Wine Utils

UUID: wine-utils@elblake
Last edited:
2 months ago 2025-01-03, 09:31
Last commit: [55005e0b] Add and Update Italian translations (#6729)

Easy access to Wine's utilities



Wine Utils

Provides easy access to wine's utilities as an applet.


  • Easy access to Wine command prompt, utilities and installed programs.
  • Menu of available launcher applications.
  • Switchable between prefixes, a list of prefixes can be specified in a file.

Prefix List

A list of prefixes can be used by the applet by creating a text file with a prefix path on each line, each line can begin with a name and colon (:) for a label. After creating the file, select it from the applet's preferences.

An example prefix list:

## Comments can be added in the file

Default: ~/.wine
For Program 1: ~/.program1_wine
For Program 2: ~/.program2_wine

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