
Scrat-fflm-4 years ago
Hello. After today's update, still grayed icon with "Backup device not found", while Timeshift is configured to save backup on the hard drive at "/timeshift/snapshots"
Nicolas Jarnoux
Nicolas Jarnoux-4 years ago
Hi, Today's update was about a crash when Timeshift was not configured / not installed. I've just pushed a fix for your issue 5 minutes ago. Hopefully it will be merged soon :)
tethragon-4 years ago
New updated version just came. Unfortunately it crashes cinnamon...
tethragon-4 years ago
We are waiting for the fix. I have also set timeshift to use a non-OS drive (HDD) and I get the message "Backup device not found"...
Scrat-fflm-4 years ago
Hello. When Timeshift backup is configured on the hard drive, the applet icon is faded as if the backup device is absent or not connected.