UUID: places-with-terminal@mtwebster
Last edited:
8 months ago
2024-07-04, 20:20
Last commit: [4207c2ae] Add Catalan translations (#6176)

Access your places and bookmarks, or launch a terminal at that location
This is a Cinnamon applet, which lets you access your places and bookmarks through an icon in the cinnamon panel, as well as launch a terminal in those locations.
Left-clicking the item will open the corresponding folder for that item. Left-clicking the terminal icon next to that item will launch a terminal in that location.
1) Copy the folder "places-with-terminal@mtwebster" to "~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/".
2) Enable the applet in cinnamon settings.
This is a heavily modified version of the applet 'places-bookmarks@dmo60.de' - I've merely added the ability to launch a terminal.
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