UUID: Bps@claudiux
Last edited:
1 week ago
2025-03-03, 12:35
Last commit: [7928645f] [Bps@claudiux] v1.2.0: Improved speed measurement (#6950)

Instant Network Speed is a simple network monitor
Bps: Instant Network Speed
Bps: Instant Network Speed is a simple network monitor.
Bps means Bytes per second.
This applet displays on the panel, every second, the sum of data (in bytes) received and transmitted during that second by all network interfaces present and active on the computer.
The panel must be horizontal. This applet will not work on a vertical panel.
The settings are accessible by right-clicking on this applet, then choosing Configure....
You can set:
- Unit: Bytes (B) or bits (b). 1 Byte = 8 bits.
Decimal or binary:
- Choosing decimal, the available prefixes are: k, M, G, T (kilo=thousand; Mega=million; Giga=billion; Tera=1000 billions).
- Choosing binary, the available prefixes are: ki, Mi, Gi, Ti (kibi = 210 = 1024; Mebi = 220 = 1048576; Gibi = 230; Tebi = 240).
- Value order: Download first or Upload first. An order of values shown in the panel.
- Minimum displayed value:
- Value: A minimum value to display in the panel. Min = 0, Max = 999 (for decimal values) or 1023 (for binary values). Default: 0.
- Multiple: Can be "1", "k", "M", "G" or "T". Default: "1".
- A value set to 1 and a multiple set to âkâ are a comfortable combination, avoiding display changes due to small data transfers.
Many thanks to all the translators!
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