Zeripaths Window list

UUID: window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org
Last edited:
6 months ago 2024-07-28, 07:12
Last commit: [c8383e71] Hungarian translation update for Cinnamon Applets (#6264)

Zeripaths variant of Cinnamon window list




Zeripath's Cinnamon Window List (Now updated to work with Cinnamon-2.2/Mint-17.)

This applet is a modified version of the original window-list but with features for controlling maximized windows.

  • Clicking on the Window List Button for a focused Maximized window will Unmaximize it. Clicking once again will Minimize it.

  • Clicking on the Window List Button for a Minimized window will Restore the window, clicking once again will Minimize it.

  • Double-clicking on the Window List Button for a Maximized window will Minimize the window.

  • Double-clicking on the Window List Button for a Minimized or Unmaximized window will Maximize the window.

These features are very helpful if you wish to turn off titlebars for maximized windows and have a flipped menu bar. I use this with the cinnamon window buttons applet and a modified theme which removes the titlebars. (Please see the associated patch-mint-x-theme project: https://github.com/zeripath/cinnamon-applets/tree/master/patch-mint-x-theme )


  1. Install dconf-tools: sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
  2. Extract the zip into a temporary directory
  3. cd into that directory
  4. chmod +x install.sh
  5. ./install.sh
  6. Press ALT-F2, type r, and press ENTER to restart cinnamon.

The install script will replace the default cinnamon window-list with my version of the applet.

To uninstall the applet:

  1. cd into the temporary directory
  2. chmod +x uninstall.sh
  3. ./uninstall.sh
  4. Press ALT-F2, type r, and press ENTER to restart cinnamon.

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m457r0-5 months ago
Don't know if this would be useful? error t=2024-09-09T03:01:30Z [window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org]: Meta.WindowTileType is undefined [window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org]: Failed to load applet: window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org/73 trace t=2024-09-09T03:01:30Z <---------------- setDisplayTitle@/home/XXXX/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org/applet.js:499:20 onPreviewChanged@/home/XXXX/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org/applet.js:368:14 AppMenuButton@/home/XXXX/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org/applet.js:317:14 _addWindow@/home/XXXX/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org/applet.js:1280:25 _updateWatchedMonitors@/home/XXXX/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org/applet.js:1268:22 on_applet_instances_changed@/home/XXXX/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org/applet.js:1057:14 callAppletInstancesChanged@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/appletManager.js:828:35 on_applet_added_to_panel_internal@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/applet.js:386:28 addAppletToPanels@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/appletManager.js:413:16 finishExtensionLoad@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/appletManager.js:98:14 _init/<@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/extension.js:276:32 ----------------> error t=2024-09-09T03:01:30Z [window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org]: Applet window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org: Could not create applet object. [window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org]: Error importing applet.js from window-list@zeripath.sdf-eu.org trace t=2024-09-09T03:01:30Z <---------------- _init/<@/usr/share/cinnamon/js/ui/extension.js:277:23 ---------------->