Internet connection Indicator

UUID: internet-indicator@sangorys
Last edited:
5 months ago 2024-09-28, 16:26
Last commit: [4d5467fb] French translation for several applets (#6451)

Check your Internet connection (usefull to check if you are connected to Internet through a wifi hotspot. For instance when you are in a train)




Internet-indicator is a simple applet which shows in real time if you are connected to Internet or not.

It should be interersting in these particular environments :

  • You are connected to a WIFI hotspot
  • You are connected to a mobile hotspot
  • You are connected to a VPN

In these cases, maybe you can temporary lost your Internet connection. One of my best example is when I work in a train.


  • Detect if Internet is connected (thanks to a ping to google)

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barydos-1 year ago
Love this. Just a couple things, the icon is a bit old school but no biggie. But the "test internet speed" causes the computer to freeze (on Mint 21.2 Cinnamon)
Igor Santos
Igor Santos-1 year ago