UUID: fw_fanctrl@juleskreuer.eu
Last edited:
10 months ago 2023-06-09, 01:45
Last commit: [97644929] update readme (#4889)

Applet to control the framework fan-speed strategy using fw_fanctrl.



Framework FanCTRL - Fan Strategy Control Applet for Cinnamon

This applet allows you to control the fan speed strategies of Framework laptops directly from your desktop. It uses fw-fanctrl / framework-ec to select different fan speed strategies.


Make sure fw-fanctrl is installed.

Via Cinnamon Applet Store

- Right click on the menu bar.
- Open "Applets".
- Click on "Download" tab.
- Search for "FanCTRL".
- Click on the install icon next to the applet name.

The applet should now be available in your Applets settings panel. Add it to your panel to start using it.

Via Git

Clone the git repository:

git clone https://github.com/not-a-feature/fw_fanctrl_applet

Copy the applet to your local Cinnamon applets directory:

cp -r fw_fanctrl_applet/files/* ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/

The applet should now be available in your Applets settings panel. Add it to your panel to start using it.


Once installed, click on the applet icon in your panel to open the menu. The menu displays a list of available fan speed strategies. Click on a strategy to select it. The applet will then use fw-fanctrl to apply the strategy.

Toggle visibility of strategies

You can toggle the visibility of the default strategies in the applet settings. It is also possible to change the icon.

Custom / non-standard strategies

To add your custom strategy from fw-fanctrl to this applet, edit the settings-schema.json located in ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/fw_fanctrl@juleskreuer.eu

  • Replace the following <NAME> tags by the strategy name found in the fw-fanctrl config.

  • Add <NAME> to the strategies list.

    "strategies" : ["sleep", "...", "<NAME>"],
  • Add following block after the strategies line. Replace <Label for NAME> by your desired label:

    "<NAME>-label": {
        "type": "header",
        "description": "<Label for NAME>"
    "<NAME>": {
        "type": "checkbox",
        "default": true,
        "description": "Visible"
    "<NAME>-icon": {
        "type": "iconfilechooser",
        "default": "dialog-warning",
        "description": "Icon for '<Label for NAME>'"
  • Reload the Applet (Hamburger menu top right)


This applet requires fw-fanctrl to control the fan speed.


Copyright (C) 2023 by Jules Kreuer - @not_a_feature
This piece of software is published unter the GNU General Public License v3.0

| Permissions      | Conditions                   | Limitations |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------- | ----------- |
| ✓ Commercial use | Disclose source              | ✕ Liability |
| ✓ Distribution   | License and copyright notice | ✕ Warranty  |
| ✓ Modification   | Same license                 |             |
| ✓ Patent use     | State changes                |             |
| ✓ Private use    |                              |             |

Go to LICENSE.md to see the full version.

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