Duolingo Helper

UUID: duolingo-helper@nodeengineer.com
Last edited:
4 months ago 2024-10-24, 04:11
Last commit: [65823b41] duolingo-helper@nodeengineer.com: Add German translation (#6528)

Handy app to help practise with Duolingo.



Duolingo Helper Cinnamon Spice

This applet helps you track your Duolingo progress and boost your motivation.


  • the icon is a red "D" if you haven't reached your daily goal and a green "D" if you have
  • your daily XP is also displayed on the panel
  • if you click on the icon you will see the number of your crowns, the streak lenght and the number of lingots - just like on the website
  • the data is fetched every 30 seconds
  • click on the "Practise" button to open duolingo.com in the default browser
  • authentication via Cinnamon-native keyring

Authentication troubleshooting: The Duolingo Helper will prompt you to enter your credentials (you may also be asked to unlock the keyring). If the stored credentials are wrong they will be deleted from the keyring and you will be prompted again to enter them.

If you have issues with the authentication you can use secret-tool for troubleshooting:

  • install secret-tool:
    sudo apt-get install -y libsecret-tools
  • lookup duolingo.com credentials:
    secret-tool lookup site duolingo.com
  • manually store credentials:
    secret-tool store --label="Duolingo" site duolingo.com
  • clear credentials:
    secret-tool clear site duolingo.com

Last updated: Mon 06 Jun 2022 10:36:12 AM CEST

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Igor Santos
Igor Santos-1 year ago
I can confirm this is dead. Same issues from the previous user - it loops asking for username and password, doesn't even try to spit out an error message... :( The "troubleshoot" with secret-tool is pretty much meaningless as well, since it's not clear what we're expected to do with that?
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-2 years ago
It was working fine last year. I stopped using it for a while. Now I want to use it again, but now I cannot log in through the applet. I put in the correct username and password (I even tried resetting my password on the Duolingo website just in case), but it just repeatedly pops up the login window and the applet on the panel shows "Unauthorized". Using Linux Mint 21.1. Has something gone wrong with the applet, Cinnamon, or the Duolingo API?
Allewyn-2 years ago
Does this work on Linux Mint?
nodeengineer-2 years ago
Hi Allewyn, it does work on Linux Mint 20.3. It does not depend on Linux Mint but Cinnamon and libsoup 2.4 (details about the latter here: https://github.com/linuxmint/cinnamon/commit/76224fe409d074f8a44c70e4fd5e1289f92800b9). I work on a linsoup 3.0-compatible version.
BekirFurkan79-2 years ago
well thought out, thanks and maybe Can a flame replace the letter D?
nodeengineer-2 years ago
Hi @BekirFurkan79, thank you for the feedback. I did think about the icons. My panel indicator shows the XP values. However, on the website you have the streak count beside the flame icon (as it is on my pop-up menu). I believe that placing the flame icon beside the XP counter would not be intuitive. I thought about placing flame+streak on the panel but then the streak count on the pop-up menu would be redundant. Then I could also change the pop-up menu layout (e.g. swapping streak and XP) but I wouldn't like this because these three (crown, streak, lingots) are always together - on the website as well as on the mobile app.