Google Drive

UUID: googledrive@pbojan
Last edited:
2 months ago 2024-12-14, 15:35
Last commit: [02103060] googledrive@pbojan: Add German translation (#6686)

A simple applet to be able to sync Google Drive folders and files with just a few clicks.



Google Drive Applet for Cinnamon

A simple applet to be able to sync Google Drive folders and files with just a few clicks.

Applet screenshot


This applet currently supports the following features:

  • Pulling files/folders from Google Drive to your PC
  • Pushing files/folders from your PC to Google Drive
  • Open Google Drive in a browser
  • Open your Drive folder location
  • Whitelist specific files/folders

NOTE: New features will be coming soon! Make sure to leave your feedback about what you like or want to see in the future updates!

Usage Help


To use the Applet first you need to install the Google Drive library from:

  1. Make sure you have the drive library installed globaly and can be accessed in the terminal when typing drive
  2. Go to your desktop and hover over the panel and click the right mouse button
  3. From the menu select the Applets option
  4. Find and download the Applet from the Download section
  5. Add the applet to the panel and use the configuration window to configure it


To configure the Applet, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click the right mouse button while hovering on the Applet
  2. Select Configure from the menu
  3. The config menu will appear where you should be able to change the following:
  • Your Drive location - this is the folder where Google Drive files and folders will be synced to.
  • Whitelisted folders - if you want to sync only specific files or folders from your Google Drive.


If you find any bugs or stability issues please create an issue here or send an email to

If you have ideas for new features or improvements please send an email to


If you want to support the work and maintenance of this Google Drive Applet, please consider donating. Every donation is highly appreciated!

BTC: bc1q82zg96fgeenr5ag254lnqt4nn77lzjf5nx9m00
BCH: qq57wcmp7ajgpzgxhme5ldfwwfmkja8qd5mmaf6rlz
LTC: ltc1q362me09lmxfcq6zex6968qsnnq6hz3nhxv4cyr
ETH: 0x1125207ae7d169eb623fa228e5b2c48a6b6482d9

Can't donate, but you still want to help? Here are a few ways how to support this project:

  • Give feedback, report any bug or issue you find
  • Improve the Applet by creating a pull request to add new features. If you want to add new features please first send an email to and describe your idea.
  • Star/Watch the project on Github
  • Spread the word and share this applet with your friends, colleagues, social networks, etc.


Check the changelog here: Changelog


  1. This applet currently is using the Google Drive library from:



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Steve Shipway
Steve Shipway-4 months ago
I can install and run, but the Initialisation step, when it contacts Google, fails because: The out-of-band (OOB) flow has been blocked in order to keep users secure. Follow the Out-of-Band (OOB) flow migration guide linked in the developer docs below to migrate your app to an alternative method. Request details: redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob flowName=GeneralOAuthFlow It appears that this applet will no longer work until it is updated to use the new method
Pedro Henrique
Pedro Henrique-2 years ago
I tried several times to install the dependencies and the configuration without success.
Pedro Henrique
Pedro Henrique-2 years ago
Hello, I enjoyed seeing your project but I'm having trouble installing it. The installation process could be easier for novice users.