SSH Launcher

UUID: sshlauncher@sumo
Last edited:
14 hours ago 2025-03-11, 16:21
Last commit: [a475269c] sshlauncher@sumo: Add Russian language (#6970)

An applet to connect to SSH hosts configured in ~/.ssh/config

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Maksim Yanin
Maksim Yanin-14 hours ago
Your .ssh/config can be like this: #GroupStart MB Host MB-Dev HostName User root Port 54572 Host MB-158 HostName User root Port 54752 Host MB-Mail HostName User root Port 53752 Host MB-SPB-Master HostName User root Port 56832 Host MB-SPB-Slave HostName User root Port 56832 Host MB-MSK-Master HostName User root Port 56832 Host MB-MSK-Slave HostName User root Port 56832 #GroupEnd Host ex-dev-billing HostName User developer Host magnolu HostName User magnolu Port 222 Host yourproject HostName User root Port 53750
Maksim Yanin
Maksim Yanin-14 hours ago
Output: ├── MB (Группа) │ ├── MB-Dev (, root) │ ├── MB-158 (, root) │ ├── MB-Mail (, root) │ ├── MB-SPB-Master (, root) │ ├── MB-SPB-Slave (, root) │ ├── MB-MSK-Master (, root) │ ├── MB-MSK-Slave (, root) │ ├── ex-dev-billing (, developer) ├── magnolu (, magnolu) └── yourproject (, root)
Stefan Ruppert
Stefan Ruppert-4 years ago
I was wondering if grouping is possible. Just looked into source code and yes its possible: Use a line '#GroupStart name' to start a group and a line '#GroupEnd' to define the end of the group.
Jekotia-5 years ago
Like other applications, openssh allows you to specify other files to include. My config begins with: `Include config.d/*/*`, which 'sources' additional host-specific configuration files from ~/.ssh/config/d/*/*/ I do this because it makes it easier to manage, maintain, and update my config with 20+ hosts Currently, this applet does not replicate the Include directive, resulting in the majority of my hosts not being displayed. An update including this functionality would be greatly appreciated. In the event that my explanation is unclear, here is an example file structure: ~/.ssh └── config.d ├── org1 │ ├── server1 │ └── server2 ├── org2 │ ├── server3 │ └── server4 └── personal ├── atlas ├── ganymede ├── hyperion ├── mercury └── saturn
Jekotia-5 years ago
I did not previously see the website link to the applet on GitHub. Please disregard these comments, I have submitted an issue there.
Arnaud.Dovi-5 years ago
With large server list, the list expands outside the screen. Applets is useless and does not provide anything interesting.
Thomas Oster
Thomas Oster-5 years ago
It does not work for me (latest ArchLinux) because gnome-terminal does not accept a -T parameter (title?). After I remove it from the call, it works.
Thomas Oster
Thomas Oster-5 years ago
... the correct parameter for gnome-terminal seems to be lowercase -t.
Daniel Upshaw
Daniel Upshaw-5 years ago
One thing I found is that if there are a lot of hosts, it gets cut off with no way to scroll when it goes past the screen... this might be difficult to fix and I'm not sure the best route... Maybe a "More >>" menu item, or arrows scrolling up and down, but either way it seems like maybe a difficult issue especially since monitors could be any size
VandenBergh-5 years ago
Hi Daniel, I have the same issue. I managed to fix my issue with auto closing, but now as I have more or less 40 hosts entries in my config file, I cannot scrol up & down thru the list and the top of the window is no longer visible on the screen. As a result, the forward X11 switch is not available on the screen either... This is really annoying as I have many device to manage. Thanks a lot.
VandenBergh-5 years ago
Hi, I am using this applet on Linux Mint 19.1, I have configured the config file but when I try to connect to a raspberry, the ssh connection start but drop almost instantly. When I connect manually from the terminal, it is working fine. I am using ssh keys and the following entry in the config file. (I have already restarted ssh) All my devices have been added to my hosts file... Host RPI 01 Hostname RPI01 Port 22 User bill IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Daniel Upshaw
Daniel Upshaw-6 years ago
Works really well on Mint 19. Thank you!
Michael Katzmann
Michael Katzmann-6 years ago
The applet does not work in Fedora 28 with gnome 3.28 / cinnamon 3.8.1
Alex Merlin
Alex Merlin-7 years ago
Is there any way of making sessions to open in existing terminal window?
Diederik Lascaris
Diederik Lascaris-7 years ago
You should note that the SSH Launcher applet is case sensitive (where the ssh client is not). You should start your entries with a capital 'Host'. Like So: Host development-server hostname: dev.mydomain.tld *more options* Host production-server hostname: www.mydomain.tld etc...
Хуан Матис
Hi Where can I see an example of a config file?