Cinnamon Eyes

UUID: c-eyes@anaximeno
Last edited:
2 months ago 2025-01-03, 09:31
Last commit: [55005e0b] Add and Update Italian translations (#6729)

An applet for Cinnamon that adds an eye to the panel bar that follows your cursor.



Cinnamon Eyes

How to Use

You just have to install it from the cinnamon applets center, then add the applet to the panel, and voilá.

In the applet's settings, you can modify the style of the eye, the colors, and more for enhanced performance or efficiency.

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novellguy-1 month ago
Love my eyeball. thank you, thank you, thank you it makes me smile everyday thank you
Logansfury-9 months ago
I just found this and I am having great fun with it. I had previous experience with Xfce4-eyes on Linux Mint and when I set up yours on my Cinnamon box I tried to duplicate the Chibi eyes style as close as I could. I could set to Bulb and color the eye's perfectly with the great color options, but when putting two eyes beside each other on the panel, despite setting Margin at -4 and Padding to 0, they still sit too far apart from each other to look right. can you please give us an option for single or double eyes where the double eyes sit right beside each other almost touching? Thank you for reading, Logan
Anaxímeno Brito
Anaxímeno Brito-9 months ago
Hi, I'll try to see if the margin and padding could be improved to allow putting the eyes even closer, or if it would be better to add an option to define the number of eyes we want for each instance, thanks for your suggestion!
Minessota Klei
Minessota Klei-2 years ago
Hi, Very fun applet, I loved it (^o^)// Just a little thing, I think the icon is too big compared to the other applets, could you please add an option to decrease the size of the applet's icon!
Anaxímeno Brito
Anaxímeno Brito-2 years ago
Thanks. I'll send an update for that in the next versions.
claudiux-2 years ago
Good! You should specify that it is necessary to click on the applet icon for the effects to appear on the screen.
Anaxímeno Brito
Anaxímeno Brito-2 years ago
Sure, I'll update the descriptions.
angelotux-2 years ago
very nice
Anaxímeno Brito
Anaxímeno Brito-2 years ago