Color-blind Filters

UUID: color-blind-filters@rcalixte
Last edited:
3 months ago 2024-11-18, 07:51
Last commit: [96fb8786] color-blind-filters@rcalixte: Add German translation (#6579)

An applet for the Cinnamon Desktop Environment that offers full-screen color filters that should help color-blind users and developers.




An applet for the Cinnamon Desktop Environment that offers full-screen color filters that should help color-blind users and developers.


Color filters that should help color-blind users and also developers. The menu includes correction filters and also simulation filters that can show you what color-blind people see. Included are filters for Protanopia, Deuteranopia and Tritanopia. Filter strength is adjustable. Also available are filters for desaturation, channel mix, and lightness and color inversions.

The primary mouse click on the applet icon toggles the menu and the secondary mouse click opens the configuration menu. The configuration options are identical to the applet menu and are provided for convenience. Options changed via either interface will synchronize to the other.

Portions of this code and images were adapted from the Colorblind Filters GNOME extension created by George dH.


This applet has been tested to be compatible with Cinnamon 5.4+.



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FrogScourge-1 week ago
the brightness of the yellows and blues on the tritanopia filter is backwards compared to other filters which have deeper blues and more vibrant yellows, i mean it gets the job done on the contrast aspect its just trippy and doesn't match my other devices
Leandro Simonetti
Leandro Simonetti-6 months ago
Awesome app! I'm mostly using it to de-saturate my screen (I have the new Lenovo Yoga Pro laptop that currently has some problem with colors being over-saturated). I understand that this might be out of the scope of the app, but would it be possible to choose which display it affects? (for multiple displays work-style). Thanks again for your hard work!
Rick Calixte
Rick Calixte-6 months ago
Hi Leandro, I hadn't considered this as a use-case. I'll take a look and see if this can be done. Is it fair to assume that you want to be able to configure the laptop display independently of the external display(s)? In the event that options can be configured, this is how I am leaning to present the options, assuming nothing more granular is available/possible.
Leandro Simonetti
Leandro Simonetti-6 months ago
Yes, that would absolutely work for my specific issue! Though, please do consider that this saturation issue should be fixed when kernel 6:11 is out and part of Mint ( I would not want to make you put your time into something that might be very niche or that would stir the app away from its indented use-case. Thanks again for addressing my question!