Lock keys indicator with notifications

UUID: betterlock
Last edited:
1 month ago 2025-01-03, 09:31
Last commit: [55005e0b] Add and Update Italian translations (#6729)

Shows whether caps lock/num lock/scr lock is on, and displays a notification when these change.

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Paulo Candeias
Paulo Candeias-5 months ago
My laptop lacks a led indicator for when NumLock is on. This is a life saver applet for me because I use extensively the numeric keypad. Any idea why ScrollLock is not working? There is no dedicated key for that on the laptop but I read somewhere it could still be activated for some apps like spreadsheets.
miguelssm-1 year ago
Works great! Thanks a lot! My laptop hasn't a NumLock led indicator and it fits perfect for me. Good job!!
Ravi Shekhar Jethani
Perfect! thanks! I was just thinking how about adding `Fn lock` indication too?
Dragoş-2 years ago
Some of the requests have been granted in a mod/fork I've done these last days. Implemented Scroll Lock indicator, tooltip, icon size change, icon colors, automatic reorientation. More details in the forum: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=373989 or on my blog: https://2wx2l.wordpress.com/2022/05/17/new-applet-mod-for-linux-mint-cinnamon-betterlockplus/
richo-3 years ago
theconfounded-3 years ago
My little $30 Fintie bluetooth battery powered tablet keyboard has 4 LED lights (bluetooth, power, charge, & capslock) on it but my $2,000+ laptop only has only a tiny power LED hidden out of view along the edge. After about a thousand times TYPING ALL IN CAPS and then having to retype it because my laptop has no indicator lights I discovered this applet. Also...I discovered that if I plug my USB LED keyboard in I can toggle the capslock key light on/off on it by clicking the tray applet, which in this scenario is a bit of a novelty but still quite fun!
pnissels-3 years ago
Modern laptop keyboards lacking a LED to show the status of such keys as NumsLock or UpperCaseLock, I very much appreciate this applet on my Clevo-W970 under Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon. I have received a new laptop Clevo-NJ70 under Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon. It has come with a Tuxedo keyboard and LED backlit keys. The special Fn-keys to control the keyboard LEDs function as they should. But alas, the 'betterlock' applet does not work. There is no way to parametrize it, it does not show where it should on the bottom of the screen. Therefore, there is no way to tell if the numeric pad is on, or if the upper case are locked. Is there something I can do to help resolve the problem? Is there an error log somewhere I could send along? Sorry for the bad english used, it is not my own language. Thank you, Pierre
pnissels-3 years ago
Problem solved. Applet works as expected. A very useful applet.
gggirlgeek-3 years ago
Thank you! I like the notification options and the fact that you can disable them if you want.
InfoLibre-4 years ago
Indicateur de Verrouillage Numérique/Majuscules avec notifications -> Indicateur de verrouillage numérique/des majuscules avec notifications Supprimer 'Indicateur de Verrouillage Numérique/Majuscules avec notifications' -> "Supprimer 'Indicateur de verrouillage numérique/des majuscules avec notifications' Touches Verrouillées -> Touches verrouillées Verrouillage Numérique -> Verrouillage numérique Verrouillage Majuscules -> Verrouillage des majuscules Verrouillage Numérique activé -> Verrouillage numérique activé Verrouillage Numérique désactivé -> Verrouillage numérique désactivé Verrouillage Majuscules activé -> Verrouillage des majuscules activé Verrouillage Majuscules désactivé -> Verrouillage des majuscules désactivé Indique si le verrouillage numérique/majuscules est activé, et affiche une notification lorsque leur état change. -> Indique si le verrouillage numérique/des majuscules est activé, et affiche une notification lorsque leur état change.
InfoLibre-4 years ago
I propose these modifications for the french translation : "Verrouillage Numérique et Vérrouillage Majuscules" -> "Verrouillage numérique et verrouillage majuscules" "Verrouillage Numérique uniquement" -> "Verrouillage numérique uniquement" "Verrouillage Majuscules uniquement" -> "Verrouillage majuscule uniquement" or "Verrouillage des majuscules uniquement"
InfoLibre-4 years ago
I propose these modifications for the french translation : "Verrouillage Numérique et Vérrouillage Majuscules" -> "Verrouillage numérique et verrouillage majuscules" "Verrouillage Numérique uniquement" -> "Verrouillage numérique uniquement" "Verrouillage Majuscules uniquement" -> "Verrouillage majuscules uniquement"
InfoLibre-4 years ago
Please remove this comment (see the next comment)
Jano9055-4 years ago
Ok as expected. :-)
ivanaponi-4 years ago
Doesn't work with Barrier app, but that is due to a bug with Barrier
someone1233-4 years ago
hi can you add scroll lock too? Mint already comes with on-screen indicators when caps & num lock are toggled & many keyboards also have LEDs for those, but there's zero support for any kind of scroll lock indicator anywhere that I've found. the only way I know to test when it's on or off is by going into open office calc & seeing how the scrolling behaves. please help thank you
Carlos Bonadeo
Carlos Bonadeo-4 years ago
Hello, there! Is there any chance to hide the icon when is off instead of showing gray? Thanks!
cyrilux-4 years ago
Hello Carlos! Go to main folder > show hidden folders > open .local > share > cinnamon > applets > betterlock > icons > rename the desired icon like that, for example: caps-off-symbolic.svg.none Sincerely Cyrilux from France
Evan McBeth
Evan McBeth-10 months ago
Came here to ask this. Can we add this as an option in the Applet? BTW, magnificent little applet :)
rdlf4-5 years ago
Some 2019 laptops, like my Acer Aspire 5, come with no LED indicator to let the user know when CAPS/NUM/SCROLL LOCK is on or off. Comes this amazing applet to save the day! I'm really glad this Cinnamon applet is a thing. Good job!
Anton Martynov
Anton Martynov-5 years ago
Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon - всё отлично
s4vi0rodrigues-5 years ago
The best NUM LOCK and CAPS LOCK key indicator !! Congratulations for the great work! Do you have any plans to develop something similar for Gnome, especially with the Ubuntu distro?
Jose Maria CL
Jose Maria CL-5 years ago
So helpful. I have a generic keyboard and the light isn't responding well, this applet helps me a lot.
blueray453-5 years ago
There is something magical about this applet. I just stare at the icon and keep hitting the caps lock button. Light turns on, light turns off, light turns on, light turns off, light turns on, light turns off, light turns on, light turns off, light turns on, light turns off, light turns on, light turns off, light turns on, light turns off, :) , :(, :) , :(, :) , :(, :) , :(, :) , :(, :) , :(, :) , :(, :) , :(, :) , :(, :) , :(, :) , :(, :) , :(, happy, sad, happy, sad.............
ledufff-6 years ago
cpjeanpaul-7 years ago
Better than indicator-keylock ;)
minyaen-7 years ago
Functions as advertised!
SlashTray-7 years ago
Nice and useful applet - especially on laptops missing corresponding leds, thank you!
Dominik JZ
Dominik JZ-7 years ago
Hello, thank you very much for such a useful tool. And thank you for changing the light grey to a stronger one, too. Anyway, I have another feature request. What about an option that makes the app beep on changes of the Caps/Num Lock status? Since I don't watch the right top or bottom corner while writing. So I would appreciate such a feature very much! Thank you! Demal
NikoKrause-7 years ago
You can activate sound for notifications in Cinnamon itself: Menu -> Preferences -> Sound -> Sound Effects -> Showing notifications Turn on the switch for »Showing notifications«. You can even choose your own sound file.
Antonio Fernandez
Antonio Fernandez-7 years ago
works as expected
Gabriel Borges
Gabriel Borges-7 years ago
Thanks for this very useful applet. However, in a light gray panel it's very difficult to see the difference when it' on or off. Is there a way I could customize it (a css tweak maybe) to make it a little darker when num/caps are active? Thanks!
NikoKrause-7 years ago
I changed the applet to use symbolic icons instead of full color icons. This makes the icons better visible.
Joaquin-7 years ago
Grabiel, an easy way to do it is by changing/editting the icons the applet uses. Not to steal betterlock's spotlight but i have done the exact same thing https://github.com/Lt-Mayonesa/keylockstatus