Docker compose manager

UUID: stacks@centurix
Last edited:
8 months ago 2024-07-09, 19:42
Last commit: [cecfbb55] Add Catalan translations (#6197)

An applet to manage docker-compose stacks.



Stacks Manager Applet

Manage docker-compose stacks from a panel menu. With this applet you can:

  • List available stacks
  • Bring stacks up and down
  • Edit docker-compose files
  • Show logs for each stack


An installed, configured and working docker and/or docker-compose.

The docker group has been added to the current user:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Then re-login as the user for the group changes to take place.

By default, the applet will look for docker-compose.yml files in a directory called docker_projects in the users home directory. This can be changed in the applets configuration. The applet will scan through all sub-directories looking for docker-compose.yml files and then list them in the menu.


When starting, this applet will:

  • Check if docker is installed
  • Look for the older docker-compose Python script
  • Check if the default ~/docker_projects folder to exist in your home directory

If any of these do not exist, the applet will notify you with instructions on how to install Docker.

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claudiux-1 year ago
I've never used Docker but I'm interested. Is it possible to dockerize an applet? If yes, how to proceed?
Chris Read
Chris Read-1 year ago
I'm fairly sure that an applet would not be able to be run from a docker container, although I've been wrong on things like this in the past! This applet searches for files called docker-compose.yaml, which contain information on how to start and stop docker containers. So if you have a development stack that you use to write software, you can place these in the docker-compose.yaml file and start/stop the services as you need them. Like for my day job I use software like MySQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, MongoDB and similar, but I don't use them all the time. So I define these files with the groups of applications I need for a job and then use this applet to start and stop them when needed. For example, you can use the docker compose details for MySQL from here: And it means that you don't have to install MySQL onto your system directly, just run it through Docker and if you want to delete it, you can delete the image through Docker as well.
claudiux-1 year ago
Thank you for your reply, Chris. I will study all of this.