Night Light

UUID: nightlight@Severga
Last edited:
5 months ago 2024-09-18, 13:10
Last commit: [8e808be8] nightlight@Severga: Fix bug with state switch in auto mode (#6433)

Screen night light activating applet



This is a Cinnamon applet for changing screen color temperature. This applet was inspired by SCT Toggle applet by and also uses 'sct' command, nevertheless it works differently. The applet has 3 modes - off, on and auto (simply click the applet with your left mouse button). The auto mode uses your schedule from the applet configuration.


The applet is a frontend for 'sct' command and, thus, requires the 'sct' package to be installed.


Download and enable via Cinnamon Settings or panel popup menu.

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FlowXP-2 months ago
It doesn't work in LM Cinnamon 22, I get a warning saying I don't have "sct". Installing xsct does not help.
cyrilux-7 months ago
Finally, on Mint 19.3 the auto start works but it reverts to daylight in the middle of the evening! what a pity! In the meantime, I'm using Iris Mini, which is free and functional, but it's not in my philosophy! Please, what's the solution? Thank you for your help.
Alexey Muranov
Alexey Muranov-7 months ago
There is no `sct` package in Linux Mint 22. There is `xsct`, however.
cyrilux-7 months ago
Hello and congratulations! I used to use Redshift which worked fine (Cinnamon 4.4.8.) , but it is no longer operational and QRedshift is not compatible. Night Light is even better because you can set the K° temperature yourself! Unfortunately, in auto mode, it doesn't switch on at the chosen time. Any ideas? (I have installed 'sct') Thanks.
Michael Freeman
Michael Freeman-6 months ago
That's odd that you would say that Redshift doesn't function and QRedshift isn't compatible. I just installed Redshift and QRedshift on Linux Mint 22, and they both appear to be working just fine.