Places with Terminal Launcher

UUID: places-with-terminal@mtwebster
Last edited:
8 months ago 2024-07-04, 20:20
Last commit: [4207c2ae] Add Catalan translations (#6176)

Access your places and bookmarks, or launch a terminal at that location



This is a Cinnamon applet, which lets you access your places and bookmarks through an icon in the cinnamon panel, as well as launch a terminal in those locations.

Left-clicking the item will open the corresponding folder for that item. Left-clicking the terminal icon next to that item will launch a terminal in that location.


1) Copy the folder "places-with-terminal@mtwebster" to "~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/".

2) Enable the applet in cinnamon settings.

This is a heavily modified version of the applet '' - I've merely added the ability to launch a terminal.

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Beckfield-2 years ago
I've been using "Places with Terminal Launcher" for over 3 years, and it has become a natural part of my system. Today I upgraded my Linux Mint build to version 23, and I just found that nothing will launch from the Places with Terminal Launcher menu. It doesn't appear to attempt to do anything. It the terminal icon is visible, that works. but it won't launch Nemo when I click on any item on the menu.
Beckfield-1 year ago
Still broken after 2023-05-11 update.
Beckfield-1 year ago
An update to Places with Terminal Launcher" came through this morning, but this behavior is unchanged. "Updated on 2023-03-15 01:34:28"
Beckfield-2 years ago
Sorry, that's Mint build 21.
Beckfield-2 years ago
Still a problem after updating Mint to 21.1.
ShefSam-4 years ago
I could not find "~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/" or it's equivilant in Cin 3.6.7 - Ubuntu 18.04
NikoKrause-4 years ago
The directory `.local` is a hidden directory in your home directory.
Beckfield-5 years ago
The 'File System' command in this applet won't launch Nemo in Linux Mint 19, because it's trying to use the 'gksudo' command. That app was removed from Mint and at least some other Debian-based distros because it opens security risks. It also has been unmaintained for years. There's no reason this applet should be trying to launch the file browser with elevated privileges anyway. This is the only command on the applet that does so, and it doesn't mention that it is doing so.
NikoKrause-4 years ago