
UUID: paneldo@beatlink
Last edited:
2 months ago 2025-01-03, 09:31
Last commit: [55005e0b] Add and Update Italian translations (#6729)

Panel based quick todo applet for Cinnamon




Panel based todo applet for the Cinnamon desktop.



The applet as it appears in the panel


The settings page


  • Displays the first line of a todo text file.
  • Prefixes and suffixes for displayed text are customizable
  • Text file location is configurable.
  • Clicking on the applet opens the text file in text editor allowing for quick editing.
  • The text editor used can be configured from settings
  • External changes to the file are refreshed every second.
  • Periodic reminder flashes with configurable time and colors.
  • Configurable text file location


  • All customizations are via applet settings and self explanatory.


  • Applet based on todo written by Thomas Scott @threefi
  • Icon is notes.png from Mint-Y Theme

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Bushmills-2 months ago
@Jopp-gh, "why a text editor is needed" - several reasons I can think of. One is: the editor one chooses is one which is or can be configured to users' tastes. Say I choose an editor which, by configuration or macro, can swap the current line with the line above or below, bound to keys like, say, Alt-Up and Alt-Down, thereby allowing the user to "bubble" the current line up or down. As it moves along with the cursor, apparently sticking to it, swapping tasks on the todo list, becomes a simple task indeed: Prioritize any other task: Move cursor to it, then bubble it up to the top. Delegate a task to someone else: bubble it down to that person's tasks section. How likely would it be for an integrated editor to either provide or allow configuring such a feature? Fairly slim, is may guess. Using an editor of choice doesn't only have disadvantages.
Jopp-gh-8 months ago
Awesome idea! However, I don't get why a text editor is needed to add tasks. It should be able to edit tasks in-place, right now it feels like a personal prototype. For a broader accceptance you should add a popup menu to at least view and possibliy edit (if possible) notes in-place. Right now this applet shows only the first line of our task note, that is bad. Finally, please support markdown. Txt is very antiquated and too bare-bones.
k4100x-8 months ago
Thank you for making something so simple and easy to configure! This is just the kind of applet I was hoping for, and the implementation is better than I imagined. Thank goodness it does NOT have a wilderness of options.