UUID: tapo@smiklosovic
Last edited:
2 months ago
2025-01-03, 09:31
Last commit: [55005e0b] Add and Update Italian translations (#6729)

Control Tapo Appliances
Cinnamon applet to control Tapo appliances
This applet integrates with tapo-rest (1). You need to have tapo-rest server started locally and then point this applet to its URL with a password used when you started that service.
tapo-rest is started with a list of devices you want to control over REST. You need to specify names of devices in the configuration menu of the applet.
Currently, it only controls Tapo P110 plugs (because I do not have anything else at home at the moment).
This applet was inspired by suspend@janax and qredshift@quintao from where source code located in js directory is from.
Free icon (icon.png) from (2)
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