Mic mute toggler

UUID: MuteToggler@jebeaudet.com
Last edited:
2 months ago 2024-11-29, 12:34
Last commit: [9290717f] [MuteToggler@jebeaudet.com] Separate cmd line evaluation and executed on settings change (#6651)

Quickly toggle global microphone mute on and off.



Linux Mint global microphone mute applet

How to install

Just clone this repository and copy the MuteToggler@jebeaudet.com folder to ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/ and restart Cinnamon (ALT+F2 -> r does that!). The applet should now be available in the Applets panel. Add it!

How to use

There are 2 ways to toggle the global microphone mute, click on the applet icon or bind a hotkey in the settings.

If the icon is green, you're not muted.

If the icon is red, you're muted globally!

How does it work

Under the hood, it uses the command amixer set Capture toggle to toggle between muted and unmuted. The command is triggered by the hotkey or by clicking on the applet. There's also a reconliation loop every second so if the command is executed from the shell directly, the applet will get in sync within the second to show you the real mute status.


Logs are located in the looking glass, ALT+F2 -> lg to access it.

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wchouser3-8 months ago
Does not work with Cinnamon 6.2 on Arch. Is it because of Pipewire?
wchouser3-8 months ago
nevermind. you have to install alsa-utils, and pipewire-alsa, then it works fine
claudiux-1 year ago
Works perfectly now (Linux Mint 21.2, Cinnamon 5.8.4).
dayvid3-1 year ago
This works for me in Fedora, but not Linux Mint. This is a super handy applet. I hope that it gets updated
dayvid3-7 months ago
Huzzah! It works for me in Mint now. Maybe since Mint switched to Pipewire in v.22. I missed this applet
smagpro-1 year ago
Hi, The "amixer" command doesn't work here (Linux Mint 21.1 Cinnamon), but thanks to chatgpt I was able to find a solution (using pactl instead of amixer), chatgpt just rewrote the "is_audio_muted" and "on_applet_clicked" functions in applet.js (my mic is no "6" in the "pactl set-source-mute 6 toggle" command. Can be found via the "pactl list sources" command. And it is searching for the german term "Stumm" since I'm using a german version of Linux. Quite a bit to consider, but maybe someone may find it useful... is_audio_muted: function() { try { let cmd = [ "bash", "-c", "pactl list sources | grep -A 10 'Quelle #6' | grep 'Stumm:' | awk '{print $2}'" ]; Util.spawn_async(cmd, (stdout) => { try{ if(stdout.toString().trim() == "nein"){ this.set_not_muted_icon(); } else { this.set_muted_icon(); } }catch(e){ global.logError(e); } }); } catch (e) { global.logError(e); } }, on_applet_clicked: function(event) { try{ let cmd = [ "bash", "-c", "pactl set-source-mute 6 toggle" ]; Util.spawn_async(cmd, (stdout) => { this.is_audio_muted(); }); }catch(e){ global.logError(e); } }
CSoellinger-2 years ago
Really nice done :) Any plans to make the icons changeable? Cause i love the "black & white" icon style ;)
invexx-1 year ago
You can change the icons here: .local/share/cinnamon/applets/MuteToggler@jebeaudet.com/icons
Gustavo Godoy
Gustavo Godoy-2 years ago
i like it!
LinuxOnTheDesktop-3 years ago
Nice. Thank you for making this - and with such nice icons too!