Internet Search Box

UUID: search-box@mtwebster
Last edited:
1 month ago 2024-11-21, 09:01
Last commit: [ebc931b0] Add/update Finnish translations (#6602)

Perform an Internet search, using your favorite engine



This is a Cinnamon applet, which adds a Web Search box to your Cinnamon panel.

Left-clicking the item will open a search box where you can enter your criteria.

You can right-click on the applet to select your search engine, or access additional settings to manage search engines and various options.


Install from the Cinnamon settings -> Applets (Download tab, then Manage tab), or:

1) Unzip, copy the folder "search-box@mtwebster" to "~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/".

2) Enable the applet in Cinnamon settings -> Applets.



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toolgrinder-6 months ago
I added the search bar to a live session of Mint 22 cinnamon and despite unchecking every provider except DuckDuckGo it kept using Google. It did only list DDG in the list when I r-clicked the applet's icon. No biggy for me but I though you would like to know.
claudiux-6 months ago
v2.3.0 is for you.
toolgrinder-6 months ago
claudiux-6 months ago
I'll see that. Thank you.
claudiux-7 months ago
v2.2.0 is here. * New settings layout. * Fixed a bug that prevented you from modifying the list of search engines. * Removed deprecated versions.
toolgrinder-7 months ago
Thanks for that. I updated and was able to modify providers list as you pointed out. Didn't work before. I also had trouble getting Brave search to work after adding it to the list but got it working with this URL: Thanks again.
toolgrinder-7 months ago
How do you add Startpage to the search engine menu? I tried adding a provider to ~/.local/share/Cinnamon/applets/search-box@mntwebster/providers.conf and saving it but it did nothing. The entry was like this: Provider,Startpage,
toolgrinder-7 months ago
Never I figured it out: When I loaded the applet the 1st thing I did was uncheck all the big search sites (ie. Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask). After posting my question here I went back and edited the ~/.config/cinnamon/spices/search-box@mtwebster .json file and replaced the entry info with the startpage info. After that I reset the applet to revert to defaults and when I did that the Startpage entry appeared and worked after selecting it from the panel r-clickl menu. Yay! I know it still doesn't answer my original question but I'm glad I found a work-around.
claudiux-7 months ago
It's simpler than that: right-click on the applet, select Configure... and add a line to the search engine table.
claudiux-7 months ago
From v2.1.0, you can select the background color and the text color of the search-box.
Immolo-7 months ago
Thanks for creating this as you have helped my daughter to finally switch to Linux but she has a thing about a change (bless her) and has asked me to see is there a way you could help her by making the search box colour on the panel customisable so it looks like a white box as in Windows 10. I know it sounds silly but we all have those weird little things in life which makes us comfortable and this is hers.
claudiux-7 months ago
Done in version 2.1.0.
Paulo Candeias
Paulo Candeias-11 months ago
I have just installed this applet on a laptop running Linux Mint 21.3 with Cinnamon 6.0.4. The laptop has a numeric keypad on the right side with an enter key. I found that if, after typing some text in the applet box, it does not recognize this enter key, only the one in closer to the letters. I assume this maybe due to the fact that both enter keys have different scan codes. Is it possible to make the applet accept both enter keys as valid?
claudiux-9 months ago
Done with v2.0.0.
alcane1959-1 year ago
Gostaria de saber se é possível alterar a cor de fundo. I'd like to know if is possible to change the backgound color
claudiux-1 year ago
Great applet that works very well with Cinnamon 21.1! I offer French translation.
CH-arat-4 years ago
Linux Mint Cinnamon 19.3 - the hotkeys work BUT they don't actually pop up the box to show what I am typing. So if I hit the hot keys and start typing blind, then hit enter - google will pop up a result. Would be great to be able to visually see the applet is responding and to be able to see what I am typing. Otherwise - it works - and its the only thing like it I have found so I'll deal with it till its fixed.
jackson-brandao-4 years ago
Poderia ter uma janela que aparece a pesquisa e quando clicar que abria no navegador. Também poderia fazer pesquisas de arquivos no computador(marcando uma caixa de pesquisa no computador.
Sadi Yumuşak
Sadi Yumuşak-6 years ago
Doesn't work after upgrading to Linux Mint 19.1
Very neat little applet. Could use the capability to assign a keyboard shortcut.
NikoKrause-6 years ago
Added the capability to assign a keyboard shortcut. Default shortcut is `Ctrl+Alt+F`
jackson-brandao-4 years ago
Já está adicionado na que estou usando.