Simplified System Monitor

UUID: ssm@Severga
Last edited:
8 months ago 2024-07-09, 19:42
Last commit: [cecfbb55] Add Catalan translations (#6197)

Applet to show system load and state



This is a simplified Cinnamon applet that provides textual information about system load and state (CPUs, memory, network). The color of the panel CPU section is changed according to the temperature of the CPU. The applet's context popup menu contains the "Clear Cache" item which clears RAM cache and buffers (be careful).


  • gtop system monitoring library package;
  • NetworkManager;


  • 'lm-sensors' package (for CPU temperature monitoring);
  • gnome-system-monitor (is opened on click).


Download and enable via Cinnamon Settings or panel popup menu.

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Yateen00-1 month ago
can someone help me set it up? i checked that i have the dependencies, but all the numbers are just .... , pn hover the menu shows correct numbers, but the applet numbers are just not there
31337-4554551n-1 month ago
This is my favorite monitoring spice, because everything is so compact. Could I please just request an option to show memory percent to match the gnome system monitor (excluding cache) Cache memory isn't really "used" the same way, and can be dropped in an instant. So a 95% memory usage when it includes cache is just good optimization, excluding cache it's a cause for concern.
XENOAVATAR-1 year ago
Just want to say: Thank you! Really a good applet,love it! Simple and efficient!
Severga-1 year ago
Thank you very much!